

Watch as Naruto saves Uzushiogakure from destruction and its rise as the Sixth Great Nation. I do not own any NARUTO characters or anything related to it... I am just a fan that's want to write a fanfic... that's all.........

Pawan_Kumar_5909 · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs






"Huhhuh...! I am not good at explanation and the gaurds are going to return in another twenty minutes so..." sighed Shiro and then suddenly in an astonishing speed, he grabbed Naruto's head like how a snake pounce a mice.

<Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Invading Seal>

A sealing formula spread around Naruto's head. It completely paralysed him and instantly allowed Shiro to enter Naruto's mind aka 'Brain Room'.

{{{A/N: Brain room: Similar in appearance to the one shown whenever Inoichi Yamanaka performed interrogation using his clan's Jutsu called Psycho Mind Transmission Technique. In this technique, whenever Inoichi enters in a victim's mind to search their memories, he scans a Giant Brain with scrolls coming out of it from various sides in a completely white room. I named it 'Brain room'.}}}

As soon as he entered Naruto's 'Brain Room', he instantly performed another set of hand seals and touched the giant brain.

<Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mindscape Creation Seal>

A sealing formula spread around the giant brain and it instantly decamped Shiro from the 'Brain room' and created an entirely new white endless mindscape where he arrived and, at first a silhouette and then a complete Naruto materialised.



"Let go of me! You ba*tard!..." screamed Naruto furiously, as he attempted in vain trying to resist Shiro's hold.

"What the fu*k? What did you do to me, you fu*king ba*tard? What is this place, you child molester pedophile?" yelled Naruto in panic as he took notice of his surroundings. It has somehow turned into a completely white endless plane.

Shiro's eye twitched and a vein appeared on his forehead but he still maintained his calm and replied playfully, "Who knows?"

"Y-you... You... How... Why... Why did you bring me here? You moth..." was all Naruto managed to say before a fist greeted his head.


"That vulgar mouth is unbecoming of an Uzumaki! Young man!" said Shiro in annoyance.

"You dare to hit me! Y-you pedophile bast...." tried Naruto again.

"Bump" fist to the head.

"You piece of s..." tried Naruto again.

"Thawaack" another fist to the head.

"I am gonna...." tried Naruto again.

"Thud" another fist.

Naruto created some distance while massaging his throbbing head and accused Shiro, "Hey! This time I didn't used a single vulgar word yet you hit me again!"

"Oops! Sorry! hehehe..." laughed Shiro embarrassingly.

Naruto sweat dropped at the response, he wanted to scream at the bastard but he stopped himself. Those fists hurt like hell.

"Please stop! I won't use any vulgar words ever again."

"You better! It's unbecoming of an Uzumaki child to use that kind of language, especially, since your are probably one of last few Uzumaki remaining in this world." said Shiro sternly.

"Clan? I am from a clan!?" exclaimed Naruto in confusion and excitement.

"Yes! You are from a clan but not from just any clan, you belong to the Great Uzumaki Clan. The Uzumaki Clan used to be a prominent shinobi clan from the Land of Whirpools before it's destruction along with it's hidden village known as Uzushiogakure, at the hands of the 'Legions Of The Eight Nations'. The Uzumaki Clan were also happens to be the rulers and the governing clan of not only the entirety of the Land of Whirpools but also of their own hidden shinobi village Uzushiogakure. Through the years, we kept close ties with the Senju Clan with whom we shared distant blood relation, with members at times marrying between clans, as was the case of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki....."

"What?! You mean the First Hokage Hashirama Senju?! interrupted Naruto in complete astonishment. He had never in his wildest imagination had ever thought that he is somehow related to one of the Hokages.

Despite being annoyed at Naruto for interrupting him, Shiro still answered him, "Yes! That Hashirama Senju! And Don't interrupt me again until I finished my explanation!" said Shiro sternly.

Naruto gulped and nodded in affirmative while he involuntarily massaged his head.

