
Naruto: Avatar World

Naruto and Sasuke were fighting at the End of valley and Naruto seem hesitant to attack Sasuke and Sasuke took advantage of this and tried to kill Naruto and as reality is often disappointing.... Naruto died in the hands of Sasuke Uchiha or to be precise a phenomena happened that no one could have ever imagined not even the Sage of Six path could have thought or believed something like this to be possible.... When Naruto woke up he found himself in a new world where war and conflict were as common as eating and drinking and in this world Naruto will face the harsh reality of world where he wouldn't be naive and innocent anymore. where only strong would survive and weak would be the prey and controlled as puppet. what would Naruto do in such a world ? will he consider Saving life of others or will he become a selfish person whose only purpose is to survive!! Also if you want to support the work and read advance Chapters then go to (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N). Here's the P@treon account:- p@treon.com/Alzero (Disclaimer:- This is a TL work of spanish)

Alzero_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs


"Backpack, check, tourist guide, check, places with the prettiest girls in the world, check, money, check, sword hidden in a cane, check, and my old friend Crock." With a smile, the elderly man stowed the reliable steel knuckles in his suitcase.

At the age of 126, old Tenzo Hazumo was embarking on what would be his final vacation, or rather, his last adventure.

His doctor delivered an ultimatum, predicting massive organ failure within six months to a year. It all began with mild chest pain, leading to the grim realization that he had less than a year left to live.

Given the circumstances, the old man had his priorities set.

Facing impending death, he intended to exit this world with grandeur, exploring the globe and indulging in earthly pleasures—women, alcohol, and gambling.

He was bound for hell, but with a smile on his face.

Closing his suitcase with a smile, the seasoned adventurer was interrupted by a knock on his store's front door.

"It's closed," he growled, expecting annoying Fire Nation soldiers or perhaps that brat who had given him a beating. "Hope to see you again, kid," he thought of his employee, the reason behind this final journey.

The least he could do was invite the boy for a beer, introduce him to some girls, and perhaps cure him of his hero complex and nice-guy persona, which apparently attracted girls in this world.


"Hey, it's closed!" Tenzo had no patience for this. Returning to his store, he spotted an unfamiliar guy in the darkness. "Take what you want and leave. I was considering setting it on fire," he growled, grabbing some bottles of alcohol from under the bar.

He wasn't kidding; he seriously contemplated burning down the place where he'd toiled for coins for decades.

"I'm looking for Uzumaki Naruto."

"Who's that?" Tenzo asked with apparent disinterest, though internally, he felt a sudden tension, hairs on his neck standing on end.

"A child you cared for and kept here," the giant spoke calmly, yet his gaze felt penetrating with those shadowy blue eyes.

"Probably got fed false information, my friend," the old man maintained his facade of disinterest, taking a sip from the bottle he opened.

"..." The giant's gaze remained fixed, "Tell me the truth, and I'll leave. No need for bloodshed."

"Surviving so many years doesn't make me a loose-tongued coward. Don't underestimate me-"

Before Tenzo could react, the giant loomed over him, his immense presence causing Tenzo's heart to race and cold sweat to form. The old man's hands shook uncontrollably.

The warrior's eyes sharpened, expecting the old man to break, yet he was met with the same intense gaze and a defiant smile.

"I've lived 126 years in this world, seen unimaginable things, survived challenges beyond your wildest dreams. I've never betrayed a friend, and I won't start now."


"Even if I knew where that boy was, I wouldn't tell you. You know why? Because, despite lacking bending powers, I have the courage to stand up to someone like you! You can beat and torture me, break every bone, grind my flesh, but I'll still stand to say one thing... screw you."



"You don't know where he is," he said with a cold and indifferent look, turning away to leave without further ado.

"..." Tenzo pressed his hand against his chest, sweating, dropping to his knees. His vision clouded, and he fainted in the middle of his tent.


Several days had passed, and the hunter's journey was far from over. Walking through the distant territories of the Earth Kingdom, he continued through a sandy stretch of the forest, a route used to reach lands beyond even the reach of benders.

His steps halted when he noticed a commotion halfway along his path—a large group of people, all girls of different ages, working together to free a cart stuck in a pit.

"What a way to drive, Caede."

"Shut up, Haru, and help."

"I'm helping!" The girl felt her leg tendons straining from pushing the stubborn cart. "Use your strong arms!"

"Sister... What is a butch lesbian?"

"Oh!" A strong blow knocked down the attractive brunette, eliciting laughter and teasing from the others.

"Don't say words like that in front of Rína!" grumbled the burly brunette trying to lift the cart, not noticing the little girl had moved away.

"Sir... can you help us?"

All eyes turned to the stranger walking along the path. The girls were obviously concerned seeing the youngest talking to someone who appeared as a dangerous mercenary.

Though alone, he looked at her briefly and, without much talk, walked to the cart. Caede watched in disbelief as the stranger, with just one hand, lifted the cart and placed it back on the road. With a sharp thump, he adjusted the rear right wheel that had gone off.

"Shit... that's hot."

"Wipe the drool off your face, Haru."

"..." The brunette listened as her sisters, equally entranced, commented on the stranger's attractiveness.

"Thank my Lord!" Rína thanked the giant with a bright smile.

"You are welcome."

Seemingly not very talkative, the stranger continued on his way.

"Do you want a ride, big guy?" Caede offered a spot in the cart, pulled by an old armored rhinoceros, known for their ability to move quickly and endure weeks without eating or drinking. "Take it as a thank you for the help."


"Come on, sir! It's bad to reject kind gestures."

"Well..." unable to resist the girl's adorable look, the subject accepted the ride, or at least tried to fit in with her "sisters." They had no reason to worry; Caede would never make a decision that could harm them.

Minutes passed, and the trip was initially silent.

The stranger sat quietly, seemingly doing nothing. Yet, from time to time, they noticed him touching the necklace hanging from his neck.

"Is it a necklace?"

"Rina, don't bother the lord," Caede scolded from the front, steering the cart.

"..." Seeing the girl's disappointed expression, the stranger carefully lifted the chain from his neck and handed it to her.

"Ohh... it's pretty." The little waterbender's eyes lit up as she saw the porcelain flower with blue tints.

Smiling for the first time, the giant let the girl hold his precious necklace. "It was my little sister's necklace... I gave it to her as a birthday gift."

"Where is she?"