
Naruto's Chat Group (Naruto X Cultivation Chat Group)

Sometimes getting wasted isn't so bad. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. This is inspired by Cultivation Chat Group

EternalBliss4U · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 17

Dxd World

"Magic and a lot of suffering. Now you can be truly mine." Issei replied as his armored hand glowed green and approached her pretty little head

His hand glowed with the slavery seal given to him by Naruto in exchange for analyzing Ddraig, which caused the dragon king to curse him for his stupidity as he could have gotten more but the boy was lost in his lustful delusions.

Raynare was shaking with fear as she felt danger towards her soul from the unknown technique.

'What unholy magic has he done?' Raynare thought as she felt something within her soul and she saw her body slacken

'What is happening?' She wanted to say but her lips didn't move.

Issei was satisfied with the result as he felt the connection between them and he was filled with joy, which he showcased by screaming out his lungs.


Issei calmed down after a bit and fed Raynare a pill while his hand lingered on her lips, he wanted to kiss her so bad but in the end that was not his way.

"I know you are confused and scared but don't worry because from now on I will take care of you. We will always be together. I won't force you and wait for you to acknowledge me but you are evil and now my slave so you will serve me in other ways." Issei explained with a grin as he held her daintily chin

Her eyes went wise at such a skill and she wanted to curse him for daring to do such a thing. He was an insignificant mortal in her eyes so this was worse than anything that could happen in her imagination.

'What a scary skill. With this Issei can even form an army of all species to serve his purpose.' Ddraig thought with a grin as he finally found a vessel that had potential


Hitman Reborn:

'God have mercy on my soul.' Tsuna prayed in his heart as he realized that Naruto was stuck to him, which was a terrifying thought as he had been outrageous to everyone already so he didn't think the world would stay peaceful for long

Tsuna walked into his study and calmed down his nerves from the news of the new enemies and Naruto's presence.

'I have become too soft that I let such things cause waves in my heart.' Tsuna mused as his face and mind had became calm and serene, returning to the optimum condition

He was the king and the king never let anything ruin his integrity, which led Tsuna to explore the virtual world and beat his new Boss.

'Didn't think I would serve anyone at this age.' Tsuna smirked at the thought but he didn't think it changed anything as Naruto showed no sign of ever seeing him as a servant.

Tsuna entered the virtual world and saw the option to enter the Ninja world or the fighting section. He was of course curious about Naruto's world but postponed the trip as danger was approaching and Tsuna didn't wish to risk anything.

He entered the door and was surrounded by small screens with pictures divided into categories.

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, Master has given you full access. You may choose any foe." An emotionless voice greeted him but he saw nothing so he just took it as a guide

"Arrange for me, your master that is appropriate for my level." Tsuna asked as he wished to know more about his Boss and wished to learn from him then he will fight his fated foes

"Yes" The voice replied as a Naruto appeared, who was only 19 years old

Tsuna would have been really shocked senseless in the past but growing up really build up resistance to these kind of things.

"I had underestimated his power." Tsuna muttered as he saw someone a decade younger than him with equal power, it was surprising in a lot of ways as it was always the opposite for him.

"Let us fight in space" Tsuna said as he wished to practice in the vast space as he couldn't allow the enemy near the planet and he had already grown out of needing to breathe every second or even hours

The world changed as the white space bled and was covered in the darkness of the unknown. Tsuna could see the moon ahead and the earth behind him.

Naruto was standing on the moon and he was covered in a golden energy with black lines, his eyes were also really different.

Tsuna had never felt such enormous energy in a living being or anything, 'I should get used to this.'

"Bijuu Sage form Naruto. There is still a higher level but I suggest getting used to this first before fighting the real thing as that one without info can end in one move." The voice advised and didn't explain as Tsuna had not asked

Tsuna considered asking for info but he knew there were times when there was no info so he didn't wish to be reliant on such things.

He didn't take offence to the change in program as it made sense as the battle style could be really too different from what he was used to and he hadn't fought seriously for too long.

Tsuna didn't have to start as he say Naruto move and a deep crate formed on the moon as this Naruto was clearly just bloodthirsty clone without any care for the world.

While moving it had made clones and thrown countless golden Rasenshurikens to test this new foe.

Tsuna was surprised at the quantity of attacks in such a short time but he wasn't worried as the world froze with just a wave of his hand.

Gloves had appeared on his hand along with his contacts and headphones, he was ready for combat. The clones had disappeared and Tsuna saw a giant lava attack coming at him, which caused him to almost laugh in mockery at such an attempt.

He was the fire lord and the flames were his power source.


One Piece World:

"Do you want my help?" Ace asked as he saw the raving office shouting Luffy's name

Luffy looked towards Smoker who was eyeing and turned to Ace, "I will need some help."

He would not have asked this before but he needed help to beat his enemy crocodile and he decided to take Smoker as his slave for this deal.

Ace didn't really expect this answer and laughed at the reply as he charged Smoker, who realized Ace's appearance and changed targets quickly as Ace was a bigger threat.

Fire and Smoke fought as they broke the walls of the place and went out into the streets, causing panic. Luffy could barely follow the fight even after his power increasing, the levels were too different.

But he would never give in and as he saw the street empty, Luffy coiled his body and spun round at extreme speed with his arms stretched. This caused the flames and smoke to gather around his body, Ace was worried that Luffy would get hurt and got away but Smoker was weaker so he was stuck in the loop.

Ace enjoyed the sight for sometime before he decided to end the fight as he knew Luffy couldn't really hurt Smoker with his smoke like body.

His hand turned black and Ace grabbed into the smoke storm.

"Luffy stop, he is down." Ace said as he held Smoker down into the dirt with his knee on his back and his arms pulled back

Luffy finally stopped and fell while feeling really sick after spinning so much that almost threw up but the thought of finally getting a new crew mate with such a crazy ability made him forget all of that.

Till the end, Luffy was a pure soul that loved adventure and new friends so he never took Smoker as an enemy.

'Will it work?' Luffy wasn't sure as he hadn't defeated Smoker

"I need your help to help the people of this kingdom so please do not fight back." Luffy muttered as he hoped the man with the large Justice imprint would actually follow that creed and help him

His hand glowed red and seal appeared in the light as Smoker at Luffy with shock along with Ace as he had never seen such a thing.

Smoker was horrified as he felt something unusual inside his body which he couldn't explain.
