Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines...
{Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.}
Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...
PettiaMius_6689 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs
Mc's Physique, so ya'll will have no trouble keeping up, These are just general ball parks
1. Here denotes his musculature, after training up in the first 1-15 chapters:
2. Here is his physique in the chapters around 15-26:
3. Here is his current physique after training himself around 26 and so on: