
Naruto: Bodyguard of Azula

Naruto is expelled from Konoha, but manages to escape and board a ship. Soon after, he is shipwrecked on Ember Island and is rescued by Azula. Three years later, Naruto is Azula's bodyguard while she hunts the Avatar, but has he seen the last of Konoha? ________________________________________________________________________ Happy New Year everyone!!!!! Sorry for being away for so long, I'm busy studying for my GED exams soon~ I'm eternally grateful for all of your donations and support, just know that all these donations are going towards paying my exams off. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to mention this is a translation not mine, and the cover is not mine patreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

JoyBoy2 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 2

Naruto woke up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. It was softer than the noise of a storm. When he sat down, he noticed that someone was sitting next to the bed. He was an elderly man with a friendly look. "You woke up; that's good," he said.

Naruto looked around, trying to figure out where he was. But all he saw was that he was in a house that was located near the beach.

Where...? - he began before a wave of nausea washed over him and forced him back onto the bed.

But the old man understood what he was trying to ask.

You are on Amber Island, at my brother's house on the shore. "My name is Iroh," he replied, pointing to himself. What is your name? "There was curiosity in his voice, but at the same time caution.

The blonde managed to sit up slowly again. This time, he was not tormented by nausea.

My name is Naruto. How did I end up here? - he asked. "The last thing I remember was being swept out to sea when a storm hit my ship.

Iroh looked at him knowingly.

My niece found you when you washed up on the shore. You managed to get a severe injury to your head.

Naruto checked and found an injury. He winced at the slight pain caused by his poke.

"In that case, I guess I should thank your niece for saving my life."

Iroh smiled.

I'll tell her this. In the meantime, you need to rest. I'll be back with tea. He got up and left the room.

"It's good to see you back in the land of the living, kid," Kyuubi said when he was sure they were alone. - "You almost made me worry." - If his jinchuriki died, then he died too. He liked to live, even if it was this way.

"How long was I out, Kyuubi?" Naruto asked without looking up from his work. He spoke quietly so that no one would hear him.

"You've been gone two days since you washed ashore. We were lucky. The ship was not far from this island when the storm hit. If you hadn't washed up here during the night, you would have been dead." - He didn't say that he practically exhausted himself trying to make sure his jinchuuriki didn't die first.

It's good that we ended up here then.

"You're probably right. But I have a question, Gaki: What are you going to do next?"

When Iroh returned with the tea, Naruto silently ended the conversation.

"What we're going to do is stay here."

(Location: Capital of the Fire Country)

Fire Lord Ozai looked at the twelve young men kneeling before him. These people served in the army of the Land of Fire and were among the best.

After Ozai scarred Zuko and exiled him with the impossible task of finding the Avatar, several attempts were made on his daughter's life by Earth Kingdom assassins. The last attempt would have been successful if the sentry had not noticed the attack and raised the alarm. While Azula was recovering, Ozai did something he never would have thought of: he contacted Iroh, who was traveling with Zuko, and asked for his advice. His brother sent a response in which he suggested assigning a bodyguard to Azula. He even recommended someone, even though they only met a year ago. Ozai agreed to the proposal and immediately began looking for the most talented firefighters in the army for this role.

And now these eleven were right in front of him, and the twelfth was Iroh's recommendation and the only non-bender (he had to be there since Ozai agreed with his brother's proposal). While eleven were fairly well-known and respected officers in the army, the twelfth was an ordinary soldier and often caused trouble by breaking orders, protecting civilians, and other nonsense. But the strange thing was that the soldiers respected him more than the other eleven.

However, now it doesn't matter.

"You are all here because you were given an opportunity," Ozai said, looking down at them. -You have a chance to become Princess Azula's bodyguards. You will be her protection from all threats. Eleven officers looked at him with excitement, as expected. It really was a great opportunity for them. This was a chance to bring more honor and prestige to their families. But the twelfth remained silent.

"I have now decided that a test will be held to decide who will protect Azula," the Fire Lord continued. There will be a tournament and the winner will become a bodyguard. Eleven officers nodded in agreement, and the twelfth shook his head. You don't agree with this plan, boy? - Ozai asked in a slightly wary tone. Few (very few) would dare to disagree with him.

He nodded once, looking up.

Yes, Fire Lord Ozai, I don't agree. There is no point in fighting among ourselves. Why don't the twelve of us take on Agni Kai against Princess Azula herself? This way, we can prove to her that we are right," he suggested.

Ozai thought it over. He was willing to admit that this plan had its merits.

Okay, then twelve of you will fight against my daughter in Agni Kai. It starts in four hours. The twelve stood up, bowed to Ozai, and left for the stadium.

When he was alone, Ozai chuckled to himself. The poor fool Iroh recommended wouldn't last five minutes against his daughter. She was a firebending prodigy, while he couldn't bend at all. It wouldn't be difficult for Azula to defeat him, and Ozai looked forward to the sight.