Shiro then for the next few hours resumed his explanation and enlightened Naruto with the complete history of Uzumaki Clan following the founding of Konohagakure at the end of the Warring States Period, how the Senju chose to symbolise their clans' friendship by adding the Uzumaki's emblem to Konoha's flak jackets. How Konoha and the Uzumaki's own Uzushiogakure remained close allies over the following decades, with the Uzumaki providing fūinjutsu (among other things) to Konoha whenever there was a need. How in time, the Uzumaki Clan's Mask Storage Temple was even constructed on Konoha's outskirts. How the Uzumaki Clan's skill with fūinjutsu earned them both respect and fear throughout the ninja world. How after the immigration of Kushina Uzumaki to Konohagakure, some of the world's nations banded together and created the Legions Of The Eight Nations and then destroyed them along with Uzushiogakure because those nations viewed us Uzumakis as too powerful to be allowed to exist. He also explained the factors behind their destruction, bijūs, Chakra Chains, etc. How, because the power of a bijū is irrelevant to an Uzumaki, made their existence a threat to the 'Balance Of Power' among the Five Great Nations. How because of it, the scattered Uzumaki survivors are being hunted down by those nations, etc.

After finishing the explanation, he then asked Naruto to shoot all of his questions regarding the Uzumaki Clan.



"So I am a descendant of this Great Uzumaki clan and they were used to be very close allies of Konohagakure? Then why did the Konoha Shinobi Academy doesn't mention about the Uzumaki Clan, Uzushiogakure or the Land of Whirpools at all in those boring history classes if the Uzumaki were really such close allies of Konoha and why should I believe you about anything you told me?" asked Naruto suspiciously. He had once trusted the Third Hokage and he isn't going to do the same mistake. Moreover, the tale of the Uzumaki Clan is just unbelievable, he just couldn't bring himself to imagine that he belonged to such a noble and powerful clan.

"Huhhhh?" sighed Shiro in disappointment and thought, "What the hell is wrong with this kid?"

"Let me touch your head?!" urged Shiro.

"Huh! Why?" asked Naruto in confusion and bewilderment.

"Do you want the proof or not?" questioned Shiro to which Naruto gave him a sceptical look.

"Look brat! You are already within my jutsu, aren't you? So you must have realised by now that if I really wanted to harm you, I would have already done so, Wouldn't I am capable of such? You weren't even able to free yourself from my grip. Believe me! I could never ever bring myself to harm you or do something harmful to you. You are my only hope to save and bring back the glory of the Uzumaki Clan. I am just gonna allow you to see my and my father Yoshitsune's memories as a proof of the existence of the Uzumaki Clan. So will you be kind enough to let me show them to you?" asked Shiro in a little sarcastic and irritated voice.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever but I don't trust you!" declared Naruto and Shiro's eye twitched again in annoyance.

"The nerve of this brat! Is he really going to become our savior?" thought Shiro in scepticism but nodded nonetheless.

He performed another set of hand seals and then touched Naruto's head again.

<Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Event Player Seal>

A sealing formula speed around the head of Naruto and he found himself in a place full of red heads, beautiful giant buildings surrounded by mountains with a river flowing out right from the middle of the mountains.

"What is this place?" asked Naruto in astonishment. He had never seen a place this beautiful and building this big, the marbles, the designs, the mountains, the greenery, of course there is greenery present in Konoha but he had never felt like this before ever, it feels like the very nature is alive, and nor did he had ever seen so many red heads in one place. So, the red hair really was a common trait amongst the Uzumaki Clan members. He began imagining himself in red hair and found it cool. He was completely engrossed within the beauty of Uzushiogakure when a voice jolted him awake.

"The very definition of 'Beautiful', isn't it?" asked Shiro with a sad smile.

Naruto nodded in response and asked again, "What is this place?"

"This is Uzushiogakure before it's destruction." replied Shiro monotonously.

"What! How could anybody destroy something so beautiful?" asked Naruto in disbelief and anger.

"Human greed knows no limit! Naruto-kun!" replied Shiro sadly and then instructed, "Let us quickly watch the important memories before the guard arrives!"

Naruto then watched the important memories of Shiro and his father Yoshitsune, and the Day of the Great Destruction for the next few hours.

Shiro wasn't sure if it was the right thing to show Naruto the Day of the Great Destruction but he still did because the salvation of the Uzumaki Clan lies with Naruto, he wanted for him to completely understand the situation as well as the horrors of that day.


