
Chapter 61

Last Time:

Well, let's go." He said as he took off towards the base of Mt Mayinashi.


~ Base of Mt. Mayinashi ~

Naruto and the girls quickly landed at the base of the mountain after a few minutes. "Naruto-kun, what are we doing here?" Samui asked as she looked around. "You said we had to meet a few people. What are we doing in the middle of nowhere?" Yugito asked. "We're going to meet those people." Naruto replied as he lifted a large boulder and set it aside. Samui and Yugito approached him and saw a large metal grate. "What's that?" Yugito asked curiously. "Wait a minute and you'll see." Naruto replied. He quickly lifted the grate, revealing a small stairway leading down."Ladies first." Naruto said as he signaled to the stairs.

Both girls hesitantly went down the stairs, careful not to trip on anything. Naruto climbed in after them and shut the metal grate behind him. Darkness encompassed them in the small stairway after the metal grate stopped the few rays of sun from entering. The girls looked around, but couldn't see anything. "Na..Naruto-kun?" Samui asked. "I'm here." Naruto said as he walked past them. He kept going towards the control panel and activated it. Blue neon lights began glowing in intricate designs around the room, giving them some light. Naruto quickly put the password in and turned to see Samui and Yugito staring at the neon lining in the walls like children in Christmas.

"You guys coming?" He asked, snapping them out of their thoughts. Both girls nodded and followed him into the main bunker. 'I really hope the guys are going to be cool with this..' He thought as he followed them in and shut the door.

~ Inside ~

Samui and Yugito stared in awe at the large room before them. Everything seemed so.. Futuristic. There were large TV screens everywhere, keyboards and computer mice lying before the largest one in the middle of the room. "What is this?" Samui asked as she checked the large armchair in the middle of the room and sat. "This is my home. Well, not just mine. Well, mainly mine." Naruto replied as he took off his Kevlar vest and hung it on a wall near the entrance. "What are you talking about? This place is.. Small." Yugito said as she looked around. The room was large, but it had no kitchen or bathrooms or anything needed to make it inhabitable.

"It's a lot bigger than it seems." Naruto corrected her as he walked to one of the seemingly metallic walls. He lightly tapped it and it opened to reveal a long, clear corridor. "Through there is the kitchen, dining room, debriefing room, and armory." Naruto informed her. Samui quickly left to explore the new rooms as Naruto looked at Yugito. "You're in my seat." He stated plainly. "Well, it's mine now." Yugito shot back playfully."Hmm.. Looks like I'm going to have to take it back by force.." Naruto mused as he grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. She let out a smile as he carried her to the couch.

Before he could drop her, she wrapped her arms around his neck. That brought him down with her, placing them in a compromising position. Naruto was on top of Yugito looking at her brown eyes. A small blush graced her face as she moved in for a kiss. Unfortunately, a loud perverted giggle ruined the moment. Naruto looked around the room and saw all of the monitors were in hibernation mode except for one. It was completely turned off, indicating someone had been on it, but didn't want to get caught. "Alright, you can come out now Tony." Naruto said out loud.

The screen turned on to reveal Natalya standing there with a blush on her face. "Wait, what were you doing there?!" Naruto asked his surrogate mother, never seeing her as the closet pervert type. "Umm… um… yea, I got nothing." She said in an embarrassed tone. Naruto was about to ask her why she was spying until Samui ran out of the hallway at full speed and slammed into him. "Ugh, what happened?" He asked as the blonde tried to speak. "Alright, speak slowly!" Naruto said, only hearing gibberish coming from her mouth. "The man from your TV! He was talking to me!" Samui said in an out of character tone. She seemed terrified.

