
Naruto Card Emperor (MTL)

Li Tong, a world-class top magician, died unexpectedly due to the explosion of his mobile phone while playing a mobile game called “King of Cards”. He traveled through the world of Naruto, but found out…why can I see the names of each of their identity, and prestige? Kill enemy Shinobi to drop cards? Ninjutsu Card! Gymnastic Card! Forbidden card! Secret card! Can you eat cards? Will you get the corresponding ability if you eat it? What is the equipment card? Can killing Uchiha Clan Shinobi drop Sharingan Kekkei Genkai cards? Killing the Hyuga Clan Shinobi can drop the Byakugan Kekkei Genkai card? What if I kill Kaguya? Naruto World Gamified! Prestige exchange! Ninjutsu strengthens! Achievement Rewards! Unlimited first kills! “With all due respect, I’m not targeting anyone, I’m just saying that everyone here is rubbish!” At the Five Kage Conference, Li Tong tapped his fingers on the table and said lightly.

Im_Cute_Umu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 44

Li Tong's goal has been achieved. He just wants to stimulate Tsunade to establish a guarantee for this bet. Tsunade is direct enough to shout in public. Come out, in this case, she will no longer have the possibility of being a rogue.

"Little demon, you are still so confident." Tsunade smiled, she couldn't understand Li Tong's indifference and calmness.

"I'm sure to win!" Li Tong gave a thumbs up and pointed to the tip of his nose.

"This little demon is crazy!"

"Oh! Was it scared by Tsunade-sama?"

"It's very possible, Tsunade- sama was going to bury him alive yesterday…"

The sound of flies Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! continued to reach Li Tong's ears, Li Tong ignored them, a group of guys with short hair and short knowledge. !

Actually, Li Tong knows very well that if he really learns Healing Jutsu in one day, he will probably cause trouble. After all, this kind of situation beyond common sense will lead to suspicion, and it is estimated that he has a problem. more than anyone who thinks he's an evildoer genius.

But Li Tong really doesn't matter!

My current situation is not very good, with Rain Ninja's continuous assassination outside, and Hyuga Clan seeking revenge for the slightest grievance inside, so can the situation get worse?

The guy brought two bowls of noodles and side dishes.

After having dinner with Tsunade, Li Tong returned to the wooden house by the lake facing the afterglow of the sunset.

"Healing Jutsu…makes chakra produce Nature Transformation…healing power…"

According to the agreement, returning to the wooden house immediately, Tsunade began to teach Li Tong Healing Jutsu, Tsunade taught very attentively, because she was worried that Li Tong would not learn Healing Jutsu one day and would make excuses, saying that she did not teach Tsunade well.

It's getting dark and it's going to be night.

In front of the wooden house, Tsunade said goodbye to Li Tong.

"Little demon, I will teach you everything that should be taught. As long as you practice diligently, you may really learn Healing Jutsu within ten years." Tsunade said teasingly, and gestured goodbye to Li Tong. disappeared.

"Idiot woman." Li Tong routinely scolded Tsunade in his heart before returning to the house and closing the door.

It was late at night.

In the dim wooden house, the moonlight casts a silvery white on the floor through the window.

The wood collapsed, and Li Tong, who had already fallen asleep, woke up on time, lay on his back and didn't move, and opened the prestige exchange interface with a thought.

Refreshed again!

Ten exchange items, Li Tong quickly looked at it from top to bottom, his eyes suddenly fixed.

The eighth exchange item: Water-Style Hidden Mist Jutsu, selling for 100 reputation.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Li Tong both eyes lit up, this is a D-Rank Ninjutsu, but it is very practical, and more importantly, Li Tong has eaten four before and after. A Hidden Mist Jutsu Card!

The Hidden Mist Jutsu he can now cast is eight times as effective as a normal Hidden Mist Jutsu!

If he eats one more, the effect is doubled again, it will be sixteen times!

