
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime e quadrinhos
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280 Chs

CH - 45 A Harvester?

A/N: I am grateful to léroy jenkins for becoming patron on my Patreon. Your contribution are greatly appreciated, and they enable me to continue creating and providing valuable content. Thank you for your support and belief in my work.


After more than three years of dedicated development, the successful creation of the chakra condenser marks a significant milestone. This innovative device serves as the cornerstone for the harmonious integration of science and ninjutsu, playing a pivotal role in the advancement of scientific ninja tools.

The progress made in industrial development can be likened to the evolution of cooking techniques. Just as humanity has transitioned from open fires to gas stoves and electric ovens, industrial advancements involve the discovery and implementation of new technologies. In the realm of ninjas, where chakra is the lifeblood, scientific ninja tools serve as the modern cooking appliances. They replace traditional methods of chakra utilization with more efficient tools, propelling progress and fostering innovation in the world of ninjutsu.

Through the utilization of chakra capacitors and miniature scrolls, a wide array of specialized scientific devices powered by chakra can be created. One notable example later in the anime is the field of bioengineering, which has witnessed remarkable advancements in the development of ninja tools such as artificial limbs and organs. By combining puppetry techniques with Hashirama cells and the artificial meridian system, prosthetics become capable of harnessing ninjutsu, taijutsu, and chakra manipulation, replicating the capabilities of the original body.

Moreover, chakra can also be channeled through miniature scrolls to achieve effects related to the five chakra natures or genjutsu, which are currently beyond the reach of existing scientific means. This significantly reduces the need for certain technological advancements.

For instance, let's consider the operation of an electric fan, which relies on generating a magnetic field through alternating current to power its motor. However, with the implementation of a chakra capacitor and a miniature ninja scroll, a simple Wind Release or Ice Release jutsu would suffice. The underlying principle involves activating the miniature ninja scroll with chakra, thereby unleashing the corresponding ninjutsu to achieve the desired effect. This offers tremendous convenience, although it also gives rise to intriguing phenomena.

Akihiko reminisces about scenes from the anime where glimpses of electricity were already present in Konoha shortly after its establishment. In a small wooden room, the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and Tobirama Senju were seen discussing the succession of the Hokage position, illuminated by a modest light bulb. While amenities like air conditioning and televisions were yet to exist, significant changes unfolded in Konoha following the tumultuous Third Great Ninja War, possibly after the Uchiha Clan Downfall.

The Uchiha Clan was shown to possess large-screen televisions, Naruto's apartment featured a refrigerator, Shikamaru Nara's home boasted a radio, and surveillance systems and large screens made their debut during the Chunin Exams. However, the electrical wiring appeared haphazard, resembling the sturdy wires used for long-distance video transmission during the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Although wireless communication was briefly mentioned in the anime, its usage seemed limited, likely due to its restricted range. During the Fourth Great Ninja War, there were indications of communication between the commanders of the shinobi allied forces, possibly through mine-based communication.

Furthermore, disparities in technological development were apparent among the nations. For instance, Konoha, as one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, possessed superior life-related technologies compared to Sunagakure, which was considered relatively less advanced. Additionally, medical machines were showcased, revealing progress in the field of medical care.

It can be inferred that during Naruto's time, technology pertaining to everyday life and medical care was not weak. However, surprising gaps existed in certain areas of technological advancement.

Perhaps these disparities can be attributed to the extraordinary capabilities of chakra in this world. The existence of ninjutsu, which can serve as a substitute for certain technological aspects, might have hindered the development of certain advancements.

With the emergence of Hashirama Senju, the Warring States period came to an end, giving rise to the era of ninja villages. The battles between individual ninja clans transformed into larger-scale conflicts between nations. This shift towards internal stability, coupled with the catalyst of the Third Great Ninja War, propelled technological advancements forward.

As more than fifty years have passed since the establishment of the ninja villages, the smaller countries with weaker technological foundations find themselves caught in a perpetual state of warfare or exploitation by larger nations. The absence of a stable environment hampers their ability to focus on technological development.

Consider the Land of Grass as an example. In the past, it faced near annihilation, and even if it had managed to survive, its primary focus would have been on mastering ninjutsu rather than investing in technological research. Therefore, the pursuit of technological advancements would have appeared unnecessary in such circumstances.

