

What to do and what not to do ... The reason of Indecisiveness is the frustration of the Kind mind. What happens when a immortal cultivator who looks down on the universe in search of peace and prosperity roam the world and in sheer disappointed and anger break the cycle of life . Doomed by his own action, punished with banishment of body and soul . Thrown into the cycle of Reincarnation and Rebirth : What awaits the once mighty ruler of universe who have nothing to give except for his legacy IMMORTAL INHERITANCE IN NARUTO WORLD

Keetarp · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs


..... Nakamura Mansion...

Although Shi Yan changed his name, he ket his house with same name as before to pay homage to his deceased parents although personally he didn't knew them or cared but It was his Grandpa wished so he happily complied. .

Right Now Shi Yan wore a beautiful Grey loose robe with his Sword attached on the side and walked towards Hokage Tower, ' Today is the day Naruto and team will finally be fed up with D-Rank mission and ask for a C-Rank one'.

That is correct, Shi Yan goal is to go with them and join their team to enjoy one of his Favorite arc on Naruto . With years of keeping a low profile he finally decided to let the world know the terror of Shi Yan.

" Old Man, I am sick of doing these mission, I want a real ninja mission "

After Entering the room, the scene of Naruto crying and pouting for a good mission was going on, I just stayed in the corner and enjoy the drame, As Tazuna was introduced and his complain about having brats escort him on decided to dive in.

" Hokage-sama , if you don't mind I will like to partake in this mission as well, you see I have a important meeting to attend near Land of Waves and was here just to establish a mission about it, since they are going in same direction with Ninja Kakashi capabilities I will feel much secured, I will pay trice the amount as well"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looks at me with a kind smile, but I know underneath he is contemplating, .

' Hiroshi Nakamura or Shi Yan is it now, I had dealing with his father so after their death I made sure he was left alone, in only ten years this boy has established many flourishing business , He also have somehow gathered support from Daimyo court. and as Kakashi told me his personal strength is not weak at all either, I was going to investigate him, What is he playing after here but his absence will make it easier to perform background check on him and with Kakashi keeping a eye on him it's better.

Hiruzen thought about it, In the surface Shi Yan has never cause any damage to Konoha at all infact he has provided monetary support to many orphanage. Although he hide the fact about his strength he is a nobel and he cannot be blame for such a thing. Thinking along the line Hiruzen decided to allow Shi Yan.

"What ! Why will this boy toy come with me, is this a joke. I don't..." Tazuna growled

Before I take any action Kakashi immediately stoped Tazuna and told him he is in presence of nobility so show some respect or he will be charged with crimes, Tazuna shuddered and apologize, all the booze has numbed his brain.

In this world although Ninja holds all the power, Daimyo is still feudal Lord and Nobel reputation cannot be sullied easily, Just see in the canon even though many nobel hands were dirty with black dealing they cannot be just eliminated without proper proof and daimyo opinion was taken in almost all important matters including Hokage selection.

Although Sasuke and Sakura were also not happy with my participation, what can they do.

... Konoha Gate...

All of the Team 7 with Tazuna were waiting, for Shi Yan to come although Kakashi and Tazuna were also late, They were pissed off with Shi Yan tardiness.

" Where is that idiot, He is the one who wanted to tag and now he is late himself " Sakura complained.

Sasuke was also in a sour mood because a proud Uchiha has to wait for a nobody in his eyes.

"Now now Sakura don't be so angry I am sure he is coming soon" Kakashi tried to calm Sakura down.

Naruto didn't complain as he didn't mind waiting for his friend and Tazuna was just busy drinking but a tick mark on his head is easily observable.

10 Minutes later..

At a leisurely pace Shi Yan was waking slowly wearing a white robe this time with gold lining , His sword tied in a black sheath, Himself wearing a mask covering from forehead to nose giving out a Scholars charm.

"Let's get going" Kakashi refusing to waste anymore time started walking, not even bothering to ask his reason of being late.

" Don't look at me like that, I departed from my mansion at time but my charm caused all the ladies to fall over and I couldn't just let them suffer , so I had to return to use a mask to protect the hearts of all ladies in Konoha..... it's so difficult being handsome *sigh*"

Almost falling over his shameless behavior they all cursed him in the heart .

'I know he was going to give this kind of answer if I asked about his late arrival' Kakashi sighs .

Soon the attack of Demon brother befall, all was same as in Canon except a amused Shi Yan that was enjoying the show. As the target was Tazuna they didn't bother with him and he already knew their fate so he didn't participate at all. Kakashi was but more alerted towards Shi Yan after the incidence.

' His expression, their was no panic at all in it , like everything is in his control, Their was just faint amusement and A aloof disdain in his eyes ' Kakashi was alerted with this discovery and knew that Shi Yan is either at least A Jonin level Shinobi or a crazy man and his vigilance increased further.

As they walked, Naruto asked about the Land of Waves to Tazuna and he was explaining to him.

" It's quite an irony that you don't know about Land of Waves Naruto "

Confused at my statement and also a little infuriated for been inadvertently called an " idiot " Naruto lookes at me asking for a explanation.

