
Chapter 36

"We have a problem," she told him with a sigh.

He straightened up and offered her his arm, which she took, not really paying too much attention as she led him down the hall again.

"A problem?" he asked her, his voice betraying no hints of emotion save for the questioning tone.

"Well, word's out on the street that you're back," she replied, frowning in displeasure, "Ino apparently came and tried to pay you a visit, and when she was not permitted in, she fainted."

"Fainted?" he echoed without conviction.

"It's her mind-transfer jutsu, I'm sure of it," Sakura growled to herself, "I have no idea how much information she managed to get, if any. However, I have a feeling that she'll be back, and will at least try and find out what room you're in. I'm having you moved to another room on the fifth floor, that can only accessed by visitors if they have an escort staff."

"Naruto has a loud mouth," Sasuke muttered to himself in a displeased manner.

"I'll say," Sakura growled in agreement, "I mean I knew they would eventually find out, but I didn't think that soon. You've only been here for three days."


"So, here's the question. We can't keep you here forever; there are other people who may need the space you're occupying, so as soon as you're well, I'm taking you home," Sakura continued with a resigning sigh, "But that won't be for another couple days at the very most…and there will be people wanting to see you in the meantime. It's up to you to decide when you want visitors, if at all. I can try, but I don't know if I will be able to hold them all off until you're released. After all, these are ninja we're dealing with."

There was a long pause as Sasuke thought things over, and Sakura led him a long patiently, knowing not to push him, because he was going to give her an answer eventually. She led him past a few more corridors and into the cafeteria, nodding in acknowledgment at a few acquaintances that she passed, before joining the noon line for food. Sasuke didn't stop nearly as abruptly this time, seeming to have gotten slightly used to the practice at this point.

"I suppose it is inevitable," he growled quietly as Sakura examined the food, preparing a list to offer Sasuke, "I don't want to see anyone today…but if it comes to it, I'll be willing to see people tomorrow but only after I've seen Naruto."

Inner Sakura flinched at the mention of 'seeing' people, while outer Sakura turned her head away from the different sandwiches, salads and desserts, "Naruto?"

A ghost of a smile came to Sasuke's face, "The dobe needs a lecture for opening his loud mouth."

Sakura giggled in response, glad to see that there was a small smile on Sasuke's face. She didn't think that she had ever seen any other kind of smile from him before—he had always had that small crooked grin, and she couldn't recall the last time she had seen him laugh.

"I'll have it arranged," she smiled at him, "Any particular time that you want to see him?"

"I want him in and out before you start healing my eyes," he replied curtly.

"Okay," she said with a nod that he couldn't see, before looking over at the food again, deciding to take a salad that she could see from where they were at the line. She opened her mouth to ask Sasuke what he wanted when he inadvertently cut her off.

"Sakura," he said in a cautious tone, as if struggling with whether he should be speaking or not, "…There's something else… I want to ask you something."




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