"How could they do something like that? Even children? I am not gonna forgive those nations at any cost. They will pay. I will make them pay." Naruto was incensed, he wanted murder somebody, he had never felt like this ever before, it's like he was going to explode, he won't forgive them.

"You shouldn't lose yourself in vengeance! Naruto-kun!" said Shiro in concern.

"I shouldn't? I could have a family! I wouldn't have been alone! Orphaned! I might have been loved! Cared! But because those nations killed them, I am alone, hated and have to endure so much. Those heartless bastards killed even little childrens! Little Children! I might somehow manage to gather courage in my heart to forgive them for killing the shinobi populaces but there's no way I can forgive those eight Nations for killing even little children. I am gonna destroy them!" proclaimed Naruto coldly in a voice full of hatred, anger and vengeance.

"The more your heart burns with emotions, the cooler your mind must become. You must swirl the heart and mind together like eddies and create a balance which will help you conquer your inner demons, see through the darkness and gain a better understanding of yourself. In times of desperation, it will provide you strength and victory over your enemies. Every Uzumaki Clan member believed and lived with it and called it the '_______________'. It essentially means that one must not lose themselves to emotions and calmness is the true power, i.e., one must conquer their emotions and then only they could achieve greatness. You too must believe in it Naruto-kun, then only you could become a great Uzumaki! That's what me and my father used to believe in." said Shiro confidently to calm Naruto down.

"Are you going to dishonour the Uzumaki Clan by losing yourself to the petty emotions like hatred, anger and vengeance! Naruto-kun?" asked Shiro again trying to reason with Naruto.

Even though Naruto have just found out about the existence of the Uzumaki Clan, he was horrified at the mere prospect of disrespecting his fallen family, he immediately replied, "No! Never! I would never do something like that. Even though they were no longer present in this world, they were my family. My own family! I cannot imagine myself disrespecting them and their believes, I will rather die before such an occurrence. But those greedy nations took them away! What should I do? Allow those nations to get away with it!? They killed them all, even the innocent children!" said Naruto while trying to control his anger. It was progress.

"And if you killed theirs then what will be the difference between them and you?" asked Shiro.

"Then what should I do? Huh! Do nothing about it!" shouted Naruto.

"No! I never said that but you shouldn't seek vengeance instead you should seek justice for the Uzumaki clan and save them." replied Shiro.

"What? Have you gone mad! How could I save them? Didn't you saw it?! The legions of those eight nations killed everybody! Everybody, even the innocent children of my clan! There is nobody alive to save. So, the only thing I could do now is hammer justice on those nations and destroy them as a retribution. Hahahaha! I will kill them all just like how they did... and then laugh at their misery... Hahahaha!" bellowed Naruto in agony while laughing like a madman.

"That's not the right way! Naruto-kun!" said Shiro, a little unnerved, "You should save the Uzumaki Cla..." It was all Shiro managed to speak before Naruto angrily interrupted him and snapped, "You keep saying I should save the Uzumaki clan. How would I do that? What is there to save? There's nothing to save! Are you deaf or something? How many times do I have to repeat myself? Didn't you saw it? Those greedy nations killed everybody! And I mean everybody! Every single Uzumaki, be it a woman, civilian or children! So I ask you once again, how can I save the Uzumaki clan when all of them are dead!?" screamed Naruto.

"Thud" a fist to the head of Naruto.

"That's what I am trying to explain to you for the past few minutes but each time you just keeps interrupting me." said Shiro in annoyance and a little anger.

Naruto tried to open his mouth to ask something but Shiro ordered him, "Stop! You won't utter a single word until I finish myself. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded and Shiro then started the explanation, "It is true that those nations attacked Uzushiogakure with the intentions of exterminating the entire Uzumaki Clan but they didn't succeeded." said Shiro.

The statement rejuvenated Naruto's entire body with joy, delight and happiness. He had family out there somewhere. He just have to get out of this stupid prison and find them.

"How are you so sure of it?" asked Naruto in a voice full of hope, happiness, curiousity and a little suspicion.

