
Naruto : A Bleak Knight

After the war ended, Hanabi was used as a political tool and entered military school with Naruto.

Daoistq_S · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter no.2

Then, with the exploitation of that surplus population, a period that could very well be called the industrialization of the world got underway. In addition to processing metals, the nation also began importing a variety of other raw materials from other countries. After these materials were processed, the nation then sold the finished products to other nations at significantly increased prices.

Because they followed this model of business, the people in the country saw their financial situation improve over time. Even in that case, they are unable to wean themselves off of dependence on other nations to take care of themselves.

They do not have sufficient access to natural resources to satisfy all of their requirements. Because of the large number of people currently residing on its land, finding a solution to the issue of food provisioning has become an extremely pressing priority.

If there wasn't enough food available, there wouldn't be enough people to work and bring in money. However, because of the inappropriate landscape in their region, they do not have sufficient farmland to produce food materials that are capable of satisfying their needs. As a result, they are forced to bring their supplies in from other countries.

Then, in the event that they require the assistance of another nation to manage their internal affairs, that nation may use it as a negotiating tool. This indicates that they will no longer have the ability to monopolise the pricing of their products.

They need to reduce the prices of the primary commodities they sell as well as their incomes, and once they do that, they can bring their people's standard of living up to par with that of people in other countries.

In the end, the nation came to the conclusion that the best way to deal with the issue was to call a halt to the export of its goods to other nations and instead concentrate on the formation of armies that it could send into neighbouring nations to help those nations deal with their own internal issues.

With an enormous number of troops, complete arms, and the assistance of an extremely powerful doctrine that reads "we are the chosen and you are just insects," "we're the greatest so you have to follow," and "We're leaders while you're ordinary people," a single country around it began to fall, and its territory began to be absorbed into the country.

Everything went according to plan, and the size of their territory continued to expand. Concurrently, the wealth of their nobles increased, and they desired to continue growing in this direction. This process is never-ending and contributes to the formation of a vicious circle.

After establishing their authority over nearly the entire continent, they set their sights on the state governments of the ocean's surrounding islands. However, the results of their efforts this time were not satisfactory. Their first offensive across the ocean was a complete and utter failure, most likely as a result of the fact that his soldiers had no prior experience fighting on water because they did not have any waters.

The navy of a small island state was successfully destroyed, and a federation of other small nations was successful in preventing attacks on the state's territory. And that failure brings other failures to the surface.

The inhabitants of the country that had already been attacked had to begin the uprising, and then from both shores the offensive from the sea did not stop until the seventh day of the night. The nations that had not yet been attacked on the main islands fought back in order to prevent their territory from being attacked.

The obligatory military service was mandated as a direct consequence of the numerous protest movements that took place. The vast majority of the workforce was conscripted into military service. Because of this, eventually there was a shortage of people to work in the mining industry, which also led to a decrease in the amount of arms stocks. The mayhem led to a decrease in the country's financial capabilities as well as a reduction in the amount of money allocated for the military.

The nobles who refused to contribute financial support to the monarchy also started disobeying orders, which made the situation within the kingdom even more precarious.

Even though their primary objective of expanding their territory had been accomplished, their king announced, five years later, that they had been defeated in the war. This was done just before he ascended to the throne. After that, as soon as the new king was raised, all of his troops were withdrawn and assigned to strengthen his armour at the border. This happened as soon as the new king was raised.

After that, the war was over. An agreement to refrain from aggressive behaviour was signed.

In addition, the children and brothers of the newly born royal family were dispatched to the nations that had signed peace treaties in order to serve as a form of political sandra as a guarantee of the peace treaties. In addition to that, the name Hanabi is included in the aforementioned political sandras.

"I'm sorry, and I beg your forgiveness!" Please don't think that I've forgotten about you! Therefore, would you kindly stop providing me with such pointless information?"

The most recent information that Hanabi obtained was completely pointless to Naruto's investigation. simply because he was already aware of it. What Hanabi did was the equivalent, in Naruto's mind, of someone telling him that the sky was very high or that the sea was full of water.

"Naruto, please pay attention to what I say and take this seriously!"

"Yes yes."

"You'll only do it once!"


In the prior lesson, I did not feel like we made any kind of progress at all. Hanabi made the decision to change the subject in order to alter the mood. Hanabi not only did not make the situation more stressful for Naruto, but she also lowered the difficulty of the training he was receiving.

"Alright then. Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the various kinds of nutrients that are necessary for human survival. You don't have to be bound to specific numbers; if you can only recall a single one of your answers, I'll still count that as a successful submission.

"Hanabi, I don't understand why you're asking such a fundamental question."

"Who said you can ask? Just answer my question!"

"Hah.. "

"Reply in a timely manner!"

"Sweet water, sugar water, salt water, river water and rain water."

"I find it hard to believe that you are still alive in this day and age given the nutrition you consume."

Hanabi was aware that Naruto's financial situation was so dire that he was unable to even purchase bread. But even back then, he had the impression that the Naruto diet was not very good for you. In the event that the response was truly grave, he had the impression that the prime of his life was drawing to a close.

"Please cooperate with one another and take this lesson seriously, Naruto. I've had enough of teaching you."

Is it inconceivable that Naruto would be ignorant of such fundamental information? Fats, carbohydrates, minerals, protein and vitamins. The children are also aware. Hanabi has high hopes that Naruto will soon put his game away and respond thoughtfully to the question that he has purposefully made simple.

"Since then, I've taken things seriously."

"Your admission has even caused my feelings to become more intense."

The atmosphere that Naruto was able to conjure up made the cramped space seem even less welcoming than it already was. The location itself was already in a terrible state.

"Do you not feel embarrassed about Naruto?"

These kinds of questions are not included in the book.

What kind of question is that, exactly? What exactly do you think I am?"

It is not difficult in today's world to come across a child who is incapable of interacting civilly with an adult who is older than he is. It is also much simpler to find a child who lacks any sense of politeness. When this was the case, finding a child who could insult his former class brother while maintaining a straight face was as simple as finding clay in a pile of clay.

It required no effort at all.

"Maksukdku, you are six and a half years older than me but you are still in the same class as me and there is no reason to be ashamed."

Despite the fact that many children have a propensity to insult others, and despite the fact that Hanabi has just insulted another person. In point of fact, the boy was the one who had already deftly restrained himself from uttering the thoughts that were running through her head.

He could humiliate him because Naruto is someone who ought to be embarrassed.

"Why should I feel embarrassed about myself?"

"I second that! Your reflections have caused me to question whether or not you are truly embarrassed.

"Let me dig your words! The age difference between us is six years. You amaze me with your ingenuity.

"Allow me to make my meaning more clear! You didn't graduate high school for years, you idiot foundation!"

In the country in which they currently reside, Left. There are only two primary categories of educational establishments. The first was an exclusive institution for the education of affluent youngsters whose parents held prominent positions in society. And the second was a military academy in which most of the students aspired to be famous despite coming from average families. This was because the majority of the students attended the academy came from average families.

However, in order to achieve fame in this school, one must put in a lot of work. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of students attending the military school, and those students come from a diverse range of social backgrounds. Only, even if there are some very famous people in this school, people outside of the school will still know who they are even if they attend this school.

To start, there is Naruto. A magical young man who, for the past six years running, has always received the highest grade, but who is now known as his Father of All Students because he hasn't graduated for the past three years running.