Naruto sighed and got up, then sat her down on his seat. He hit a few keys on the keyboard and all of their monitors in the bunker lit up, showing Captain America, Hawkeye, Tony, and Jarvis. "What's all the ruckus?" Cap asked as he looked to see the two blondes in front of him. He then turned to Naruto and spoke. "Naruto, what's going on?" He asked. "Well, you see.." Naruto began nervously. He was cut off as Tony pointed to Samui. "I knew I wasn't seeing things!" He yelled. "You're the man from the TV!" She yelled back. Hawkeye tried to ask what was going on, Tony kept arguing with Samui, Jarvis was making an odd humming noise, and Natalya was talking to Yugito. "Will everyone please be quiet?!" Naruto yelled, getting everyone's attention.

The room grew quiet. "Yugito, Samui, this is my family. The people who raised me since I was little and taught me everything I know. My surrogate mother and internationally acclaimed spy, Natalya Romanov." Naruto said as he pointed to the red head on the screen. "My father figure, the super soldier, Captain America." Naruto continued as he pointed to the man in red, white, and blue spandex. "My big bro and weapons expert, Hawkeye." Naruto said as he pointed to the man in the uniform that resembled his. " Jarvis, the caretaker of this bunker." Naruto said as he pointed to the screen with the man that resembled a hologram.

"And last, but certainly not least, my uncle Tony Stark. The man who became a hero not by nature or coincidence, but by intelligence… and a kidnapping." Naruto finished. "They are my family, my mentors." Naruto said as he turned to the girls. "Naruto-kun, I thought you said your family was dead." Yugito said. "They are. Well, technically anyway. In a loose sense, yes. In a more literal sense, their memory lives on." Naruto said, making everyone in the monitors chuckle at the inside joke. "What do you mean?" Samui asked as she took a seat next to Yugito on the couch. "It's…complicated." Naruto said, making both girls glare at him.

"We have time.." Yugito said as she got comfortable. Samui followed suit and put a nearby throw pillow behind her back for support. Naruto sighed and was about to speak until Captain America cut in. "Wait Naruto. Are you sure they can be trusted?" Cap asked, concerned about their intentions. "Yes. I'm sure they don't mean me any harm." Naruto said, remembering the good times he had with them and the bad. They didn't care about his abilities or his weaponry or anything of the sort. Through all of their adventures, they had cared about him. When he was up against Tsume, against the ANBU team, against the odds. They stood by his side and made sure they were there every step of the way. They proved their loyalty, and gained his in return.

He smiled as he turned to Yugito and Samui again. "You guys can keep a secret, right?" He asked. "What.. What is it?" Samui asked quietly. "Well, it's my life story. You guys did say you wanted to learn more about me, right? What do you say? Want to see the man behind the mask behind the mask?" He asked in a serious tone. Yugito turned to Samui and nodded, getting a nod in return. "It's what we asked for." Samui said in a serious tone. "Well then, we need to start at the beginning…" Naruto mused as he began at the time he met the Avengers. He continued with his training years, omitting a lot of the stuff he learned.

He went on to the few missions he did to graduate until the super soldier formula. "Wait, what was the formula?" Samui asked. Cap took this one. "It was a formula made to make the ultimate soldier. Before it could be mass produced, it was used on me. It worked to perfection, but the creator of the formula was killed shortly after. No one was ever able to recreate it while I was alive. It took Jarvis a bit over six years to replicate a weaker version. While it was a lesser formula, it still managed to give him unparalleled speed, stamina, strength, an overactive metabolism, and chakra reserves." Captain said. "Unfortunately, the power needed was too great. It destroyed the bunker.

From then on, Naruto explained to them what he did in Wave and how he managed to run across them. " So when you stumbled upon us, you were already heading here?" Yugito asked. "Yea. This is the property I told you my friends had left me behind. Anyway, then our story began." Naruto finished. "So, they made all of the stuff you use?" Yugito asked, curious about that aspect of his life. "That was made by me with the help of Tony. He was damn good with technology when he was alive." Naruto said as he turned to the master of technology. "I suppose you guys are going to want some time to get to know each other. I'll go get some coffee." Naruto said as he slowly exited the tense atmosphere.