"Because I myself is an Uzumaki. And on death bed, my father Yoshitsune Uzumaki informed me about the failure of the Legions of those Eight Nations to completely exterminate us. How the survivors of Uzushio's destruction went into hiding and spread throughout the world. He entrusted me to find the one who could save the Uzumaki Clan and bring them together to reform our mighty clan. And I wholeheartedly believe that you are the only one who could save us and bring the glory back to the Uzumaki name, to us. You are destined to do it." spoke Shiro in a voice full of confidance.

But Naruto heard none of that. He just kept staring at Shiro for a while and then after sometime, he finally managed to form some words in his mouth.

"Y-you are... You are my family!" exclaimed Naruto excitedly.

"Yes! My real name is Yaichiro Uzumaki. You can call me your Uncle! Naruto-kun!" said Yaichiro in happiness.

Naruto instantly hugged him and spoke while sobbing, "Uncle! Why! Why didn't you came to visit me sooner? Why now? Do you know how much I have suffered?"

"I am sorry Naruto-kun! I didn't visited you before because I didn't knew about your existence until sometime ago." replied Yaichiro while returning the hug.

"B-but why didn't you came to Konohagakure? Aren't we were very close allies with them?" asked Naruto.

"Yes we were! And I am not denying it but the reason I never sought a shelter in Konohagakure is because I was forbidden from ever setting a foot in Konohagakure or even ever contacting them." replied Yaichiro.

"Why?" questioned Naruto.

"I will tell you in time!" replied Yaichiro. Upon seeing the puppy eyes and the pouting face of Naruto, he further stated, "Don't make a face nephew. No matter what happens, I won't tell you anything until I think you are ready to learn the truth."

Naruto sighed in defeat but it didn't mattered. He had family. He had a uncle, his very own uncle and there are many more family members out there somewhere. He just had to somehow find them. He was ecstatic, he had family, his own family, who would love him unconditionally. He wanted to dance in joy but then he suddenly remembered something, "Uncle! You said you learnt about me recently. Right?! How?" asked Naruto.

Yaichiro acknowledged Naruto and decided to explain himself, "Yes! I recently learnt about you from Miroku-san, she is the High Priestess of the Land of Demons. I think it will be better if Instead of an explaination, I let you watch some more of my memories....






In another world, Yaichiro failed to complete his technique and died at the hands of the Dark Demon Mōryō's indestructible army of stones but in this one, due to the butterfly effect, he succeeded.

<Uzumaki Hiden Technique: Thousand Branched-Adamantine Attacking Chains>

Miroku and the demon Mōryō watched in fascination as hundreds upon hundreds of golden glowing chains formed out of Yaichiro and in a blink of an eye, destroyed more than half of Mōryō's so called indestructible stone army.

"Mōryō! This is it! I am gonna end you and your reign of terror!" bellowed Yaichiro in his battle hardened voice while he retracted his chains, and then lunged forward.

"Foolish human! Nobody could stop me! I was born from the darkness to rule over humanity." said Mōryō confidently and then send his remaining and reforming Ghost army to deal with Yaichiro.

Ignoring Yaichiro, it then addressed the priestess and threatened her, "Miroku! Join me! Together, we could do anything! With our combined power, we will easily conquer this world and successfully create a one thousand year kingdom. I will even allow you to rule a territory hundred times bigger than the current one. This I promise you, it will be a sovereign state and, you and your descendents can rule over it however you like, I won't interfere. You just have to say 'Yes' and shake hands with me. If you refuse me, I will devour your daughter. I will end her! Mirokuuu! Join me!" roared the dark demon Mōryō.

"Mōryō! I am warning you! if you so much as to put a scratch on my beloved daughter, I will end you!" spoke Miroku furiously.

"Motheeer! L-let me g-go you monster! Motheeer!" screamed a terrified Shion ensnared in one of Mōryō's tentacles.

"Don't worry Shion! Your mommy's gonna protect you! Just hang in there!" Miroku consoled her daughter.

Shion nodded, her mother is super strong, there's nothing to worry about, while Miroku contemplated on her options and Mōryō laughed evilly and spoke in a deathly tone, "Nobody could save her from me Miroku unless you agree to join me!"



