
Naruto: Bodyguard of Azula

Naruto is expelled from Konoha, but manages to escape and board a ship. Soon after, he is shipwrecked on Ember Island and is rescued by Azula. Three years later, Naruto is Azula's bodyguard while she hunts the Avatar, but has he seen the last of Konoha? ________________________________________________________________________ Happy New Year everyone!!!!! Sorry for being away for so long, I'm busy studying for my GED exams soon~ I'm eternally grateful for all of your donations and support, just know that all these donations are going towards paying my exams off. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to mention this is a translation not mine, and the cover is not mine patreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

JoyBoy2 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 21

They waited at the base of the gigantic state of the Lord of Fire. Aang wearing a hat, with Katara and Sokka behind him, with Akela at Sokka's feet. Kurenai stood at his side, still holding the sleeping baby in her arms with her team behind her. They soon saw the other party coming up the stairs. Team Kurenai silently analyzed the group approaching them. They decided that although the three girls were a threat, they could be dealt with. They couldn't figure out who the hooded man was. For any shinobi worth their kunai, this fact would immediately put them on guard.

"It's strange, but this hooded man smells familiar," Kiba thought, looking at him. - But I can't locate it.

"Aang," Hinata whispered, watching their potential opponents walk. - Be careful with them. These are not civilians, these are fighters.

"Got it," Aang whispered back before turning to Kurenai. - If this turns into a fight, what do you want to do?

She glanced at him briefly before turning her attention to her team.

"Shino, keep them close using your bugs while Kiba and Akamaru keep them occupied." Hinata, get closer and incapacitate them using your Juken. Katara, support Hinata with water magic," she ordered. - This will take care of the three girls.

- What about the fourth person? - asked the air mage, looking at the hooded man accompanying the girls.

"I'll take care of him," Sokka said, and Akela growled in agreement.

- Just be careful. This guy smells kind of familiar," Kiba told them.

-Can you tell who it is? - Shino asked. If Kiba smelled a familiar scent, then most likely they knew it, which means they knew how to deal with it.

But Inuzuka shook his head.

- No, it just smells familiar, but I don't know why.

"Okay, then be on the lookout for the one in the cloak," Kurenai ordered.

As they talked, Mei's group approached them, the hand waved slightly and the iron coffin containing King Bumi began to descend.

- Hi all! - King Omashu exclaimed.

"This is... a strange man," Kiba commented, and Akamaru nodded in agreement. The man was locked in a coffin with only his head visible, and yet he acted as if it was nothing.

- Did you bring my brother? May asked as Bumi landed behind her and the others. She kept her voice calm and neutral, trying not to give anything away.

Kurenai pointed to the sleeping baby who was safe in her arms.

- He is here.

"We are ready to exchange," Aang told them.

- Sorry, but one thought occurred to me. - Azula interrupted him. She turned to May and asked: "Do you mind?"

"Of course not, Princess Azula," she told the princess.

"Well, it's begun!" - Kyuubi said in a pained tone.

- Stop it, little fox. We need to focus," Naruto told him. - Do you feel it?

Kyuubi was silent for several seconds, feeling the same as his jinchuuriki. "Yes, I feel it. You catch on quickly, Gaki," he praised.

"Three years under your leadership and fighting in the war makes quick learning a necessity," the blond told the fox before turning his attention to the deal.

"We are trading a two-year-old boy for a king, but not just any king." And also the powerful earth pony king. It just doesn't seem like a fair deal, does it? Azula asked and Bumi nodded in agreement.

May looked at her brother, thinking about it.

"You're right," she replied, stepping forward. - The deal is cancelled! - If she doesn't get out of town fast enough, she'll find out about it from her parents.

"Of course, the deal is off, May," the cloaked man announced as he walked past May, but stopped halfway to the other group. - The deal was terminated before the negotiations began.

"This voice sounds familiar," Team Kurenai thought. - But where have I heard it before?

- What do you mean? - May asked him.

"It's very simple," he answered, without taking his eyes off the Avatar's group. "We brought our share to the table, but they didn't."

"What are you talking about, he's right here, in my arms," Kurenai objected. She lifted the baby slightly so they could see him better.

- Is he here now? - asked the man in the cloak, his voice slightly mocking. He snapped his fingers. As the sound of the click echoed throughout the area, the baby Kurenai was holding simply disappeared.

- Or were you hoping to get something just like that?

- How are you...? - She was caught off guard when she felt her chakra being disrupted. But what shocked her even more was the fact that someone on this side of the planet knew enough about chakra to use it effectively.

"If you're going to trick me with a genjutsu, try better next time," he told her, sounding annoyed and disappointed.