
Naruto: A Broken Dream

Hiroshi was never someone who would rush into a fight, he was a happy person, someone who enjoyed getting everyone to laugh alongside him, Hiroshi was Mark Baker, a weeb who one day woke up in the world of Naruto and became Hiroshi Aburame... ---------------------------------------- I wanted to see what outside the scope of canon could do to the timeline, the story would probably go into massive AU in the future, with the whole world of Elemental nations going up and down because of Hiroshi's choices. If you want to read it, give it a try as the story won't be a linear worldbuilding, and everyone would be trying to screw one another... ---------------------------------------- This novel is my attempt at trying the Simulation system trope, I liked the idea behind the system, just the execution of many novels using this troupe was a blunder to navigate due to them being mostly MTL... So here's my attempt at a Simulation type novel. If you want to read ahead or read 9 Chapters ahead- https://www.patreon.com/DesMark

DesMark · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

The Encounter! Part-1

AN- Read the first part of the Author's note in the end it contains some information regarding the world-building, which would help understand a lot of decisions various characters make. Thanks and Enjoy!


{ROOT Base 001, Konohagakure}

{2:13 PM, 27 March 78 Yrs}

Danzo's orders were swiftly transmitted through the channels, in a matter of a couple of minutes, a squad of 7 ROOT operatives vanished using the body flicker jutsu, they left the base through different exits before converging towards Training Ground 21.

"He arrives at Training Ground 21 at around 4 right?" Danzo confirmed as he sent a chakra pulse through a seal matrix engraved into his desk.

"Yes, Danzo-sama" Koi answered, he glanced backward as the gate opened and Danzo's assistant walked into the room.

"Get me the latest psych evaluations on Hiroshi Aburame, Genin Registration number #R-140607." The assistant nodded as he left the room after closing the door.

"Anything else Koi?" Danzo asked as he went back to the report this time reading through the remarks that Koi left.

"Yes, Danzo-sama, there were inconsistencies with his walking pattern every other day before he started training, which leads me to believe that he is ramping up his weights by at least some amount every other day."

'...he could hurt his muscles and joints if he overdoes it, he would need a more detailed medical check once he is processed.'

"Alright, did you trace back those weights?" Danzo asked.

"Yes, standard training weights sold by the Ishikawa's shop," Koi answered.

'That's a high-end shop, at least the boy is not an idiot.'

Danzo pondered as he kept reading the report by Koi, it painted a picture of a genin who is trying his hardest to hide his strength, looking at his non-existent social interactions he didn't have much of a social life so whisking him away wouldn't alarm anyone. He would have been a perfect candidate for recruitment if he had kept the Kikaichū, but then again in hindsight, his situation would be a lot different then.

The door opened once again and a file appeared in front of Danzo, it wasn't a big file, Hiroshi has been in the genin force for over 2 years now so he has had 3 mandatory evaluations. Unless a shinobi goes through a traumatic mission, he just needed to go through one evaluation every year to maintain their clearance to take on more missions. Danzo flipped through the latest evaluation, it happened just two months ago so it would have the latest information.

'''Name: Hiroshi Aburame'''

'''Clan Affiliation: Aburame Clan'''

'''Genin Registration Number: R-140607'''

'''Dominant Personality trait: Paranoia...'''

Danzo's eyes narrowed as he continued reading through the report, he flipped back to the other 2 reports and found paranoia listed as the dominant personality trait all the way back since he first joined the Reserve genin force. Having Paranoia as a trait wasn't the worst thing to have, but reading through the whole thing Danzo quickly found several things that showed some form of psychological issues that Hiroshi might have.

'''...at first look, Hiroshi Aburame is a closed off genin that has problems with social interactions, the situation hasn't changed since the last evaluation, having grown up on his own, and likely due to constant suppression and bullying by his clan, Hiroshi has grown used to relying on his own. The situation has likely formed a link in his mind that he does not need anyone for almost anything, having been self-reliant since he started the academy at the age of 6, it's been 8 years since he has started living alone, even in the reserve force he kept bouncing in between teams although his latest inclusion into team Tora has eased some of his more severe isolation issues...'''