Yaichiro was contemplating on how to rescue Shion and deal with Mōryō while fighting its annoying regenerative Ghost army, "Ridiculous! There's no end to this army. I have lost the count of how many times I have destroyed them and they regenerate like it's nothing. Come to think of it, why didn't I thought about that? I can seal them away, but still sealing away so many of them is going to be very difficult and chakra-taxing. To deal with Mōryō, to end that dark demon permanently, first I have to somehow separate it from its army and then use the Chakra Drain Seal on Miroku-san to acquire her chakra. Then I must incorporate her chakra into my chains and attack Mōryō from all sides at once, destroying him for good. But first, I must free her daughter from the demon's clutches then I will execute my plan." thought Yaichiro while going through the necessary hand seals, he then slammed his hands on the ground.

<Uzumaki Fūin: Eternal Imprisonment Seal>

After this, an enormous sealing formula originated from the Yaichiro's hand which moved forward and formed underneath the Ghost army. Then as soon as the seal activated, the Ghost army about half of them present above the inscription were instantly sucked in and sealed away within the formula itself for eternity. Then the sealing formula glowed and disappeared.

Yaichiro used a single hand seal and performed another Jutsu.

<Shadow Clone Justu>

The Jutsu then formed two solid clones, one of them quickly crossed the distance between itself and Mōryō, and launched the next Jutsu according to the plan.

<Adamantine Sealing Chains: Barrier>

With the help of the chains, the Shadow clone erected a barrier strong enough to prevent anyone or anything from entering or leaving the perimeter defined by the chains. It was durable enough that even somebody like Mōryō started struggling to break it.

"What is the meaning of this? How is this possible? Why can't I break this puny barrier? Nothing should be able to withstand my power!" roared Mōryō

"I have separated you from your army Mōryō! Now surrender or die!" warned Yaichiro in threatening tone, trying to distract Mōryō to give enough time to his other shadow clone to do the work.

Mōryō drunk in his power didn't understand anything and started laughing loudly.

"Hahahah! Foolish hum—" It was all Mōryō managed to say before the Shadow Clone of Yaichiro made its move. It quickly performed the hand seals and attacked Mōryō from behind.

<Adamantine Attacking Chains>

The attack shredded Mōryō's tentacle which had ensnared Shion thus freeing her from its clutches.

"Guuuwah! How dare you to do this to me!" screamed Mōryō in pain and anger, "I will annihilate you! You insignificant bug!"

Yaichiro then jumped and caught Shion in his lap protectively.

"First phase is a success!" thought Yaichiro happily then he asked Shion, "Are you alright Shion-chan?"

"I am a-alright. The m-monster was so s-scary Y-Yaichiro-san. I w-was so s-scared....." said a sobbing Shion.

"Shhhhh! It's alright! Everything's gonna be alright!" Yaichiro tried to comfort the scared child.



"Oh my daughter! Are you alright? That monster didn't hurt you did he?" asked a concerned a Miroku while tightly hugging her daughter.

"No mommy! I am alright! I was brave!" replied Shion smiling.

"Just wait f-" Miroku tried to say something but Yaichiro interrupted her, "Miroku-san! Don't lose the sight of the battle! We haven't won and Mōryō hasn't lost, yet!"

"I know Yaichiro-san! And thank you for saving my daughter from the clutches of that vile creature." thanked Miroku and then asked, "What was that clone technique you used? I have never seen a clone which can wield chakra."

"It's called Shadow Clone. I will explain it to you later. We must now focus on defeating Mōryō since the hostage crisis has been solved." replied Yaichiro.

Miroku nodded and started preparing a sealing jutsu which will separate the soul and the body of Mōryō and seal it away within two separate places using her life force. It was alright! She had lived a long life without any regrets. She is ready to die anyday if it means the survival of her only child. "I have a sealing Jutsu passed down by my ancestors specifically to deal with such monsters! Yaichiro-san! You don't have to do anyth—" Yaichiro interrupted her again, "There's no need. This time, we won't seal Mōryō, we are going to destroy it completely. I have figured out it's weaknesses."

He then performed another set of hand seals and slammed his right hand on the ground.

<Uzumaki Fūin: Chakra Draining Seal>

After this, a sealing formula originated from Yaichiro's hand infront of him.

"Please sit above the inscription. It's a fuinjutsu formula. It will allow me to absorb your chakra." instructed Yaichiro.