Similarly, the Hidden Sand Village's limited resources likely contribute to their technological limitations. The sheer task of maintaining the operations of a ninja village alone presents significant challenges, leaving little room for allocating extra funds towards research and development.

Akihiko carefully examined the chakra condenser and miniature ninja scrolls in his hands. The development of these miniature scrolls had been underway for the past two years, with the research team continually striving to make them even smaller. It is conceivable that in the future, they may appear as nano-scale ninja scrolls, akin to chips. These two components serve as the fundamental building blocks of scientific ninja tools, laying the groundwork for further advancements.

"Kusano-sama!" Uzumaki Yoshinori's voice brimmed with excitement as he addressed Akihiko. The entire team of researchers present shared the same fervor and anticipation.

After three years of unwavering dedication and the unwavering support of the entire country, they were finally on the verge of witnessing the fruitful results of their tireless efforts. Their excitement and thrill were completely understandable. Without tangible progress, the rest of the village's ninjas would likely express their discontent, and the researchers themselves would feel an immense weight of pressure.

To be completely honest, without the invaluable assistance of the Uzumaki clan's sealing jutsu, achieving such rapid advancements might have been an insurmountable challenge.

"Behold the outcome of our extensive research, centered around the chakra condensers and miniature scrolls!" Uzumaki Yoshinori exclaimed, extending his hands to showcase a peculiar-looking object beside their leader. It bore a striking resemblance to a small cart.

Akihiko examined the vibrant red and green cart and couldn't help but express his bewilderment. "Is this truly a harvester?"

"Indeed! This is our latest creation—the Wind Release Harvester!"

Akihiko was left momentarily speechless. "A harvester, you say?"

"By utilizing the Wind Release: Wind Blade ninjutsu and applying the principles of tearing and shredding with Wind Release, a simple press of this switch activates the machine! With the assistance of Wind Release, even a single person can effortlessly maneuver it!" Yoshinori walked to the rear of the harvester and started it, his excitement unabated. "We have also implemented three power levels: high, medium, and low! This allows it to adapt to various crops. Considering it is currently the optimal season for harvesting in the Land of Grass, it can save a significant amount of manpower, resources, and time!"

Strangely, hearing the term "harvester" spoken by a seasoned ninja left Akihiko feeling somewhat perplexed. It was the most unexpected revelation he had encountered. In the realm of ninjas, inventions often revolved around tools of destruction. If it had been a chakra cannon, perhaps he would have found it more conventional. After all, ninja tools are frequently perceived as instruments of lethal force.

It seemed that the mindset of the people in the Land of Grass had undergone a significant transformation over the years. Intrigued by the developments, Akihiko approached the machine and couldn't help but touch it, an instant grin spreading across his face. "And it's low-noise too."

"Low noise? We adjusted the power of the Wind Release: Wind Blade ninjutsu, resulting in reduced sound," Uzumaki Yoshinori replied, slightly surprised by the leader's comment. After explaining, he continued with a sigh, "During these past three years, every harvest season has witnessed the mobilization of the entire Land of Grass. Even the children had to assist in the fields after school. We even dispatched ninjas to aid in the harvesting process. However, it still took a significant amount of time to complete the harvest, and sometimes, it couldn't be finished due to heavy rainfall. Manpower is severely limited, and all industries are grappling with a shortage of workers. So, the idea struck us... why not research a machine to assist with harvesting!"

With that, Yoshinori tightly gripped the handle of the harvester, feeling a hint of nervousness as he looked at the inquisitive leader. "Leader, what do you think?"

"Excellent! It's truly impressive," Akihiko snapped out of his contemplation, his gaze shifting between Uzumaki Yoshinori and the others before him. He nodded approvingly with a smile.

Though it may not have been a weapon of war, having a harvester was undoubtedly a significant achievement. They had taken the first successful step. Akihiko firmly believed that their other research projects would also meet with success.

"A remarkable accomplishment! Congratulations, everyone!" Akihiko commended the researchers present. However, just as he finished speaking, a familiar voice called out.

"Kusano-sama, Kusano-sama!" Mubuki's voice echoed with an anxious tone. "Hatake Sakumo, Konoha's White Fang, has taken his own life out of guilt!"

Upon hearing this news, Akihiko froze in place.





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1534 words (Excluding A/N). Drop a stone if you're liking the novel so far and do tell me your thoughts in the comment section.

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