
Naruto : Back to the Past

After the final battle with Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto loses his best friend in their fight. But then He gets another opportunity to fix everything. He gets the chance to have everything that he ever lost in his life. He gets the chance to return to the Past and restart everything. But there is a twist, when he travels to the past, he finds that this is an AU World. In this world, some things are very different. In this world, Naruto had died in his birth. Naruto's mother Kushina is the only one who manages to survive. With the system and the memories of his past, this time, Naruto was going to make everything right for him. This time he isn't going to lose the people whom he loves. This time he will live a life without regret. 『Ding! Congratulations!!!! Your bloodline has been purified. You have become 100% Pure blooded Uzumaki clan member.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! You have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Crimson Fury Mode'.』 『Ding! Congratulations!!! Your have learned a new powerful Innate Skill known as 'Chakra Stat Transmutation'.』 - - Caution/ Warning - Before you start reading, there is going to be incest between Naruto and Kushina. This is going to be a Harem Anime. Of course, there won't be any Yuri or Ntr. Many things will be different in this novel. - - Regarding the update schedule, I will try to release at least 3 chapters per week if I am not busy. Just know that if I ever stop updating that does not mean that I have dropped this novel. Please know this. I have other novels to write. So there are times when I would need to give those novels more attention. Writing this novel is nothing but my way of finding some relaxation and a way of living my fantasy. ---------- If you want to read advanced chapters or if you want to support the continuation of this novel then you can visit my Patreon Page - patreon.com/Salted_dragon

Salted_dragon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Chapter 34:- Special Chapter [II]

You can consider this chapter to be chapter 34 or just part of the Special Chapter. This chapter will be a part of volume 2. 

While Volume 2 will begin much later after this special event. 


In the fading light of the evening, Training Ground 7 was alive with the sounds of a fierce spar. Hinata, standing gracefully amidst the open field, faced off against a sea of Naruto's shadow clones. The setting sun cast long shadows across the ground, adding to the intensity of the scene.

As the spar began, Hinata's movements were like flowing water, smooth and seemingly effortless. Each of her strikes was precise and calculated, a testament to her training and dedication. She moved through the clones with the elegance of a dancer, her gentle fist technique, on full display. The way she twisted and turned, it was almost as if she was performing an intricate dance, her moves perfectly choreographed.

One by one, Naruto's clones were hit by her strikes and dispersed into clouds of white smoke. The air was soon filled with the continuous poofing sound of the clones vanishing. Hinata's focus never wavered; her eyes were sharp, her stance steady, and her hands moved with a grace that belied the power behind each hit.

As the spar continued, Hinata's movements flowed seamlessly from one to the next, showcasing her mastery of the Gentle Fist technique. She glided among the clones, her feet barely touching the ground, her movements a blur of precision and grace.

With a swift, circular sweep of her arm, she sent a wave of chakra toward a group of clones. The impact was subtle but effective, as each clone hit by her chakra wave instantly dispersed into a puff of white smoke. It was a technique that disrupted the chakra flow within the clones, rendering them unable to maintain their form.

Another technique she used involved a series of quick, jabbing strikes aimed at key chakra points on the clones. Each strike was delivered with pinpoint accuracy, depleting the clones' chakra and causing them to vanish. Her hands moved so fast they were almost invisible, and the precision of her strikes was remarkable.

Hinata also employed a spinning maneuver, where she twirled rapidly on the spot, extending her chakra outwards in a protective barrier. This technique not only deflected any incoming attacks but also knocked back any clones that ventured too close, causing them to burst into smoke upon contact.

Throughout the spar, Hinata's control over her chakra was evident. She knew exactly how much force to apply with each strike, ensuring maximum efficiency with minimum effort. Her expression was one of intense concentration, yet there was an underlying sense of calm and confidence in her movements.

As the last clone was defeated, Hinata came to a graceful stop, her breathing even and controlled. The setting sun cast a warm glow over her, highlighting the determination and satisfaction on her face. Naruto applauded from the sidelines, clearly proud of her progress. Hinata's display of the Gentle Fist technique was not just a demonstration of her physical abilities but also a reflection of her inner strength and growth as a ninja.

Naruto, watching from a distance, couldn't help but be impressed. The progress Hinata had made was remarkable. Her Taijutsu had always been good, but now it was on another level. She had truly embraced the essence of Ba Gua Zhang, incorporating its fluidity and power into her fighting style, making it uniquely hers.

As the last of the clones vanished, Hinata stood alone in the center of the clearing, her breathing steady despite the intense exercise. She turned to Naruto, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and pride. Naruto nodded in approval, acknowledging her skill and the hard work she had put into her training.