"Huh! I don't understand Yaichiro-san." spoke Miroku in confusion.

"That monster! It regenerated so fast from that extensive damage! You there erect a barrier over here!" Yaichiro ordered his clone while ignoring the question of Miroku.

After all of the preparations were done, he started explaining his idea to Miroku, "I have observed your fight against the demon Mōryō and had came to the conclusion that only your chakra can harm it and thus I believe also end it."

"I still don't understand Yaichiro-san! Mōryō isn't something which can be killed. It can only be sealed." Miroku tried to clarify.

"No! No! Think about it Miroku-san! I just attacked him and destroyed a good portion of his body to free your daughter but it regenerated the lost parts of his body like nothing. But you attacked that tentacle at 80° north in the beginning of the fight and it still hasn't healed, which means that if I attack it at its core with my Adamantine Attacking Chains coated in your chakra then I have no doubt Mōryō will die. I can bet my life on it. Because otherwise why did Mōryō hasn't tried to fight you directly, instead it took your daughter hostage and tried to make you surrender. Just trust me! Please sit above the inscription!" explained Yaichiro.

"Ok! I understand! I wish you best of luck. I hope your plan works Yaichiro-san. It will be a great service to humanity. Shion stay behind me!" ordered Miroku after contemplating over Yaichiro's explaination. It makes perfect sense. She hoped it works. If there is chance then she didn't want to die and leave behind her beloved daughter alone in this cruel world.

Shion nodded and went behind her mother while Yaichiro prepared himself for his next and final attack.

"You keep the barrier erected here and protect Miroku-san and Shion-chan. I am gonna end Mōryō once and for all." ordered Yaichiro to his clone.

The clone nodded in response and Yaichiro activated the Chakra Draining Seal. Upon activation, Miroku's pure chakra surged throughout his' body and he thought in admiration, "What pure chakra! No wonder an impure entity like Mōryō feared her prowess!"

"That human! He is utilising Miroku's Chakra... could it be... No way! How does he figured it out?! It's not possible! He is going to attack me using her chakra. No! I won't be defeated! I am Mōryō who was born from the darkness to create a one thousand years Kingdom and rule over humanity." Mōryō reassured itself and then invited Yaichiro loudly, "Come human! I will squash you like the insignificant bug you are and end your puny worthless existence!"

Mōryō positioned all of its tentacles and prepared itself for a long range attack while at the same time, also creating darkness to engulf him and hence rob him of his sight so that it could easily capture and then kill Yaichiro.


*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Invading Seal

A Fūinjutsu that has the same but superior abilities in comparison to the Yamanaka clan's Interrogation Justu. It allows the user to enter the mind of the target bypassing all kinds of defences while at the same time paralysing the victim's body. It takes the consciousness of the user directly inside the victim's 'Brain room'. It was basically used to be one of the various sealing Jutsu among the set of Uzushiogakure's official interrogation techniques before their destruction. It has many variants.

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mind Reading Seal

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that allows the user to scan the memories/information of the brain of the victim. A sealing formula spreads around the giant brain in the victim's brain room and then they can easily scan any or all memories/information of the victim.

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Memory Erasing Seal

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that allows the user to erase any and all of the memories/information from the brain of the victim. A sealing formula spreads around the giant brain in the victim's brain room and then they can easily erase any desired memories/information of the victim.

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Memory Manipulation Seal

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that allows the user to manipulate or edit the memories/information of the brain of the victim. A sealing formula spreads around the giant brain in the victim's brain room and then they can easily manipulate any or all memories/information of the victim.

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Memory Extraction Seal

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that allows the user to extract the repressed memories/information from the brain of the victim. A sealing formula spreads around the giant brain in the victim's brain room and then they can easily extract the repressed memories/information.

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Fūinjutsu Protect

An upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that the user put over their own mind in order to protect their important secrets/memories/information within their brain. The beauty of this seal is when an interrogater specialising in mind techniques enter their mind in order to check up for any kind of Seal or protection planted in their brain, they will find nothing. But when the Interrogator enters the user's brain room, the seal will activate and the targeted memory will be sealed away and disappear as if it was never there thus the Interrogator will be fooled.

