
question by the mizukage & first meeting with Isobu

after the doctors and nurses had did their job I breathed in and out the Shinobi who had talked to me before entered the room. I got up and walk towards him he seemed to know what I was going to say and began leading the way right now I was thinking about how to reveal my Sharingan and my Uchiha blood to them. I would most likely choose to do it telling them I figured it out after reading up on the Uchiha and the similarities to my dojutsu. that would be the best way to answer any questions on how I figure it out I had Uchiha blood. and I most certainly would have to Showcase my dojutsu this also would most likely be the best way to undo Obito's genjutsu on the mizukage. and perhaps if I'm feeling ambitious put him under one myself. I looked up to the Shinobi after realizing I still was in my patience outfit.

" mind if we get some clothes I don't think I should be seen the mizukage in my patient close?"

the Shinobi seems to laugh a little bit and nods as he opened up a scroll and it seemed to be a seal as he was focusing on it I quickly scan the seal to see what it was and it was a storage seal. and clothes popped out they were a little big for me but he most likely had the spare clothes for his Genin team. for a long-term missions I quickly ran into a room after crabbing some clothes that looked fairly decent. and I quickly put them on and then I caught up with the you know the word giving me the clothes and give him a look that said I am ready to move. as we move quickly through the streets I kept up with him. we start heading to what seems to be a building that doesn't seem very presumptuous compared to the rest of the village I'm assuming this is the ambu headquarters as we enter I could see many Ninja hiding in the Shadows but I could see them fairly easily because of my training with Zabuza. he told me more than just swordsmanship he taught me stealth how to see if someone's watching you and a number of other things. as we continued walking and entered a room I saw the mizukage they're waiting for me I sat in the chair that was right across from him. he seemed to breathe in and out as he started to ask a question.

" you already know you're being questioned so it should be obvious what my first question will be Jack why was that hidden leaf anbu at your house?"

I slowly nodded as I spoke while activating my dojutsu and it's full Mangekyou state.

" that would be because I possess not just the Sharingan but also the Mangekyou Sharingan. and I am half Uchiha."

as me and the mizukage locked eyes I quickly dispel the genjutsu he was under. and deactivated my Sharingan after he got a good look. the mizukage got a feeling of relieved and his real self coming out he tried keeping this a secret that he got put under genjutsu. as he nodded it to my answer and continue the questioning.

" how do you know that you are half Uchiha?"

I spoke calmly and precisely as many of the Ninjas team on their toes now knowing that I am half of Uchiha.

" I figured it out after I unlocked my dojutsu and read up about other clans that have do jutsus when I looked at the description of a new Sharingan it matched the look of my but instead of being red mine was gold like color so I guess I have a mutation. but other than that changing color they looked identical."

he seemed to not at me again and had a small smile on his face as he continued to speak.

" okay that seem logical the figure out you had the Sharingan but how do you think you got your genetics?"

I spoke calmly again.

" well I thought that would be fairly obvious my mother got a bit freaky with a Uchiha hidden Leaf Shinobi on a joint mission of some kind then me and my brother were born."

he seem to nod at my answer as he looked at the paper but then threw it aside because I'm guessing the last question was a stupid one. as he would then begin to speak again.

" all right well I guess that's all the questioning but I have a question for you a very high importance... and I want all of the ambu here to go get seals specialists."

they all seem confused but nodded as they all left the mizukage looked at me and spoke fairly quickly.

" I know the power of the Sharingan and it's upper-stage the Mangekyou as you figured I was under a genjutsu I want you to be the next three Tails jinchuriki because I'm fairly certain they were after The 3 Tails and were waiting for the right time. you'll be able to control The 3 Tails or befriended how to do with The 3 Tails is up to you. but I cannot in good mind knowing I was put under a genjutsu lit someone have a chance of stealing our biggest protection plan which is The 3 Tails. after the transfer I want you to be prepared. in case they go after you like they did me."

I slowly nodded as I gave him a look saying I am willing to be the jinchuuriki. as the ambu entered the room all were there and the mizukage started to take off his shirt to reveal the seal. as he looked at each of them he spoke with authority.

" all of you begin preparing the transferring of The 3 Tails from me to Jack. and after is done I will tell you all why this has been done."

all the anbu were shocked but slowly nodded. me and the mizukage with all of the anbu entered a room which seemed to be a place they use for the transferring of a tail beast I use my Mangekyou to scan all the seals on the walls. as a quickly deciphered all of them they were to stop anyone from using any teleportation Jutsu to get in or out of here. which meant no one could get in without setting off the alarms. after I fully scanned all them I had memorized the formula so I could probably use this. as the mizukage seem to walk towards the center of the room and sat in a chair as he pointed to the chair in front of him I did as he was basically telling me and sat in the chair all the anbu seem to start doing hand signs. at incredible speeds it almost looked as impressive as Kakashi in his hand signs but I would say a quarter of how impressed when I saw Kakashi doing his hand signs. after what seemed to be a few minutes I saw a tube made of chakra extend from the mizukage chest and it linked to mine and seem to transfer that the 3 tails from him to me. I braced myself as a chakra started to overwhelm me from The 3 Tails I had a newfound respect for Naruto how the hell could he handle this sensation as an infant. it's like your body being ripped apart just to make it even bigger. the respect I started to feel for Naruto was so big I honestly was kind of scared on how he could even deal with this as an infant. then again he did have plot armor so that could be the reason why I could handle this. after what was basically three hours of excruciating pain later the transfer was fully complete and I looked absolutely exhausted. the mizukage spoke for the first time during this whole process.