~ Back in the Living Room ~

Yugito and Samui sat awkwardly as everyone stared at them, making them uncomfortable at the position they were in. "Where is that Naruto? I should go help him.." Yugito said as she tried to exit the room. The door to the kitchen was quickly sealed off. "Sit. Now." The voice of Natalya said, sending a cold shiver down Yugito's spine. She quickly sat down besides Samui and looked to the screens. "Now, you've asked your questions. Time for us to ask ours." Natalya said, getting a nod from the rest of the Avengers. "First off, what is your relationship with Naruto?" Cap asked. Both girls began to blush. "Team mates?" Yugito tried. "Close friends? Samui tried to chip in.

"Girlfriends?" They both asked, making Tony shed a tear. "Are you ok, stark?" Hawkeye asked. "I'm …I'm just so proud of him.." Tony said through fake tears, making everyone present sweat drop. "Get a grip Stark. What are your intentions with Naruto?" Natalya asked in a serious tone. 'Why the hell are we getting the third degree?' Yugito internally wondered with a sweat drop growing on the back of her head. "Well.. we.." Samui began, actually unsure of how to address the question. Yugito smiled and put her hand on Samui's shoulder. When Samui turned, she gave the fellow blonde an assuring smile, then turned to Natalya with a steeled resolve.

"We love Naruto. There's no denying that. He explained to us these specific details of his life weren't meant to be public. He means a lot to us. To me, he's.. perfect. He treats me how I should be treated, not how the village does because of the Nibi. He's nearly gotten himself killed a few times just for my sake, and he asks for nothing in return. When I'm with him, I feel safe. I feel loved, wanted, happy. I feel on top of the world. I never want him to leave, I love him." Yugito admitted in a small voice. Natalya blinked and turned to Samui. "What's your story?" She asked. "He's risked himself for me various times. At one point, I almost died. Before I died, my life flashed before my eyes." Samui said

" I saw him.. and me. We were grown up, and in a small cabin in the woods. He was playing with a small blonde boy that looked like him except with my eyes. I wasn't sure what it was, until I saw myself walking out of the cabin." Samui said with a blush spread across her face. "I was pregnant. He was so good with my son.. and me. When I'm with him, I feel .. its indescribable. I feel safe, secure, happy. Just seeing him brightens my day . I feel loved. When he holds me in his arms, I feel like he's always going to be there for me. I love him without a doubt." Samui finished. "..Alright then." Natalya said.

"I don't know if you honestly love him or not. But he seems to trust you two, and I've never seen anyone make him as happy as he has been since he came to Kumo. I suppose it was because he met you two?" Hawkeye asked, making both girls blush red. "But if you really love him and he really loves you, then who are we to judge?" Tony asked. A knock on the door grabbed their attention. "Hey guys, open up." Naruto said from behind the door. Natalya smiled and opened the door remotely. Naruto stepped inside with a tray holding various cups of iced coffee. He looked to see a blushing couple of blondes on the couch and his family looking at him with suppressed smiles.

"Did I miss something?" He asked out loud. "You always do. It's getting late Naruto. You and the girls should get some sleep." Natalya said. He nodded and turned to the girls, only to see them already up. "You guys ready to go?" He asked. "What are you talking about? We're sleeping here." Samui said, getting his attention. "Wait, what?" Naruto asked as he turned to see Natalya unsealing the door leading to the bedrooms. "Come on, Naruto-kun." Yugito said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the hallway. "Now where are we staying?" Samui asked as she looked around.

"Well, this door is my room. You guys can take any room you want." Naruto replied as he opened his door. Yugito and Samui quickly pushed past him into his room and looked around. "Looks nice. Clean, roomy, big bed. I want it." Yugito said as she laid down on the bed. "Ditto." Samui said as she collapsed besides Yugito. They both then took off everything except their underwear and slipped under the covers. Naruto smirked and took off his cargo pants and shirt, then joined the girls under the covers. They both cuddled to his sides and hugged him close. Naruto smiled and pulled them close to himself. He smiled as he slowly fell asleep, relishing the feeling of having his loved ones with him. There were finally no secrets there. No anything. It was just them. And he wouldn't have it any other way.