"The Hidden Mist Jutsu card, which is already very difficult to drop, has actually been refreshed in the prestige store." Li Tong muttered, spending 100 prestige points to exchange it.

"Ding! Remind the host that using the same card multiple times will only affect the kill drop probability and will not affect the Reputation Store refresh."

"so that's how it is!" Li Tong nodded, took out the Hidden Mist Jutsu card from the prop space, and crunched it.

The card turned into a streamer and burrowed into Li Tong's mouth.

"ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the hidden achievement 'Fifth Card', a random reward host magic card."

"ding! Remind the host, Water-Style Hidden Mist Jutsu has reached a sixteen-fold increase, the breakthrough effect is limited, and the attached attribute is enabled, the host can cast Hidden Mist Jutsu on land, without the need for a water environment."

"Magic card? Affiliated attribute?" Li Tong thought about it for a while, and the second prompt is easy to understand, that is to say, Li Tong will use Hidden Mist Jutsu in the future without going to the water. It can directly create dense fog, and the first one…

Li Tong quickly opened the prop space, and sure enough, there was an unfamiliar card in it, which was the magic card that directly issued the Supreme Path space.

The back of the card is a black Uzumaki pattern, while the front has only four words – magic card!

No additional instructions.

"Elf, what does this card mean? Is it also food?" Li Tong asked inwardly.

"Ding! Answer the host's question." Kahuang elf said, "Magic cards can be eaten directly. After use, they will randomly generate an unconventional reward and a limited-time reward mission based on the current situation of the host. Or start a new function."

"Reward? Mission? New function?" Li Tong blinked, "It's complicated."

Li Tong suddenly understood it Why use magic cards, because there is too much probability of what will happen after use.


Li Tong put the magic card into his mouth and smashed it hard.

"ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the exclusive ability to overclock the sense, the effect of overclocking the sense: based on the host's current sense ability, the sense ability is increased to a hundred times! ding! The ability is implanted…"

An icy feeling in this brief moment pierced Li Tong's brows and immediately wrapped his soul.


It's very cold!

This is not physical coldness, but conscious coldness. The intuitive feeling from the feedback is like the whole person is soaked in ice water, the cold person can't control himself, the whole body is in shake.

It's getting colder to the extreme, then it's getting warmer.

The strange feeling lasted for a minute before completely receding.

Li Tong felt that his mind was very clear, his thoughts were very clear, his sense became more acute, and he was terrifying... Outside the window, flies were crawling on the green grass, flapping their wings, and the shore of the lake. On the side, the frog just jumped out of the lake water. On the lake, water spiders were crawling fast. On the other side of the lake, a withered yellow leaf just floated down from the tree and fell into the water. woods on the other side, caterpillars were crawling on the tree.

It was a very strange and even frightening feeling. Those things that happened far away from Li Tong seemed to be right in front of me, in my sight, and in my ears.

Overclocking sense!

Li Tong's original sense ability, at most, can feel mosquitoes flying outside the window, but now, he got the overclocked sense, Li Tong's sense ability has increased a hundred times, so that he can directly feel The situation in the woods on the other side of the lake outside the house.

Within 100 meters, Li Tong knows everything!

Within 300 meters, some strong auras and voices could not escape Li Tong's induction.

Even Tsunade might not have such a strong sense ability!

"It's even improved to this level!" Li Tong felt incredible, this reward was very, very unexpected! Such an important reward was given casually, like cracking a joke!

Li Tong sat up all of a sudden, turned to cross his knees, lowered his mind, slowed his breathing, and slowly closed his eyes.

He has entered the most focused state. He needs to know, where is the limit of overclocking sense?

Outside the house, the wind was blowing, and the dead leaves were swirling in the sky...In the grass, the frog stuck out its tongue and ate the flies...The leaves were rustling...the lake water was wrinkled... ...people are watching!

Li Tong suddenly opened his eyes.

He felt it, there was someone outside!