
Naohiro x Kenjaku

Before you read this, read Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah, I'd adapt to understand Anyway, enjoy this as it gets a bit freaky wit it

Nijika · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Months would pass, time felt irrelevant throughout Naohiro's time spent within the barrier.

There would be weeks where it was pure love-making, intense foreplay, or simply enjoying each other's comfort.

Despite their differences beyond the barrier, within it, all of that didn't matter in the end.

"So Naohiro, have you found a way to get through this barrier?" Kenjaku yawned, awakening from her slumber.

Naohiro stood in front of the barrier naked, he'd spent many hours analyzing the barrier, trying to determine an escape.

Though he'd get distracted, *cough cough* He still had ambitions to fulfill in his life.

"Yes," Naohiro stated calmly.

"Ah... I suppose this is where we go our separate ways, It has been an enjoyable experience, though it's quite cruel to leave your barrier buddy here." Kenjaku lamented.

Though their history seemed they'd hate their guts, they'd learn to forgive each other in... Their own ways.

"Hm? When did I say I was going to leave you here?" Naohiro smirked, turning towards Kenjaku's naked figure.

If you're wondering where their clothes went, they'd been shredded after a dangerous fight between a predator and its prey.

Naohiro proceeded to pick up Kenjaku princess style, as his arms held her tight, her breasts billowing from every step Naohiro took.

Kenjaku could only hide her embarrassed expression, it was her first time being carried in such a disgraceful position, though it oddly turned her on.

Now, all that mattered was their escape.

Naohiro smiled, remembering a mechanic in this world he'd not used in a long time.

Binding Vows.

A deal that would greatly benefit, for a price.

His adaption was strong, though it was not exactly fast, being unable to keep up with the ever-changing shifts of the barrier that was masterfully crafted.

So what would happen if he sped it up?

Answer: He'd walk right through it.

Though he wasn't exactly sure if carrying Kenjaku would work but it was worth a shot.

Naohiro closed his eyes to concentrate but was interrupted.

"Naohiro, I enjoyed our time bonding." Kenjaku meekly stated.

This caused Naohiro to breathe heavily, nearly pouncing on Kenjaku again but he restrained himself, for he had bigger problems.

He narrowed his eyes, "I'll make sure to get us out of here, and then give Tengen a stern talk." 

Naohiro then slipped Kenjaku over his shoulder like a bag of rice, causing Kenjaku to raise her eyebrow.

'He must have something planned.' Kenjaku wondered as Naohiro placed his hands on the barrier.

Hurried footsteps resounded through Tengen's chambers, as Naohiro hastily executed his plan.

'I better hurry this up before Tengen comes to patch my escape.' Closing his eyes, he inhaled a deep breath.

"I sacrifice all of my previous adaptations to these barrier shifts, and 99% of my current cursed energy reserves for multiplying my adaption speed by one hundred times for fifteen seconds." 

He felt his energy seep out of him immediately as the adaptions left alongside it.

He pushed against the barrier with all of his might, the barrier creaking under the immense strength of Naohiro.

Tengen arrived, albeit a bit late adorning a night gown, messy hair, and a pair of wide eyes.

The barrier flashed rays of light violently as cracks started to show beneath Naohiro's palms, as he valiantly pushed forward, with Kenjaku just lying there in shock.

"Naohiro Zenin, you don't know what you are doing!" Tengen broke out of her trance as she clasped her hands together, causing Naohiro's hands to meet more resistance from the barrier.


He closed his eyes, "I sacrifice my [Cursed Technique Reversel: Snatch] for a year"

'clink' 'clink' 'clink' 'clink' 'clink' 'clink' 'clink'


The barrier shattered like glass as millions of pieces of it scattered into the air.

Naohiro fell through the barrier as he caught himself, making sure not to injure Kenjaku in the process.

"Tengen!" Kenjaku yelled suddenly.

Naohiro paused as Tengen stood there in shock.

"What is that attire you are wearing?!" Kenjaku narrowed her eyes at the strange sight.

Turning his head, Naohiro didn't have time to notice that she was wearing a tight nightgown that was deeply pressed against her body. Revealing that she was not wearing anything beneath it...

Though confused, Naohiro quickly eyed her condition to see that her breath was heavy and her fingers were strangely wet, with her face weakly flushed.

"Ah..." Naohiro and Kenjaku turned to each other in understanding.

"It's not what you think." Tengen stood strong, trying to clear up the impending misunderstanding.

