
Naruto: Ancient One

Under work!!!! Please don't send power stones since if I don't write a chapter since it will make me uncomfortable if I receive one.

One_Of_The_Players · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Emperor Kai

The next day, the old emperor succumbed to the injuries he had sustained during the battle against the Land of Sore. With a sense of solemnity, Kai took it upon himself to arrange a dignified and regal burial befitting the man who had ruled their land for so long.

In the wake of Emperor Jimmu's passing, news spread quickly, drawing the collective attention of the realm's inhabitants. The preparations for the kingly burial were meticulous, involving various aspects of tradition and ceremony. The land seemed to hold its breath in reverence for its fallen leader.

As the day of the burial arrived, a somber atmosphere enveloped the royal grounds. A diverse gathering had assembled to pay their respects to the departed emperor. Among those present were the royal family members: Kai, the new emperor; Tenji and Suiko, his siblings; and Kōgyoku, the once-concubine.

Two significant figures who had been integral to the emperor's reign were also in attendance. Daiki, the royal adviser who had served under two emperors, brought with him his wealth of experience and wisdom. General Makoto, who had fought alongside the old emperor in battles of yore, stood among the mourners as a testament to their shared history.

Together, they gathered to bid their final farewells to the man who had guided their land, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new one under Kai's rule.


The ritual for Kai's ascension to the throne as the new emperor was a meticulously orchestrated affair, deeply rooted in the cultural traditions of the Land of Ancestors, reminiscent of certain aspects of Japanese culture. Every step was imbued with symbolism, and each element held a profound meaning that connected the past, present, and future of the realm.

The day began with a purification ceremony, where Kai purified himself with water, signifying the renewal of his spirit and his commitment to his new role. This ritual, known as Misogi, was a customary practice to cleanse both body and mind.

Then Kai adorned himself in traditional imperial attire, including elaborate robes, adorned with intricate embroidery and symbolic motifs. The ensemble was carefully selected to reflect the gravity of the occasion and pay homage to the historical legacy he was inheriting.

Before the official ceremony commenced, Kai paid his respects at the family altar dedicated to his ancestors. This ritual acknowledged the lineage from which he descended and sought their blessings for his reign ahead.

During the main ceremony, Kai made a series of sacred declarations. These statements affirmed his commitment to uphold the legacy of his ancestors, to serve and protect his people, and to govern with wisdom and compassion.

A pivotal moment was the presentation of the imperial regalia—a mirror, a sword, and a jewel—symbolizing wisdom, bravery, and compassion, respectively. These artifacts held immense historical and spiritual significance, representing the legitimacy of Kai's rule.

"I shall devote myself to becoming the epitome of an emperor, fostering prosperity among my people and I will ensure that the Land of Ancestors will no longer suffer at the hands of the Land of Sore, this is my pledge as the new emperor," Kai's voice resounded with conviction, his sweeping gesture encompassing the grandeur of the hall. His imperial robes swayed gently in response as if stirred by an invisible breeze.

With the regalia clasped firmly in his grasp, Kai stood poised before the assembly, a figure of strength and tradition. The weight of his words echoed the legacy of generations, forging a link between him and the rulers of yore. In this pivotal moment, he marked the transition of power with the authority that came from his lineage and the promise he held for the future.

In a gesture of unity, representatives from various regions of the Land of Ancestors were present to witness the ceremony. This not only signified the acceptance of Kai's rule by the broader population but also reflected the idea of a united realm under his leadership.

Following the proclamation, those in attendance offered blessings and well-wishes to the new emperor. This demonstrated their support and hope for a prosperous and harmonious reign.

The ceremony concluded with rituals that conveyed gratitude to the spirits and ancestors for their guidance. A sense of continuity was maintained as the rituals encapsulated the cyclical nature of life and leadership.

Throughout the ritual, each step was executed with reverence and precision, underscoring the deep respect the people held for their culture, history, and their new emperor. The ceremony was not only a formal event but a powerful representation of the nation's collective identity, spirituality, and the continuity of their traditions.

Kai found himself thoroughly drained by the culmination of the elaborate ceremony and the intricacies it entailed. The weight of his responsibilities, combined with the necessity of winning over both the common populace and the influential figures in positions of power, had taken its toll on him.

Yet, amid the exhaustion that coursed through his body, there was a sense of satisfaction. Despite the challenges and complexities he faced, Kai had succeeded in achieving his overarching goal: garnering the approval of both the people and the influential elite. The collective effort he had poured into orchestrating a seamless ceremony and making strategic decisions had not gone unnoticed.

As he paused to catch his breath, Kai reflected on the significance of his achievements. The unity he had striven to establish, the foundation he had laid for his reign, and the momentum he had generated were all testaments to his dedication and determination.

Though physically tired, Kai's spirit remained resolute. He knew that the path ahead would be demanding, filled with further challenges and obstacles to overcome. Yet, bolstered by the initial success of his ascension and the approval he had garnered, he felt a renewed determination to lead the Land of Ancestors with wisdom, strength, and a commitment to prosperity for all.


A few days after his coronation as the new emperor, Kai wasted no time in setting his plans into motion. With a decisive demeanor, he undertook a series of actions aimed at consolidating his authority and imprinting his mark on the governance of the Land of Ancestors.

Kai's first move was to replace the previous royal adviser, a sign of his intention to establish his own trusted circle of advisors. In place of the former adviser, he appointed his own confidant, Akari, whom he had personally mentored and trained. This strategic shift signaled Kai's commitment to having individuals who shared his vision and loyalty close at hand.

Recognizing the significance of his five elite soldiers, Kai elevated them to positions of leadership by granting them the rank of generals. This promotion not only rewarded their loyalty and dedication but also solidified their roles in his inner circle. Their battlefield prowess and unwavering commitment made them valuable assets in both times of war and peace.

These actions, though swift, showcased Kai's decisive leadership style. By replacing key figures and appointing those he trusted, he aimed to create a harmonious and effective governing structure that aligned with his vision for the realm's prosperity.