'''...Hiroshi like every other time denied meeting with a Yamanaka for his evaluation, even after being informed that the Yamanaka clan is more accustomed to searching for clues in his micro-expressions without them relying on their clan specialties to read into his thoughts. His aversion to seeing a Yamanaka led to extreme paranoia being marked as his dominant characteristic trait, he was also unusually fearful of meeting with a Yamanaka, maybe some childhood trauma regarding some fairy tails that he misinterpreted could be the cause of this-'''

Danzo put the report down, there were many shinobi who didn't like seeing a Yamanaka for after-evaluations psych analysis, but after a statistics study done by Lord Second, it was concluded that a shinobi who did talk to a Yamanaka after a severe traumatic mission has a 43% less chance to commit suicide then if they are ignored. It is a common misconception among the younger population that the Yamanaka clan can read minds because of their clan jutsus. Anyone's mind is a complicated organ, especially a shinobi's mind, the stronger someone is the more chakra they have, and the chakra residing in someone's brain acts as a natural barrier that protects someone's mind from invasion. The Yamanaka clan techniques are normally various ways to break this connection of chakra from the rest of their network thus gaining some form of control over their opponent's body.

To gain access to someone's brain and memories without their consent would need the collective efforts of several Yamanaka higher-ups, and even after that because the forceful extraction of memories could permanently damage the target's memories and other neural functionalities, or in extreme cases even completely fry their brain if their chakra resistance is strong enough. Konoha could have easily won every war and didn't need a physical torture department if any Yamanaka could just sneak peek into any hostage's mind, gathering information on their opponent's supply routes or base camps easily winning the 3 great shinobi wars.

Danzo started reading through the report, his thoughts swirling as a plan of attack was already forming in his mind, Hiroshi was paranoid regarding his memories, and according to his file, he hadn't had any access to genjutsu training, maybe using a combination of genjutsu could make him lower his guard to maybe help determine if he was against Konoha or not. It was the bottom line that Danzo was willing to work with, if his hatred was just against the Aburame clan then he could use it to channel his anger and hate into something far more productive.

"Let's go Koi, I need to see how his training ground looks and set up some stuff before he arrives," Danzo spoke as he stood up, he started calmly walking through the tunnel, his mind already going through the list of genjutsu that could be used in conjugation to break through Hiroshi's guard.

'He also has an inferiority complex according to the reports, so a natural killing intent suppression should also help...'



AN- Alright this first part addresses the Yamanaka clan Jutsus, I know most people believe that the Yamanaka clan members could just dive into someone's mind and read their memories but, that just fucks up the whole world of Naruto. I may go on a rant here but Kishimoto didn't actually give the less famous clans like the Yamanaka and the Nara any screen time. At the end of the show, during the 4th Shinobi World War, Ino under the augmentation of Kyuubi's chakra was able to transmit voices into everybody's mind, she was able to transmit Naruto's feelings and memories which is an OP ability mind you, but we don't know anything about the Yamanaka clan except there OP jutsu's like destroying someone's neurological pathways so that they attack their own allies, the Yamanaka clan are underrated because they are unknown, in fanon, every ff writer interprets their jutsu's and capabilities according to their own novels so I'll tell you what I think is a logical interpretation of their abilities from my point of view upon which I'll base my story on.

1. The Yamanaka clan members could view someone's memories by using their jutsu, 'Secret Art: Psycho Mind Transmission' only if the target lets them see their memories otherwise the jutsu fails. If the target resists, then they could use the 'Mind Reading Amplification Machine' that is placed in the Konoha T&I department and amplify the power of 'Secret Art: Psycho Mind Transmission' but they would need the help of several higher-level Yamanaka clan members to use the jutsu in conjugation to break into someone's brain, but forcefully extracting memories could damage the neural capabilities of the target and even make them forget some stuff.

