
Chapter 17

Last Time:

One thing was for sure; things were going to be interesting in Kumo.


~ Kumogakure No Sato ~

Naruto groaned as he stood at the gates of the hidden village. Yugito and her team had checked in and requested an audience with the Raikage. Soon, a team of Anbu from Kumo came down and tied his hands together behind his back. "What the hell!" Naruto demanded as he tried to free himself. "Sorry sir, but this is standard procedure for any outsiders that want to see the Raikage." Naruto groaned, but stopped struggling and followed Yugito and her team.

~ Raikage Tower ~

"You What!" A loud voice boomed from the tower. "I'm sorry sir, but various teams from Iwa were closing in on us. I decided to leave the demon.." he started, only to be punched squarely in the face by the raikage. "Don't you dare call her that!" The Raikage demanded. "Where is she and the rest of your team?" A demanded at the pathetic excuse of a shinobi before him. "Well, I...I'm not sure." The man finished. "After I ordered Yugito to stay back and fight off the teams, I ordered them to scatter. I haven't seen them since." The man finished with a hint of fear in his voice.

A was about to kill the pathetic idiot standing before him, but was stopped by a knocking sound on his door. "Not now, Mabui!" he yelled as a dark skinned young woman with green eyes and silver hair tied into a ponytail walked into his office. "Team Yugito to see you with an outsider that requests an audience." Relief flashed over A's face as he heard that Yugito and her team were safe and in his office. "Send them in." He said and then turned to the Jounin. "As of now, you are officially stripped of your rank and demoted to Genin. Now leave!" He yelled at the cowering man.

The Genin nodded and ran out of the Raikage's office as fast as he could. A then took a seat and stared intently at the door as Yugito, Samui, Karui, Omoi, and a strange blonde haired teen filed into his office. 'Interesting..' he thought as Yugito began her report.

~ Naruto ~

Naruto stepped into the office quietly behind Samui after the silver haired secretary, Mabui, had told them to enter. He analyzed the Raikage with a critical eye as Yugito began her report on what happened. 'Silver hair must be a common trait in Kumo. Over developed physique shows an obvious preference to hand to hand combat.' He mused as he looked at the dark skinned white haired man with a mustache, beard, and an overly developed physique. Naruto was snapped from his thoughts as A addressed him.

"Hey, you. What's your name?" A asked. "Isn't it common courtesy to give your own name before asking someone else's?" Naruto asked in a bored tone, making a tick mark develop on A's head. "My name is A, the Raikage of Kumo. Now who are you, brat!" he asked. "My name is Naruto Romanov." Naruto stated. "So you're the one who managed to take down the teams of Iwa Jounins and save Yugito and her team?" A asked dubiously. "Yes, I did."

"And I hear you want to be a Kumo civilian?" A asked. "Yes, if it will let me claim property here." Naruto said. "Yes, I heard about that. What property are you trying to claim?" A asked. "It's a private property on the outskirts of Kumo. Some friends left it to me when they died." Naruto replied. "Well, judging from what I have heard, there would be now problem for you to join Kumo. However, there are a few stipulations." A started. "And what do they include?" Naruto asked as he took a seat.

"Well, for one you have to join the Shinobi program. From then, you will have to be on a probationary status for 2 months. Afterwards, you will be instated as a Chunnin level Shinobi and work your way from there." A finished. Naruto nodded at the conditions that A set. "Fine, I'll join the Shinobi program. Under one condition. I'm put on Yugito-chan's team." Naruto stated. 'Yugito-CHAN?' A mentally asked and smirked. "Fine, welcome to the ranks of Kumo." A said as he tossed a forehead protector to Naruto.

"Anbu will escort you to your property and make sure you behave. During your probationary period of 2 months, you will only be allowed to take D-Rank missions. Anything needed as far as food and clothing will be provided to you until your first month of probation is complete." A finished. Naruto nodded and took the forehead protector. "Dismissed. Yugito will.." a began only to be cut off by Samui. "If it's cool with you, I'd like to show him around." She said in a quiet tone. "We'll both show him around." Yugito said with a forced smile on her face.

"Hell, How about Team Yugito shows him around!" Karui and omoi stated in unison as they grabbed the blond and dragged him out of the door and into the village. 'Things are going to get interesting with that kid here..' A mused as he stared outside the window. He turned back to his desk only to be greeted by the sight of huge stack of paperwork. "Damn it, it just keeps multiplying!" A growled.

~ Time skip – After the tour of Kumo ~

Naruto smiled as Karui and Omoi said their goodbyes to him. Overall, today had been a blast. After showing him to the ninja stores, restaurants, clinics, and super markets, team Yugito had decided to treat him to lunch as a way of thanking him for saving their asses. After lunch, everyone noticed that it had gotten pretty dark. Omoi and Karui excused themselves stating that their parents would kill them if they got home late. Which left him, Samui, and Yugito alone.

"So Naruto-san, where do you plan on living?" Samui asked. "I'm going to head to this location and see if this property is still live-able." "We'll come with you." Yugito happily said as she sent a small death glare to Samui. "Umm, thanks, but I'm sure that I'll be able to find it by myself. But, I'll see you guys around." Naruto said as he took off. "Now, which way is the bunker…" Naruto asked as he looked at the locations on the map.

~ Outskirts of Kumo – Base of Mt. Mayinashi ~

Naruto looked at the mountain in front of him. "Is this where the bunker is supposed to be?" Naruto asked as he took out the key to the bunker and the instructions to getting there. "The bunker is located at these coordinates. The entrance is hidden under a large metal grate. After you raise it, there will be a small set of stairs that will lead to a flight of stairs. This flight leads to a large, metal door with a control panel. The code is 28364377." Naruto looked at the ground and sighed. "This is going to take a while." Naruto muttered as he made a few Shadow clones and sent them to search for the metal grate.