"Hey Granny, you must be really pent up if you're spending all your time here alone 24/7" Naohiro grinned slyly as Kenjaku nodded in agreement.

Tengen only sighed, grasping her forehead as she felt a headache about to come upon her.

"If you're having sex every day for months straight, it's hard not to notice," Tengen argued as her face betrayed her calm voice.

"You're lying."

Naohiro walked closer, menacingly as Tengen stepped back, Kenjaku sliding off Naohiro's shoulder as they walked side by side.

"What are you doing? Stay back!" Tengen gritted her teeth as she had no way to fight back.

She was vulnerable.

And Naohiro delighted in that.




"Granny, this is for your own good, trust me."


She was tied up with her nightgown, gagged with collected pieces of Naohiro's and Kenjaku's clothing.

"Hey, what do we do with her?" Kenjaku asked as Tengen sat there with teary eyes.

"I'll call someone to grab her, for now, I'm gonna go catch up with some friends." Naohiro shrugged as the naked figure walked through the massive chambers that Tengen resided within.

Kenjaku caught up to him as they began their journey.

"Oh I almost forgot," Naohiro muttered as he went back and grabbed Tengen's phone and took a few pictures before calling someone to get her.

"MPFPHPMP!" Tengen angrily shouted in protest.

Naohiro only smiled brightly, "See? We could've been friends, and look at what you've brought yourself."

Kenjaku could only sweat as she wondered if Naohiro was willing to go to such lengths with her as well. Despite the fact they've been having constant wrestling for weeks straight.

"Oh, let me call Gojo real quick." 

Ring ring ring...

"Moshi Moshi, what do you want granny lady?" An eccentric voice appeared on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, it's been a while." 

"Eh?! Is that you Naohiro? Or am I being pranked?" Satoru voiced his suspicions, as his personality had not changed in the past months.

"No, it's me, Tengen trapped me in a barrier and it took a while to get out." Naohiro quickly got to the point as Satoru made a sound of disapproval.

"Tsk! I knew that granny was up to no good! But to think she'd try to seal you! What an idiot!~" Satoru arrogance showed, but Naohiro ignored it.

"Anyway, I'm going to be coming back to the academy, inform me of what I missed." 

"Alright, cyaaa!~" Satoru extended his goodbye as he waited for Naohiro to hang up.




Naohiro sighed as Gojo's behavior was the same as ever.

Kenjaku only tilted her head, "Something the matter?"

"No, let's get out of here, and we need clothes..." Naohiro led the way as they actually started to leave.

Though they'd arrive on the grounds rather quickly, they'd sneak into Naohiro's room and get dressed.

"Ah... It feels strange wearing clothes after being naked for so long." Kenjaku hummed as she put on the large shirt that didn't fit her.

"It's better than walking around naked." Naohiro reminded as he waited for her to get dressed.

Though they'd be interrupted, as the door swung wide open.


"Hellooooooooo Naohirooo!!" Satoru shouted, announcing his entrance as obnoxiously as possible.

"How was- Eh? I thought you were single." Satoru frowned as he saw another woman standing beside Naohiro.

"Oh, this is the subconscious of Kenjaku" Naohiro introduced to her.

"She was trapped-

Though his voice faded as he saw Gojo's eyes lose their emotion suddenly.

" [Reverse technique: Hollow Purple] " 


He was too late.

"Ah... I guess it was too good to be true." Kenjaku grinned, coughing up blood as she reached for the empty spot where her left torso should've been, blood seeping into the floorboards.

"Satoru." Naohiro glared at him as Kenjaku fell back, dead upon impact.

"Naohiro, why did you bring him here?" He walked up to him with an annoyed expression.


'He's still using infinity.' Naohiro noted as he felt his adaption kick in suddenly.

"I said it was the subconscious, it was not actually him." Naohiro sighed as he felt the urge to sucker punch Satoru.

"Ah." He could only embarrassingly utter as the adrenaline from before died down.

"I thought you'd been brainwashed or something! Haha! There's no way that'd happen, we're the strongest after all!~" Satoru immediately waved off the murder as the air filled with the smell of warm iron.

Naohiro sighed, "I've got to get that cleaned up, anyway, after I had to sacrifice a lot of my strength to escape the barrier, so don't be expecting a fight anytime-

"Weak?" Gojo suddenly grabbed Naohiro's shoulders.

"Tch, I'll explain later." Naohiro brushed off his grasp as Satoru wore a crazed expression.