" I-I never thought having a tail Beast removed would be this painful how the hell is it more painful than when you get it transferred into you?!?!"

okay I can't even call that talking that be more pacific that known as a bloody death screaming. and he's being so damn exhausted and drained and I couldn't blame him he just lost a humongous chunk of chakra from his body which probably had Don used to that for a long time until now. I simply started to black out a little bit and after a few seconds I was completely blacked out. I slowly begin to wake up in a different Trail alltogether I was on an island surrounded by a great sea. as I walked closer inland I Saw The 3 Tails on a smaller island in the center of a lake understand to be a cage around it seemed to open its eyes and looked at me.

"so... you are my... new host hmmmmmm?"

I wave my hand to open the seal getting rid of the cage which seems to cause it attention.

" yeah my name is Jack nice to meet you"

I said walking closer to The 3 Tails I knew he was a much more sociable and Kinder tail beast compared to the others and personality. so honestly I wasn't all because he was most Cooperative compared to the other tail beast. simply put if you were to look at it to typically The 3 Tails was most likely going to befriend you more than any other tail beast. Isobu stayed quiet for a few moments as I'm guessing it's trying to think of what to say and then he speak.

" you already removed my cage why?"

I put my hands behind my head as I looked up to the sky.

" well there's a few reasons one I have the Mangekyou Sharingan so if you try to run muck in hurt anyone I could always just put you in a genjutsu and put back the cage. 2 I've always felt bad for the tail beasts since we effectively forced them to live in a prison. 3 you have one of the lowest amount of Rampages compared to all the other tailed beasts. and 4 even if Lord fourth try to hide it I could tell he cared about you not just because he couldn't protect you and the village. which means you're not exactly a bad person more misunderstood of sorts. and if my thought process is right I don't see a reason to keep you in a cage. doesn't mean I won't put you back if you cause trouble just means as long you don't cause trouble you won't go back in the cage."

The 3 Tails looked absolutely shocked at my words. but after I mention the fourth mizukage who cared about him he seemed to get bashful. The 3 Tails also seemed very happy. I could feel myself starting to become conscious again so I looked over to The 3 Tails.

" well looks like I'm about to wake up hope to talk to you later"

I waved as I started to wake up as I woke up I opened my eyes and saw the mizukage seems to smile and speaks. I also noticed that we weren't in that room anymore in fact I was in the mizukage office alone with him.

" so what do you think about Isobu?"

I started to get up and rubbed my neck as I had small smile on my face.

" definitely seems like a kind person judging from his eyes or was her eyes whatever gender the 3 tails is I didn't think to ask. or do even the tailed beasts have genders?"

the mizukage seem to laugh at my words as he begin to spoke.

"Isobu is a him and you're not wrong about him being a good person. honestly I will willingly admit it he's better than most people I have met in my life. tho he can be quite shy at times. but my experience if you do buy good by him and he'll do good by you. though it may be a while before he warms up to you."

I slowly nodded as I could hear a embarrassed Isobu in my head I looked concerned at the mizukage.

" so can he hear my thoughts?"

the mizukage made his hand goes side to side like he were saying 50/50.

" he typically doesn't invade your privacy unless you're trying to talk to him in your head. if you're trying to talk to him he'll listen to your thoughts and talk to you but if you're thinking about something like oh how he going to ask someone out. he won't listen in unless you ask for some advice."

I looked at Lord forth with an evil smirk.

" so have you asked he about asking someone out Lord 4th?"

Lord fourth immediately start blushing shaking his head violently. do I could tell he was lying. I start to stand up and stretch as I Look to Lord forth again and spoke.

" so where is me and my brother living since the hidden Leaf know where me and him were living?"

the mizukage broke out of his blushing fit and smiled.

" oh both you and your brother will be living with me because I have the highest Security in the village they won't be able to get you and I can give you advice on how to make Isobu comfortable when talking since he can be pretty nervous when it comes to talking with anyone. and I can help train your brother though I can train you you've been training with Zabuza for what I have heard and considering how he reacted to seeing you were attacked and how worried he was says quite a bit to that bit of rumor. the best I could teach you is some Jutsu then maybe get you some really strong trainers that can help you improve in areas Zabuza doesn't really have good practice in. but you only have two weeks to train. since that's about time that we will be forced into the this great Shinobi War."

I nodded to Lord 4th words. I was ready for the training and I was ready to spill my first ounce of blood. but I wonder who he would get me to train against. Lord 4th began to speak again.

" now follow me I will lead you to my home your brother is already there."

as he got up I nodded and follow them to his home. it took us a few minutes with us just walking and talking. but when we got there and enter the house. within a second my brother tackled me hugging me I'm guessing he was still scared about what happened and I really couldn't blame him we just lost our grandparents I can only imagine how much pain he was in and I most certainly was going to make him share it with me.

images of what his style will be throughout the Shinobi war and a little bit until he's a teenager will be in a comment

The_Abyssal_seercreators' thoughts