
Naruto: Ancient One

Under work!!!! Please don't send power stones since if I don't write a chapter since it will make me uncomfortable if I receive one.

One_Of_The_Players · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Kai

*First Person Perspective*

A decade has slipped by since my rebirth into this world—a reprieve granted after I had atoned for my sins in the depths of hell. The memory of that great fire, a blazing inferno that consumed my very soul for eons, is etched into my consciousness. The scalding agony, the relentless torment—it was the price I paid for the transgressions of my former life.

And then there was the chilling grasp of that frozen cube, an eternity of numbing cold that gnawed at my soul. Time itself felt distorted within that icy prison, stretching and warping as I grappled with the weight of my actions. It was within these contrasting realms of fire and ice that I confronted the consequences of my choices, the echoes of my deeds resonating through the abyss.

There were countless other forms of torment in that infernal domain—each more gruesome and harrowing than the last. But those specifics matter little now, for I am determined to forge ahead, to ensure I never return to that accursed place.

The world I now inhabit is both familiar and foreign, a realm that pulsates with life, where every whisper of the wind and rustle of leaves seems to carry a promise of hope. The memory of my previous life lingers like a faint echo, a constant reminder of the journey that brought me here.

As I gaze upon the horizon, I am met with landscapes that mirror the duality of my existence—a land of tranquil villages, shimmering lakes, and ancient trees, juxtaposed with the turmoil of wars that rage on, their flames scorching the earth and the souls of its inhabitants.

Yet, amidst this intricate dance of light and shadow, I find myself in a state of contemplation. The lessons of my past life have bestowed upon me a newfound understanding of the fragility of life and the ephemeral nature of memory. How those who have died, even those who were once so significant, can be forgotten or become less significant as time marches on.

A prime example of life's fragility lies in the story of my mother in this current life. Her life was sacrificed in the throes of childbirth so that mine might flourish, and yet my father's uncaringness, who moved on as if her life didn't matter to him, serves as a sharp reminder of how transitory our connections can be.

"Enough of these dark thoughts for now," I tell myself, pulling my focus away from the haunting memories. "Right now, I should be focusing on planning for the future. In the upcoming years, I'll be meeting with the 'Ancestor of Chakra' herself, and I want for her to become my wife."

A chuckle escapes my lips as I imagine the powerful beauty, an alien girl with an intriguing personality that has caught my attention from the anime alone. The thought brings a glimmer of anticipation to my new life, it fills me with hopes of meeting even more beautiful women than those that I have seen back on Earth.

To materialize my plans, I've meticulously gathered information about the world around me. It's become clear that the land I'm destined to rule, once I have dealt with the complex matter of my younger brother Tenji—a child born to a concubine—through assassination will harbor only around 500 individuals.

A modest populace indeed, among which approximately a hundred possess the capability to fight, while the rest comprise women, children, and the elderly. A delicate balance of strengths and vulnerabilities that will play a pivotal role in shaping my reign.

Though our numbers are not insignificant, only about 50 of them make up my army, revealing the disadvantages we face compared to our neighbors from the Land of Sore. Their force boasts a considerable 150 soldiers—a stark contrast to our modest ranks. Yet, this disparity merely presents a challenge to overcome, a puzzle to solve in the grand strategy that will ultimately define my legacy.

Adding to our complexity, we now find ourselves amid a war with the Land of Sore. A conflict that has intensified due to the declining health of my father, a result of the injuries he sustained in battle. However, the scales are balanced by the fact that their emperor has also suffered a grave, life-threatening injury. As the battle rages on, fate hangs in the balance, waiting to be tipped in our favor.

A fascinating revelation about this era—the Era of Ancestors—has further fueled my determination. Those who have trained their bodies at this time period possess remarkably strong bodies, surpassing those of regular humans on Earth by a staggering five-fold. To put this into perspective, even Earth's top athletes only achieved a fraction of this strength, with a range of two to three times. The theories behind this phenomenon are plentiful, but two stand out as the most plausible.

One possibility is the abundance of natural energy in this era, a result of the god tree not yet absorbing it frantically. This surplus of energy could be responsible for the extraordinary physical prowess displayed by the inhabitants.

Another theory is rooted in the harsh living conditions of ancient times. The challenges of survival might have naturally been selected for individuals with strong bodies, ensuring their adaptation and continuation.

Driven by this knowledge, I began to train my body lightly from the age of five. My goal: is to further strengthen myself and ultimately reach a level of physical prowess that matches, if not surpasses, my father's. Achieving a six-fold strength compared to regular humans on Earth is my goal.

"I, Kai, will dedicate myself to rigorous training and await with steadfast patience, all in anticipation of the fateful day when I shall rise to the throne as the new emperor," I declared dramatically, my hands raised towards the horizon. As I spoke those words, I couldn't help but recognize a hint of my past 'Chuunibyou' tendencies, remnants from my days as an anime enthusiast.

It was during that time that I would immerse myself in the world of fictional tales, embracing the role of a NEET rather than a mafia boss within the confines of my room. Fortunately, this eccentric side of me remained hidden, concealed by my claim to my subordinate that I was occupied with crucial business matters.