
Naruto: Ancient One

Under work!!!! Please don't send power stones since if I don't write a chapter since it will make me uncomfortable if I receive one.

One_Of_The_Players · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Strengthening

*First Person Perspective*

A week had passed since I ascended to the throne as the new emperor of the Land of Ancestors, and the weight of my newfound responsibility bore down upon my shoulders. Unwavering in my dedication, I embarked on a mission to fortify my kingdom's foundations and address the persistent issues that had long plagued my people.

With the kingdom's future in mind, I delved deep into the intricacies of my territory. My keen eye spotted the subtle yet significant problems that had gone unnoticed for generations. Issues spanning healthcare, safety, military readiness, and the sustenance of the populace captured my attention. These were the threads that, if left unattended, could unravel even the mightiest of empires.

I recognized the undeniable value of healthcare, understanding that the health and well-being of my subjects were the bedrock upon which the kingdom stood. The ravages of infections and diseases had taken countless lives, and I resolved to enact change. My first step was to revolutionize the healthcare system, a task that demanded immediate attention.

In my modest town hall, which was currently my place, I went over the scrolls that contained information about the healthcare practices currently in use. This ranged from the treatments they employed to the lifestyle of the people back then. I consulted with my adviser, Akira, and other scholars who possessed logistical knowledge.

After much contemplation, a plan began to take shape—one that focused on prevention as much as cure. It became evident to me that the environment itself was often the breeding ground for most ailments. Sanitation, I believed, was the key to breaking the cycle of sickness.

My decree echoed throughout the kingdom: Sanitation practices were to be elevated to an unprecedented level. I understood that by targeting the root causes of infections, the kingdom could stand strong against the onslaught of diseases. It was a logical, practical strategy—one that held the promise of safeguarding my people's well-being for generations to come.

Turning my attention outward, I entrusted my trusted royal adviser, Akari, with the task of fortifying the kingdom's defenses. The castle, a symbol of strength and resilience, was to be enhanced further. Drawing inspiration from tales of battles and fortresses from my favorite anime and fantasy novels, I envisioned a stronghold that would stand unwavering against any threat.

With an architect's precision and a strategist's foresight, the castle walls underwent a transformation. The stout, weathered wood was replaced with a more durable variety, a testament to my commitment to enduring strength. But I didn't stop there.

Drawing from the wisdom of both history and fiction, I ordered a layer of cement to be added—an extra layer of protection against the threat of fire, an enemy that had devastated kingdoms in stories of old.

Yet, as I surveyed my progress, I knew that a strong fortress alone could not secure my kingdom's future. The kingdom's meager force of fifty soldiers was a glaring vulnerability, especially in the face of the formidable Land of Sore. I understood that an open conflict with them would lead to disaster.

With strategic acumen, I saw beyond the immediate. I recognized the Land of Sore's reluctance to squander their troops needlessly, a deterrent born from the delicate balance of priorities.

Drawing from my past experiences as a leader in the criminal underworld, I devised innovative training methods and unconventional tactics. I introduced fresh perspectives that injected new energy into my troops, honing their combat skills and elevating their readiness.

They had grown more bloodthirsty under my training, transforming into formidable berserkers rather than conventional soldiers. The foot soldiers charged with an intensified passion, and the archers displayed heightened focus and precision in their aim, thanks to the superior bows I provided, knowledge gleaned from my limited expertise, which had been refined with the assistance of seasoned experts.

Having addressed all these concerns, the final challenge on my plate was resolving the issues of food and shelter, given that water was not a problem due to our proximity to a lake. 

After extensive deliberation with Akira, the primary solution I devised was to enhance our agriculture. Drawing upon fragments of knowledge from my future experiences as a thug collecting protection money from farmers, I sought to implement improvements in our farming practices.

After completing all these tasks in the following weeks, I finally found some time to relax. It was crucial to allow my people to adjust to the significant changes I had implemented during my brief stint as a ruler. I could sense that the magnitude of these changes was pushing them to their limits. Even when executed with good intentions, change is not always easy to accept, especially under the rule of a new and youthful leader.

After releasing the accumulated stress over the course of a week, I ventured into the town and actively participated in various tasks. I was determined not to become a distant ruler, as history and fiction had taught me that a leader disconnected from the people could face downfall. I wanted to be a king the people could connect with, understanding the importance of such a connection for long-term stability.

With that in mind, I assisted farmers alongside my soldiers, ensuring they received training that not only benefited them individually but also contributed to the overall prosperity of the kingdom.

Amidst these efforts, I couldn't help but notice the growing weariness in Kōgyoku's eyes. She seemed to be doing her best to avoid drawing attention from me, and I surmised that it was likely due to concerns about whether I might kill her or strip her of her position as a concubine. The latter was indeed a possibility, as I had made no promises regarding her status to my father, only ensuring her life.

{Don't send power stones Celestial_creator, I mean this with no disrespect but I don't like getting something without repaying it return. Just wait patiently until I upload again and thank you for your support but there are more stories with better uploading schedule than me.}