2. This above constraint makes sense to me because it makes the world setting of the Elemental Nations make sense, if the Yamanaka clan members could just freely extract anyone's memories then it just makes everything completely absurd. Konoha could win every war just on the backing of them knowing whatever the opponent is planning if just one Yamanaka could break through someone's mind, Ibiki and Anko won't have to work in the T&I department because let's be honest, just let 3-4 Yamanaka Jounin take shifts extracting whatever information they need.

3. This constraint makes it a pro-and-con scenario for Hiruzen or Danzo if they want to send someone to a Yamanaka for memory extraction, they could lose valuable intel and ruin someone if they are hasty in interrogating someone thus making every decision an important one.

I hope this helps, if it makes you believe this is an AU story where the Yamanaka clan is severely nerfed, you are free to do so, otherwise, every story you would read in which the MC isn't Konoha's puppet would just end with their mind being read by a Yamanaka clan member and the story ending.

AN- Alright this is the second author's note, and hopefully, the last time I would address this, If you don't like spoilers and want to guess by yourself why some characters in the story acted the way they did I would advise you to skip this part Thank You!

1. Let me address every concern most people that don't like the story setting might have one by one, yes this is a story about an Aburame MC, and yes I am moron enough to make a main character who doesn't want anything to do with the Aburame clan, If you want an MC who somehow managed to seal the Sanbi into himself while still not gaining any suspicion from Hiruzen just because he presented himself as a loyal shinobi, I would forward you to the Naruto: Systematic Shinobi. It is a fantastic read and one of my all-time favorite novels, I hope you'll like it.

2. Let's start with the MC being an Aburame Clan member who was stupid enough to abandon possibly an OP source of power if it was used in the conjugation of the system. Look I'll be honest, I won't change my opinion on this, I wouldn't want bugs to be in my body, and I believe 99- okay 98% of you wouldn't like that. Now why did a purely rational clan hate Hiroshi even though they are depicted as a super-rational group of people? Well, It's simple even Shino hates people who kill bugs, either accidentally or not, I don't know if my perception has changed because I read so many fanfictions but it is what it is now.

So let's picture MC was given a small Hive at birth, I don't want to know how the Aburame clan does it and I don't want to picture it so let's say he had bugs implanted in him before he was fully aware. Now when Mark Baker, a weeb took over Hiroshi's body and consciousness, the first thing he noticed was probably the bugs, now as the Aburame clan and the Kikaichū have a symbiotic relationship, what would happen if one of them, insert Mark Baker, didn't want to part of this agreement anymore, it means that the symbiotic relationship now has a small problem. Now no one knows what happens if say Hiroshi expelled the hive from his body, do they die or do they just go to some other member of the clan? In this story I speculated they die, why? let's just call it an Author's decision. So would the Aburame clan's members hate family members that killed a whole hive of their bugs, to better understand let's substitute the bugs for dogs.

So would you hate your cousin if he killed your family dog? Some of you might hate him and some of you would understand but still remain indifferent to your cousin... I hope that helps because it is an integral part of the storyline.

3. Let's skip to the 'forced plot' of Danzo intervening in Hiroshi's training while in the simulation he did not. Let's picture it for a second, I'll walk you through it step by step so you don't have to worry.

-You have, A radical group in the Amurame Clan that hates Hiroshi, and that radical group had the plan to dispose of the blight to their clan, but since their plan failed because Hiroshi got a heads up by the first simulation.

-If you remember the second simulation, you can check back if you want, that Hiroshi died for some unknown reason as soon as he entered the Forest of Death. I didn't specify the reason for not giving everything away, but I'll do it just this once, you would notice in chapter 15, that the elder, leader of said radical group, asked Danzo to kill Hiroshi, and since Hiroshi didn't show any astonishing progress in the second simulation, Danzo was like 'eh, fuck it I'll just kill the kid and have a favor to call later'.