~ Half An Hour Later ~

Naruto walked to the base of the mountain after a clone that found the entrance to the bunker dispelled. He lifted the large, metal grate covering the stairwell and slowly made his way towards the door. He took out a small flashlight from a pocket in his vest and shined it around the door trying to find the control panel. 'It should be right around…here!' Naruto thought as he walked towards the panel and typed in the password.

"Password Accepted" An automated voice exclaimed Naruto watched as the large door was opened to reveal a smaller version of the bunker from Konoha. He made 5 Shadow clones ad instructed them to get the layout of the place as he explored the hallway.15 minutes later, the clones dispelled and he got the layout of the place. He quickly headed to the nearest bedroom and he crashed. "I'll sort this place out tomorrow…" he muttered under his breath as sleep overtook him.

~ The Next Day ~

Naruto groaned as the alarm clock went off. 'Damn it, it's still early.' Naruto thought as he got up and headed to the main computer. After he got there, he took the portable hard drive and connected it to the computer. 15 minutes later, the information was completely loaded and booted into the computer. Naruto watched as the screen lit up and Natalya's face popped into the screen. "Naruto, it took you long enough." She said with a small smirk on her face. "Well, overthrowing a dictator will do that to you." He replied happily.

"Unfortunately, I am afraid that there are no robots here that I can download anyone into." Natalya said sadly. "But you said.." Naruto began. "I know what I said Naruto, but situations change. We'll still be on screen so that if you need us, we'll be here. But other than that, you'll be on your own." Natalya said sadly. She noticed his sad expression and loaded everyone's personalities into the screen. Naruto watched as Cap, Tony, Jarvis, and Hawkeye popped into screen.

"Wow, you really need a girlfriend." Tony said to Naruto. "Dude, relax. We'll be here, the place is stocked with non perishable food, the generator on this place can go on for almost infinity, and this place is virtually strong enough to survive a nuclear war." Tony continued. "You'll be fine. We'll be in the mainframe when you need us." Cap continued. "Now, how about filling us in on what you've been doing." Natalya asked with a smile. If Naruto had missed anything, it was this. Having people there for him and to listen to him when he was alone. "Well, everything began with…"

~Time Skip – 59 days Later ~

Naruto sighed as he headed towards the missions office. This last month and few days had been a living hell for him. 'Well, at least today is the last day.' Naruto thought as he got his mission. "Collect groceries for an old lady. Are you serious!" Naruto asked the man in charge of assigning missions. "Yep. Now get to work." Naruto groaned as he headed to the supermarket. In these last few days, Naruto hadn't change much. The only thing that had changed was the Kumo symbol stitched to his black beret.

~ Super Market ~

Naruto groaned as he pushed the cart into the dairy aisle. 'Stupid old lady.' Naruto thought as he looked around the supermarket. He saw Yugito and her team helping stock the store and smiled as he waved at them. "Hey Naruto!" omoi and Karui exclaimed. "Hello, Naruto-kun." Samui and Yugito said, then death glared at each other. "Hey you guys, having trouble with the mission?" he asked playfully. "This is not cool. The raikage hasn't let us take any high profile missions for 2 months!" Samui whined. "Yea, it sucks!" Yugito agreed.

"Well guys, I have to get back to my "mission". I'll catch you guys later." Naruto said as everyone left to get back to their duties. Naruto watched as Yugito headed to a utility dolly packed with cartons of eggs and held in place with black straps. Naruto went back to his shopping, until he heard the sound of a loud crash. He turned to see Yugito standing next to a cart that had been tipped over. All of the eggs on the cart had been either cracked or smashed.

"Damn it demon! You can't do anything!" A woman dressed professionally yelled at Yugito. "You're going to have to pay for those! She yelled, only for Yugito to yell back at her that it wasn't her fault. Naruto looked at the scene and began laughing, turning the attention to him. "And what are you laughing at!" the manager demanded at him. "You, you idiot." He replied, shocking her at the lack of respect. "How dare you!" She began, only to be cut off by Naruto.

"Simple Really. You claim this is Yugito's cart and that all of those eggs were the ones Yugito was supposed to put on the shelf right?" Naruto asked. "Of course it is, you ignorant brat!" the woman yelled. "Please shut up. The cart Yugito was hauling was an orange one, not black as the one on the floor. Yugito's cart had black straps to hold the eggs in place while this one has no straps. Also, the eggs are falling towards Yugito, not away from her. If he had been carrying them, they would have fallen away from her, not towards her." Naruto finished.

"So unless you want me to file a report to the Raikage that states you were trying to frame a Shinobi of the village, I suggest you clean this up and apologize!" Naruto said with venom in his tone. The manager forced an apology and left to get something to clean the mess with. "Th..Thank you Naruto-kun." Yugito said with a blush on her face. "No problem, Yugito-chan. It's what friends are for!" He replied happily. "But, how did you know those things?" she asked. "There are hundreds of things people see, but do not observe. You just have to pay attention to the little things." He said as he went back to his business.

'Na..Naruto-kun was paying that much attention..to me?' Yugito mentally stuttered, since she was the Jinchuriki of the Nibi, no one ever paid attention to her. The fact that Naruto did sent her through a bit of a loop. She tried to clear the blush from her face as she got back to work. 'He got all of that from just a look? Definitely the new sexy..' Samui thought as she watched the blond enigma walk away.