{{{A/N: Genjutsu Protect (Inspiration) }}}

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Mindscape Creation Seal

A upgraded technique of the Mind Invading Seal that creates a completely white endless mindscape within the victim's subconsciousness. One hour in here is equal to one minute in the real world. This variant was created by Yaichiro Uzumaki after he thoroughly researched the Mind Invading Sealing Jutsu. If used on a child it becomes harmful otherwise it has no other disadvantages.

{{{A/N: Naruto's mindscape is basically a subconscious plane created temporarily inside his brain due to the Mindscape Creation Seal. It is not present in the same place as the Nine-Tails, but in an entirely separate place within Naruto's subconsciousness.

And one more thing that many fanfiction writers mistakes. The subconscious plane where Nine-Tails was sealed is also a mindscape. But it is a mindscape that can be controlled only by those who possess the key of the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, not by the will of user. The same can be said about the Mind related Sealing Jutsus where most of the time, the user is the supreme authority but can be overpowered by the victim if they knows either the working principle of the jutsu or have a very strong will. For example, the sealing tags used in the Impure World Reincarnation gave complete control to the user over the reincarnated individuals but failed in case of Hashirama Senju because he had a very strong will.}}}

*Uzumaki Secret Fūin: Event Player Seal

A variant technique of the Mind Invading Seal created by the Uzumaki clan. It allows the user to display their memories to the victim of the Jutsu.

*Uzumaki Hiden Technique: Thousand Branched-Adamantine Attacking Chains

An Uzumaki Hiden Fūinjutsu technique that allows those who possess the Adamantine Sealing Chains to create several hundred branches of chains from the pre-existing chains upto one thousand, the numbers of chains produced depends solely upon the user's chakra capacity. This technique was created by the founding father of the Uzumaki clan but was lost in the midst of time. Later, it was recreated by Yaichiro Uzumaki. It looks like the underside of a lily pad, with the user at the centre of it. It's an S-rank jutsu. One can be considered a true master of the Adamantine Sealing Chains only if they could master this technique. This jutsu is unique only to the Uzumaki Clan.

*Adamantine Sealing Chains

It's an A-rank technique. The Adamantine Sealing Chains is a hiden fūinjutsu used by the members of the Uzumaki clan. This technique moulds the user's chakra and convert them into extremely durable chains which can be used for various purposes, such as for direct combat or physically restraining their targets — foes even as powerful as a tailed beast. These chains are also capable to bind the chakra of a target and completely neutralising them. These chains could also be used to erect extremely durable barriers strong enough to prevent anyone or anything from entering or leaving the perimeter defined by the chains.(Narutoverse Jutsu)

*Adamantine Sealing Chains: Barrier

Using the Adamantine Sealing Chains, the user creates a barrier strong enough to even withstand a tailed beast like the Nine-Tails. (Narutoverse Jutsu)

*Adamantine Attacking Chains

An incomplete version of the Adamantine Sealing Chains technique unique to the Uzumaki clan. These chakra-based chains can be used to attack and pulverise a target. Despite the Adamantine Attacking Chains being an incomplete version of the Adamantine Sealing Chains, it has the ability to not only attack with the chains but also neutralise her target by binding and nullifying their chakra with the chains. Only, this incomplete version allows the user to manipulate the size of the chains to fit the situation. (Narutoverse Jutsu)

*Uzumaki Fūin: Chakra Draining Seal

A fūinjutsu designed to drain chakra. By placing the seal on the target, their chakra is drained and transferred to the user. It was used to absorb the remaining remnants of Orochimaru's chakra that was inside Anko Mitarashi's cursed seal.(Narutoverse Jutsu)

*Uzumaki Fūin: Eternal Imprisonment Seal

Original Name: Uzumaki Sealing Technique

User: Ashina Uzumaki

After forming the necessary hand seals, the user slams their hand on the ground after which a sealing formula, that originates from the user's hand, forming underneath the target. When the seal activates, anything above the inscription is sucked in and sealed away within the formula itself. Then the sealing formula glows and disappears. (Narutoverse Jutsu)

{{{A/N: I have just renamed the Uzumaki Sealing Technique of Ashina Uzumaki into a more appropriate name.}}}