Naohiro walked towards the door, he had other things on his mind, namely his family, Naoya, Potential Man, and Maki, just to name a few.

"Hey... Naohiro..." Satoru faced him with his head hanging low.

"Hm?" Naohiro turned his head to face him.

"Does it grip?" 

Naohiro suddenly broke into a cold sweat, his body still as he realized the weight behind his words.

"Satoru, don't you dare." Naohiro wore a grim expression.

"Oh, it MUST GRIP!" Satoru looked into the air with a drooling expression, thinking of something massive.

'What the fuck happened while I was gone.' Naohiro turned to face the madman that was now Satoru Gojo.

"Is it tight? Spongy? Gooey?" Satoru fired off multiple questions with a crazed expression.

"Are the memes cannon... How the hell did you end up like this?" Naohiro put his hands up, prepared for a fight.

"You don't get it do you?! We are the strongest! Together are destined for one another! Answer me! Does that gyat grip?!" Satoru breathed heavily as his face grew even more tense.

Gojo the super senior, had a rather picky taste for those he deemed worthy of his cheeks. Be it freshmen, or gyats, but what enticed him most was...

Gyats stronger than his.

Naohiro only saw a blur before he was pinned to the ground as Satoru stood on top of him, and skillfully whisked his pants down.


"Shhh!~" Satoru hushed him with his finger.

"I just want to see if it grips!~" 

He violently tore off Naohiro's pants to reveal his gyat, one so curvy and plump that not even Naohiro himself realized the value of his gyat.

"Oh my GYAT!" Satoru stepped back as he felt his heart skip a beat from the mere sight.

'S-Shit, I have to stop him.' Naohiro stood up swiftly and blitzed behind Satoru, launching a kick aimed towards his head.

Though Satoru merely ducked beneath it.

Timed seemed to slow down for Satoru as he took in the spectacle.

'Wow... His gyat is so massive, I can even see it from his front.' Satoru watched the spectacle, taking in every jiggle from his gyat.

'And these thighs...' He placed his fingers upon them, rubbing them gently.

'They're gyanormous...' Satoru sniffed them as he enjoyed the enticing aroma.

"Satoru, there's no need to-

"AH!" Naohiro suddenly yelped as he jumped forward, feeling something penetrate him.

"Oh my gyat... ITS SO GRIPPY! ITS TIGHT! IT'S EVERYTHING I'VE GYAT TO HAVE!" Satoru yelled happily as his eyes landed on him.

"You're going to take these backshots for being a naughty boy, trying to hit your senior is against the rules!~" Satoru walked forward, immediately appearing behind Naohiro with his shaft inside of him.

"FUUUCK!" Naohiro shouted as he felt his knees weaken.

"OH MY GYAT! I NEEDED THIS TIGHT GYAT FOR SO LONG!" Satoru laughed maniacally as he kept pumping into Naohiro who struggled to not collapse onto the floor, kneeling in weakness.

"STOP!" Naohiro tried to grab Satoru's dick but his hand was quickly slapped away by him.

"I'VE GYAT TO HAVE IT! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A GUY, LOOKS FEMALE ENOUGH!" Satoru unleashed his onslaught of backshots as he proceeded to take Naohiro to pound town, as his legs buckled from the pleasure and Naohiro being pinned down by Satoru.

'F-Fuck... I can't take it anymore...' Naohiro clenched his hands as he felt what was about to come.

"OH YES! TAKE IT ALL~! AMMABATABUST!!!" Satoru yelled in ecstasy as he released his sweet white glazing all into Naohiro's Naohussy.

"Nooo!" Naohiro yelled in defeat as he felt his pride shattered.

Satoru was breathing heavily as he felt his meat slide out, revealing a waterfall of white secreting out of his gyat.

"That was amazing Naohiro-kun!~ Catch you later!~" Satoru as per usual, left the scene immediately.

What was left within Naohiro's room, was the bloodied body of Kenjaku, the sexually abused Naohiro, and the massive gaping hole in the wall.

- - 

The end.

Wow, I've gyat to say.

I wasn't expecting Satoru to suddenly do that!

Who would've expected such a thing to occur? Poor Naohiro~...

Perhaps he could get his revenge one day, maybe after achieving his peak once more.

As for those expecting a little more action from Tengen, don't worry! You'll find your chance in the spotlight soon!~

As per usual, I can assure you, that there will always be peak.