-In the third Simulation, Hiroshi died because frankly he needed the secret jutsu and that was plot armor I'll admit. Hehe...

-Anyway, let's talk about the fourth Simulation, what did Hiroshi do in that, well he just trained his ass off, and Danzo sent a spy, Sai like always, who reported that Hiroshi was meh, so Danzo was like 'eh, fuck it I'll just kill the kid and have a favor to call later'. But then Hiroshi got injured he healed by taking a rest and then he started fighting everyone in the reserve genin gaining a healthy amount of notoriety in the force and was labeled as a taijutsu genius, now he wasn't a genin that could just be killed off and swept under the rug so Danzo stopped the plan to kill him in the chunin exams so Hiroshi avoided an early death.

- Finally, in the fifth simulation, If you would read closely, everything that happened before Hiroshi returned to Konoha still happened, Danzo still sent a spy, Sai, to gather information on Hiroshi as a routine inspection but it didn't pan out because Ren was there sparring with Hiroshi every day, Ren is a recorded chakra sensor so Sai couldn't approach very close and observe from a distance, thus failing to gather the information, Danzo was like, 'eh, fuck it I'll just kill the kid and have a favor to call later'. Danzo is very predictable that way, but Hiroshi changed his actions once again, he then started sparring with everyone again gaining notoriety once again, then he trained under Guy for a bit thus marking him untouchable to Danzo for the time being, but he still wasn't worthy of being recruited into ROOT, he was just another genin who was good at taijutsu, then the Orochimaru shit happened, and Orochimaru didn't extract Hiroshi's memories for the simple reason that he didn't have access to 3-4 Yamanaka Jounin and he didn't have the 'Mind Reading Amplification Machine'. His plan was to devour Hiroshi and gain access to his memories, If you guys want I could write an omake about whatever Shenanigans Orochimaru would do if he got access to all of Hiroshi's memories. But let's set that aside for a moment.

- Finally for the people asking why ROOT intervened and why Danzo suddenly decided to personally recruit Hiroshi was because I felt like it... okay I'm kidding, For those wondering what Hiroshi did different from the simulation, Let's go over them one by one shall we. Firstly, he didn't invite Ren to train with him, that means Sai could more effectively gather intel, Secondly, Hiroshi after the Simulation wasn't the same Hiroshi that was before the 5th Simulation, there was a massive 90,000 point worth of difference which is also the reason for Danzo to take action, now a genin who had the physical capabilities of a chunin, Danzo was like, 'eh, fuck it I'll just kill the kid and have a favor to call later'. But a genin whose chakra capacity was increasing every day at a frightnting rate, combined with his above average learning rate for Doton jutsus, Danzo was like, 'Gimme, Gimme, Gimme...'

I hope I made a little more sense, I have planned this story for the past six months to be honest with you, I thought about a lot of stuff, and there may be many plot holes and if you point it out I do think about them and see if what you are saying makes sense, now I never wanted this story to be a linear progressive story with the MC just adding points to increase numbers, I know it's a simple formula, numbers go up, MC does something badass, readers happy, author happy.

Look the MC will still be overpowered, he would get out of situations because of Plot armor too sometimes when my teeny tiny brain couldn't comprehend any other solution, but I never wanted a liner story where just MC is the lead, I might fail in this undertaking to create a compelling enough story because I'm a bad writer, but it is my first test run before I decide to write a story of my own. I might not be able to show you the story from my perspective right now, but hopefully one day I might be able to.

I don't want to reveal anything else because frankly I ranted a lot and the rest of the reasoning is in further chapters, So I'll just quietly slip out ignoring the fact that this chapter was shorter than the Author's notes...

Jus with a little shameless plug in the end If you managed to reach here without clicking off say Hi, I do read every comment!...

P.S.- Read Chapter 43 - The Land of Hot Springs! Part-2 at my P.atreon- p.atreon.com/DesMark

We are currently 7 chapters ahead and the number will keep increasing every day, plus all 7 chapters are around 1.5-1.8k words!
