
Chapter 6

After a few weeks, the three patients had been released from the hospital. but the time for their release is different ( because I want them to meet in different circumstances). the first one to go was Rin, trying to learn more about this world's miracles. Rin was given a small introduction to chakra, ninjutsu and so on. Kakashi, on the other hand, was noticing something was different with Rin but could not figure it out. he notices that Rin behaves more mature than she usually is.

Kakashi: ' So it is true that someone grows when they experience pain'

Rin: But father why should we use these hand signs to use the Jutsu?

Kakashi: It is to manipulate the chakra within our body. By manipulating the chakra using hand sign we produce the desired result.

Rin: Then why do all shout the Jutsu's name?

Kakashi: While saying the jutsu's name we remember it subconsciously, which in turn amplifies the effect. but one can perform the Jutsu without saying the name.

Rin: ' So prana is replaced by chakra and the mystic codes are replaced by the jutsus. interesting. I must start to learn this world's technique and combine it with my mage craft. this will bring me one step closer to root. but first, I must convince my new dad to teach me these Jutsu. Then I must use my special attack for this.'

Kakashi: ' I know Rin is always a curious girl, but, I didn't expect her to be this curious. anyways knowing her, she will ask me to teach her. and she will use something which will even exceed that of Sharingan. I must be prepared for it'

Rin: Dad could you teach me ninjutsu. 'ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE: PUPPY EYES' please.

Kakashi: 'I couldn't withstand this attack.' no problem Rin. but be prepared, because you will see hell.

Rin: ' Than the one a magus went through?' I dont need to worry dad. I am stronger than you know.

Kakashi: let's see that after you start training.


Shisui, Sasuke and Itachi were worrying about the change happened to Arturia. She started to behave in a more refined manner, acts more elegant and have a dignified aura around her. to be more precise she acted more like how a Daimyō acts ( here kings are Daimyō ). that was until eating time. She didn't change her eating habits. That was the only thing that made them believe that Arturia is still Arturia. After all, no one can rival her in the eating contest in the whole village. Itachi was the one who suggested that the pain changed her. he explained to Shisui that he experienced something similar to himself. he told Shisui that he changes himself after seeing the battlefield when he was a child.

Itachi requested Shisui to not tell Sasuke about this and Shisui accepted it. Itachi also told that she will be back herself maybe after a few days.

Arturia: Big brother Shisui, big brother Itachi do you know where to get a Broad two-handed sword

Shisui: what? a two-handed broad sword?

Itachi: why do you want that?

Arturia: I want to learn how to fight with it. ' I can summon Caliburn, Excalibur, Avalon and my armor for now. but my body can only withstand the stress of using my armor. so I need to train and improve my body to withstand. thanks to my dragon core I have more of this so-called "Chakra"'

Shisui: Cant you use a kunai or a shortsword?

Arturia: but I think I am more suited to it.

Sasuke: How can you be suited with it when you can't even lift it?

Arturia: Who knows? maybe I can surprise you?

Sasuke: You? surprise me? let's see about that

Arturia: then how about a bet?

Shisui and Itachi raised their eyebrows. their instincts said them to stop it. and this time they listened to it.

Sasuke: su...

Shisui: we can by it Arturia. after all, how can we refuse the first thing you asked besides food?

Itachi: I will help Shisui in searching that.

Arturia: Thank you

Sasuke: hey dont forget about the bet.

Then shisui and Itachi fleed from the spot.

Arturia: ok then how about we settle this in a spar? I will show you how capable I am with a sword.

Sasuke: Yes then we settle this in a spar. but give me one month because I need to prepare for it. ' I must Impress Arturia with this. She seems so confident with a sword. maybe she has been training secretly. I will ask Itachi to teach me to fight with a sword so I can beat her and show that I am capable to protect her'.

Arturia: sure. It is a deal then.

Sasuke: Deal.

Arturia: Before that, why dont you treat a lady?

Sasuke: 'This is my chance' OK I will treat you. and you are a kid, not a lady.


Shirou was told that he would be released after a few hours. now, he was all alone. for the past few days, many people visited him. he was actually famous because of his helping tendency. But now he got the time needed to test out his magecraft. he first started with reinforcement. but he failed. he felt another type of energy around him, not prana. then only he recalled about the chakra and decided to train in it.

he tried to access his mindscape. And he could access it. he dont knows whether he can recreate the noble phantasm. but for now, he is happy with his reality marble. next, he remembers that Naruto was going to be kicked out of the orphanage. Naruto was actually the only trustworthy friend he could find aside from the third Hokage. The Hokage was more like a grandfather to them.

Shirou: ' Since naruto is moving out should also do the same. after all, staying there might expose me. I need to keep my magecraft secret and find rin and saber. then we could decide next action.'

Shirou: ' Until then I will learn about other things like making weapons. how to use chakra, earning more money and giving it to rin as sorry and improve my recipe for saber. yes, this goal will keep me alive in the long run'

Suddenly door opens and naruto along with Hokage was there.

Shirou: Good evening Lord Hokage.

Hokage raised his eyebrows

Hokage: Good evening Shirou. it seems that you got well.

Shirou: my body is feeling nice and fit. and all I need is tasty food. these hospital food are not so good.

Hokage: Hahaha. glad to hear that. why dont I treat you to ramen?

Naruto: Really! gramps is the best.

Shirou: I would accept your kind offer lord Hokage. but before that can I ask you something?

Hokage: yes Shirou.

Shirou: could you give me permission to move out of the orphanage.

Hokage: why do you want to? is it not good?

Shirou: A place without naruto is boring.

Hokage: ok then I will give you both to stay together in a new house that will be provided. ' see Minato, Kushina your kids are acting like brothers even though they dont know the truth. are you really sure that Naruto is the elder one?'

Shirou: Ok lord Hokage. and one more thing could you give me permission to do some part-time jobs.

Hokage: But why? we will provide you money.

Shirou: It is for the extra expense if needed in an emergency

Hokage: ' See Shirou should be the elder one. he is so matured'. Ok, what job do you want to do?

Shirou: I will work as a blacksmith.

Hokage: Blacksmith?

Shirou: yes I would like to create my own weapons for me to use in a fight 'Which I basically do'

Naruto: Really? That idea is so cool. I also want to become one.

Shirou: No that is dangerous for you.

Hokage: That is dangerous for you to young man.

Shirou: But I will follow all safety procedures and also have the patience for it.

Hokage: OK but there will always be someone to watch over you.

Shirou: OK I will take your offer.

Naruto: Then what are we waiting for? let's go to the ramen shop.

Yo Arthur here. This is the largest chapter which I have typed until now.

and now the same dialogue, if you have any comments, positive criticism or suggestions, please do give it.

And also please Bare with any mistakes if there.


Next chapter Rin meets Shirou

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