Hinata's performance was not just a display of physical prowess; it was a declaration of how far she had come, of how the once shy and reserved girl had transformed into a confident and skilled ninja. The training ground, quiet once more, was a testament to her growth and the journey she had undertaken alongside Naruto.

"Great job, Hina-chan. I am proud of you." Naruto praised her as he patted her head. Naruto's praise brought a delighted smile to Hinata's face, her cheeks tinged with a soft red hue as Naruto affectionately patted her head. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.

"That means a lot coming from you, Naruto-kun," Hinata responded, her voice laced with a blend of shyness and happiness. "You've been a great teacher."

Naruto's smile widened. "You've worked really hard, Hina-chan. It's all your effort that's paying off. But for the next few days, I'm going to be away. The guys and I are planning a short trip outside the village."

Hinata's expression shifted to one of curiosity mixed with a hint of disappointment. "A trip? That sounds... fun," she said, trying to mask her feelings.

"Yeah, just a boys' outing to unwind a bit before the graduation," Naruto explained, noticing the change in her demeanor. "We're leaving this Friday and will be back in three days. So, I won't be able to train with you during that time."

Hinata nodded, understanding the situation. "I see. Three days, huh?" she said softly, her voice reflecting her inner thoughts of missing the training sessions with Naruto. "Well, I hope you have a great time, Naruto-kun. It's important to relax and enjoy with friends too."

"Thanks, Hina-chan! And don't worry, we'll resume our training as soon as I get back," Naruto assured her, his tone full of enthusiasm. "Just make sure you keep practicing what we've learned so far. You're doing amazing, and I can't wait to see how much more you'll improve."

Hinata's smile returned, stronger this time. "I will, Naruto-kun. Have a safe trip!" she said.



Scene change____

As the girls gathered for their dinner at a cozy restaurant, the atmosphere was filled with chatter and laughter. Hinata, Sakura, Ino, and Hanabi were all there, enjoying their time together.

Hanabi, with a hint of excitement in her voice, brought up a topic. "Guess what I heard?" she asked, capturing the attention of the other girls.

"What's up?" Sakura and Ino asked in unison, their curiosity piqued.

"Naruto-kun and the boys are planning a trip out of the village," Hanabi shared, leaning forward. "They're going to the Crimson Leaf Village this Friday, right after school. They'll be away for three nights and two days."

Hinata, who had been quiet, nodded in confirmation. She had told Hanabi about Naruto's plans, hoping it would inspire the girls to plan their own trip. "I thought it might be a good idea for us too," Hinata chimed in softly. "We could go somewhere and make our own memories before graduation."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Sakura exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

Ino agreed, adding, "Yeah, after we become ninjas, we'll be really busy with missions and training. We might not get many chances to hang out like this."

Hanabi nodded, "Exactly! Once we're full-fledged ninjas, our lives will be packed with responsibilities. We'll have to take on dangerous missions, help protect the village, and constantly improve our skills. This might be one of our last chances to have fun together like this."

The idea of a girls' trip sparked excitement among them. They began discussing potential destinations, each contributing ideas and suggestions. The thought of making lasting memories before stepping into their busy ninja lives brought smiles to their faces, making the dinner even more enjoyable.



Scene change____

Naruto finished his training session with Hinata a bit earlier than usual that day. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Konoha, he decided to visit a particular shop in the village.

The shop's door chimed cheerfully as he pushed it open. "Welcome!" came the familiar voice of the young shopkeeper, around Naruto's age, who was busy polishing some old weapons.

This shop, well-known in the village, was a family-run business where her parents often worked. As she grew older, she began to take on more responsibilities, occasionally filling in for her aging father.

Pausing in her work, the girl looked up to see who had entered. Her eyes met a young man with a mix of striking crimson and blond hair. "Hello!" he greeted her with a friendly smile, his presence bringing a lively energy into the quiet shop.

The girl returned the smile, setting aside the weapon she was cleaning. "Hi there! How can I help you today?" she asked, her tone welcoming. The shop, with its array of weapons and equipment, was a familiar place for Naruto, and he felt at ease as he stepped further inside, ready to look around and possibly make a purchase.

The girl stared at the young man in a daze. 'So Handsome'. She thought in her mind while staring at Naruto. Tenten had never seen anyone as handsome as Naruto in her whole life. 

"Excuse me!!!!" Tenten snapped out of her daze after the young man called out her name several times in a row. Tenten felt a little bit embarrassed as this happened. 


Once again thank you for reading this chapter. I really appreciate all the power stones that you all have given to this novel. Your comments and your power stones do make a big difference. 

If you want to read 15 advanced chapters or if you want to support me then you can visit my Patrèon page - patreon.com/Salted_dragon

Edit - U guys can find Tenten's image in the chapter comment section if any of you are interested.