
Naruto - The Shadow Kage

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] A soul was floating through the infinite nothingness on its way to a new life. The soul itself experienced the journey as kind of a view throughout its past life. It knows of its past life and that it died but it wasn’t sad or anything; it felt nothing… maybe not nothing, if it had to describe the feeling, it would be excitement. Why excitement, you might ask? Because after living a life and returning a bit early the soul wants to live a full and enjoyable life in a world that truly excites it. Maybe that’s the reason why the soul didn’t go through the normal reincarnation circle and got reincarnated with its memory intact into a world that the soul loved the most in its past life. Into the world of Naruto... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be a slow story which will start just before the 2nd war. The mc is trying to became op but its not gonna be fast. Also he is gonna join Konoha later. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if my grammer is shit! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Anime e quadrinhos
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27 Chs

Trying to understand the situation Part 2

(Sota thoughts): "This shit sucks… Like who the fuck sticks 12 babys in one room and thinks that is good idea. Everytime I try to sleep, one of the babies starts to cry. How are the others able to sleep through that?"

Sota was getting more and more sleep deprived. As soon as he was able to fall asleep the next one started to cry. The one nurse who was incharge of the 12 was also getting more annoyed.

(Nurse talking): "Why did I agree to do this job. I should have stayed in the village and just worked there in the hospital. At least there I was able to go out and have a drink with my friend, "sigh" I guess the only good thing is that I get paid nearly 3 times as much as in the village. As soon as I am out of this shithole I am never gone work with babies anymore. Like what is even going on here. This is the 4th badge of babies I have taken care of. These ones actually look like babies not like some other one I saw..." [One of the babies started crying] "Here we go again"

He stood up and walked towards the crying baby. After calming down the baby he walked back to his chair. On his way back he saw one baby with open eyes. For a second he thought that the baby had black rings around his eyes but dismissed that thought instantly.

(Nurse talking): "This one is wired… "

After a couple of days more of sleep deprivation Sota was one the edge of losing it. It has been maybe 1 week since he has been born but he has not left this room. During the time he got fed he was able to see his other roommates and instantly got demotivated. Some of the other babies were at least 6 months older than him and 2 of them were already moving around in their cribs. That means he is going to stay longer here then he thought. And what he was able to hear from the two nurses that took turns on taking care of the 12 he knew, he was the last one. He was also able to understand that there were other groups of children that were the results of other breeding experiments. Basically they try to produce some super shinobis with a lot of Kekkei Genkai, affinaties and Chakra reserves. His badge apparently was the most normal one and the last one.

(Sota thoughts): "I really lucked out here. The 2nd group was where they tried to breed multiple body transformation Kekkei Genkai together and one of the baby's two Kekkei Genka clashed which turned the baby into some mindless monster killing the entire gruppe. So what I am able to understand is that I am the last one to be born here and that they are gonna wait until every child is grown up to see if they had any success. Also this is the sixth badge, we also had the most survivors.

1. group: random mix of Kekkei Genkai, affinaties and Chakra reserves increase

2. group: multiple body transformation Kekkei Genkai

3. group: other Kekkei Genkais with Chakra reserves increase

4. group: body transformation Kekkei Genkai + normal Kekkei Genkais

5. group: Kekkei Genkais with affinities

6. group: (Sotas badge): affinaties and Chakra reserves increase, trying to get perfect 7 affinities with huge chakra reserves

It actually makes sense that my badge has the most survivors. Was there anybody in Naruto that had more than 3 affinities. Ah shit i can't remember. The only thing that i can remember is that the 5th Mizukage had 2 Kekkei Genkais, which until then was thought to be impossible. Mmmm…. doesn't that mean that they're gonna fail here. Yeah, if my judgement of what time this is right, then they should fail at it here. That is actually good news for me. Really lucked out, not to be in the other groups and become some weird creature. The worst thing that can happen is that I have a lot of affinities and go into some special training program. Even if I am normal for some reason and have only 1 or 2 affinities they probably only gonna stick me into the normal academy. Now my only problem is that actually FUCKING wanna sleep!"

The nurses were about to do the shift change. They started to talk about the children.

(male nurse): "Yo, What's today on the canteen menu?"

(female nurse): "Nothing special, still tasted shit, fitting for this shithole"

As usual Sota was listening to them, so he can figure out his situation.

(male nurse): "They stick us into this place and have us take care of these shits but don't even feed us nicely. These shits get better food then we get and they are experiment rats."

(female nurse): " 'sigh', it's so sad, and the earliest we get out here is until the kids are 2 or 3 when they start with their tests again. "

(male nurse): "Don't remember me about that… I shouldn't have agreed to this longterm mission, a fucking 1 month ship travel from home, why can't they do this stuff closer to the village. I don't know what the Mizukage is thinking!"

After hearing that sentence, Sota's eyes went wide open.

(Sota thoughts): "Finally, I know where I am… And also that explained why I haven't seen any shinobis. They probably have only the beer minimum here if this is so far away. But this is also a problem because my plan to run away as soon as I can is fucked because I don't know where this is."