" Naruto, your last name is Uzamaki, in all these years you never wonder about them or who they were "

Tazuna looked surprised and looked at Naruto, " He is a Uzamaki, no it must be a random name they gave to homage them, he doesn't have their signature Red hair"

" He is not a true Uzamaki, but he does come from that lineage, probably his mother settled in konoha before the invasion "

" Oh..In That case, It can be considered him returning home "

Getting more and more confused as we talked, Even Sakura and Sasuke intrest was peaked. Finally Naruto couldn't take it " What lineage, what home, I don't get what you are talking about I have never read anything about Uzamaki before in academy, have you Sakura "

Sakura shook head in response indicating no knowledge about it.

" Well you didn't read or heard about them because Konoha has removed them from it's history books, you will find no reference whatsoever of the Uzamaki clan in the Public library .Only Clans have records of their existence and exploits "

" Why did they removed it" Sakura asked confused, Right now I can see all three of them were totally hooked by my narration.

" It's because it reminds them of their failure " I said coldly.

" Uzamaki Clan and Senju clan are cousin of each other's , they were allies even before Warring States period. If fact The wife of first Hokage Harshirama senju was also a Uzamaki "

Shocked at the revelation, they had lots of question so I explain without paying any heed to Kakashi. In fact I am sure even Kakashi didn't knew the exact fact about the Uzamaki of course he is son of A S -Class ninja so he was aware of them but the exact information is what he also didn't have but he can read between the line, of course Konoha don't want to talk about it so it tactfully erased it existence

" Let me start from the beginning, See there were many strong clan in warring States period although Uzamaki were not no.1 , It was still a remarkable bunch, Uzamaki by nature are kind and peaceful so they mostly keep to themselves ,they are known for their strength in fuinjutsu. Which was very dangerous so people keep away from them. After Village were established, Uzamaki clan choose to stay neutral and situated themselves in Land of Whirlpool. Their strength was something all the villages feared and they wanted to protect their national intrest, so they decided to join hands and get rid of them. Mostly they wanted the Uzamaki Fuinjutsu as well as capture some of their women to use as breeding stock .

So Iwa, Kiri, Kumo three great nations join hands but here is the thing , no one can reach Uzushiogakure without knowing it's path as it is protected by Fuinjutsu marking but they did, how? It's very simple someone in Konoha betrayed them to get rid of this variable "

" But Uzamaki were nothing to Scoff at, The campaign which was supposed to be a one sided massacre didn't happen, It took 3 great nations weeks to kill them all with 10 times the casualty of Uzamaki, in last they only got low-level Fuinjutsu in hand and suffered terrible consequences. Uzamaki hold off for weeks against them but help never arrived,and they were wiped out. In my opinion Konoha is nothing but a hypocrite. Of course , they were manipulated as well but it's nature of the world , Ashamed of themselves and their failure to protect their allies in time of need,they just opted to erase all the marking of Uzamaki in Konoha "

Everyone was shocked but of course there were unwilling to accept it either, to them Konoha is the land of righteous they will never accept that , it committed such a atrocity.

" Maybe.. Konoha didn't knew about it "

"Hahaha..... task of Shinobi is to find which is hidden,its is to see underneath the underneath.A Village created by God of Shinobi having so incompetent ninja to fail at this, I don't buy it but sure Keep telling yourself that"

"That is enough " Said an angry Kakashi, He was incensed by me badmouthing Konoha or maybe telling this to these kids, I don't really care either way.

" Well enough of that but the thing is even if Konoha didn't betrayed Uzushiogakure. Their fate would have remain the same.

" Huh... why? " Asked a confused Naruto.

" Because the world envy talent, let me tell you something amusing I found, You see the strongest clan in the world were , let's see - Senju, Uchiha, Uzamaki, Kaguya, yuki etc. you wanna know what happened to them. Senju, All male heir of the clan died only alive member is Tsunada senju a Gambler, alcoholic and hemophobic of 45-50 years of age, with no hopes of giving birth to any senju heir, let's say she can but it's a given she won't. Uchiha, Massacred like living stock by their own genius, leaving behind a sicko murder and revenge crazed kid. " Sasuke started to glare at me with fire in his eye, since the start he was very upset to know that it took 3 great village weeks to kill Uzamaki's but his uchiha clan was massacred singlehandedly over night, Shi Yan pun incited him even further.

" Kaguya, went bat Shit crazy and fought themselves to death, Yuki, Massacred too. as for uzamaki I already told about it ".

My conjecture confused all three genins Brains.

" The world is not a kind place kids, it's a dark and gloom world, I told this to you for your own good "

" With Power Comes The Attention and if you cannot fought off the wolves even if you are a tiger you are bound to starve and rot "

"Such is the world we inhabitant "

With that I refuse to talk and further, as we walk further and reached the shore,

We boarded a small boat and I took out a guitar from my spatial ring. All were surprised to see a weird looking item appear from nowhere., paying them no heed I layed down and started to sing.

"Thought I found a way

Thought I found a way out (found)

But you never go away (never go away)

So I guess I gotta stay now

Oh, I hope someday I'll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near

Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear

Isn't it lovely? All alone

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home"

*"Lovely"Billie Eilish*
