
Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)

Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines... {Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.} . . . . . . . Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Leaving... And Help...

~Ezra's Pov...~




I opened my eyes, feeling the mental fatigue I had yesterday night having been washed away... 

'I love this function of ECHO.' Appreciating the rejuvenating effect she had. I got out of bed and headed toward the refrigerator to grab some beverages since I was thirsty. As I sipped on my drink, I noticed a lot of police vehicles beaming it toward somewhere else in the city.

"What's going on now?" I muttered to myself, my curiosity rose... I moved closer to the window, watching the flashing lights speed away. 'Should I, check it out?' I wondered.

'No, It'd be foolish to get any more involved with this mess of a place. Plus, not after what happened last night.' I met Kara, the supergirl, face to face. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that again. Hell, they might even be on to me now, and I don't plan on sticking around to find out.

I sighed a bit at this whole thing, "ECHO, I think it's time we get out of this city. Scratch my plans on becoming a vigilante, doing it here was a straight-up, dumb idea..."

[Understood, Master Ezra. Where shall we go next?]

I pondered for a moment, thinking about our next move, "Somewhere less chaotic... Maybe Metropolis? I heard it's not nearly as gritty as Gotham, and with Superman around, the crime rate is supposedly lower, somewhat."

Actually, no... Going to the place where the big boy himself stood was also a dumb idea. I needed to go somewhere quiet, but also a place where I could get more power access if need be. I don't plan on just sticking with electricity my whole life.

"No... I think I'll just find somewhere else. For that, I might need to start being tech-savvy, if you know what I mean." I've been putting it off for my training and basic survival needs. But since I've got decent cash, and an actual identity. It's probably time to focus on other things at the moment.

[Hmmm... Do you want to learn, hacking?] ECHO asked, her tone was neutral yet inquisitive.

"Yeah, although it doesn't seem like a logical next step up from fighting. I need more control over my environment and access to information, especially in this universe. Plus, if I'm going to survive in this world, I'll need every advantage I can get."

[Understood... I will begin compiling the necessary resources and training modules for you. In the meantime, where would you like to relocate?]

I thought about it for a moment. I can't just move from here to another end of the planet, at least not yet... So... "Maybe Star City? It's not as high-profile as Metropolis is, but it's got enough going on that I can blend in and find what I need. Plus, if it's anything like the series I know of, I can potentially get great powers from there too. With no one constantly monitoring my move either."

[Star City it is then.] ECHO said.

I nodded, "I think I'll wait a few more hours before leaving the city completely since it's too early in the morning. And it's not exactly the best time either." I looked around my room, not seeing many essentials to carry. I grabbed both my duffle bags and my backpack. 

Placing the cash I had collected over my time selling the drugs back onto the streets. I made just over 2 million with that crap alone. So I was far from being needy of cash and to be exact, it was just over 2 and a quarter million.

I grabbed it and started packing every single dollar. After that, I grabbed my clothing and placed it in my other duffle bag, filling it up completely. I grabbed my laptop and placed that in my backpack, as well as the rest of my clothing that could fit.

With everything sorted, I checked the time... "Alright... That should be it. All I need to do now is to go take a shower, wait a bit, and then get the hell out of this place.".





~Omniscient Pov~




"Batsy... It's great to see you here..." Penguin laughed. 

The caped crusader looked past his nemesis, only to see around a dozen hostages left, along with another route, likely of escape.

"Leave them out of this... I'm the one you want, not them." Batman said his tone that of anger.

"Sir... This is a trap! Don't continue any further!" Alfred said over the comms, but Bruce just ignored him. He had no choice but to. He was already too far into this.

On another hand, the penguin's laughter echoed through the space, "Always the dramatic one, aren't you? But you see, Batsy, I've got a few surprises of my own." He gestured to the dark corners of the room, where four henchmen revealed themselves...

They weren't normal either, one of them seemed to be able to manipulate flames. One likely increased strength due to his stature, another had ice abilities, and another likely speed... None he's ever seen before.

"Back-up is on the way sir, try to stall him some more." Alfred said.

Batman was visibly unfazed, however, he knew that this rescue mission just got much more difficult despite the help coming, "You never learn, do you? No matter how many you send, they all fall the same."

However, the penguin smiled... "You see bats, it ain't gonna go the way you want it to this time... I'm DONE with the little charade we had over the years. I want ya' gone, effective immediately! And I'm gonna tell you exactly how it's gonna pan out... So, shut up and LISTEN!"

Batman silenced himself, realizing that the penguin was much more unstable than he usually was...

"Good... Yer' listenin'." Penguin's grin widened, revealing his crooked teeth. "I've got my little friends here to do my dirty work, and to do you dirty... Haha..." He smiled and quickly pulled out an old-school revolver, "You're gonna stand RIGHT there, and I'm gonna watch my men slowly beat ya to death. Resist? These poor chaps die, and their life is gone because you couldn't keep your end. Don't? They walk away, scotch-free, and so do I and my men. Sounds great, doesn't it? Haha... HAHA... HAAHAHAHAAHAAAA!!!!!!" He laughed loudly.

Bruce just grits his teeth, he sees the gun pointing at a pregnant woman... And, he thinks to himself... Time seemed to slow to a crawl for the man. His eyes sharpened towards the penguin.

'Am, I that predictable? I'm tired, so tired... I've been up all night, fighting the good fight... And it comes to this? A choice... No, a price for my life, to save a dozen, and a little one... All because he knew that I would do it?' Bruce gripped his hands tightly.

The plan was simple, yet flawless. A layout only Cobblepot himself knew, a place where no surprises could be met with.

The weight of his responsibilities and the battles he fought weighed heavily on him. His body screamed for rest, but his mind, sharp and unwavering, knew he had to persevere. That's what he signed up for...

Penguin watched with glee, sensing Batman's internal struggle, "What's it gonna be, Bats? Your life for theirs? Or, will ya' take the beating like a good little hero?" He chuckled under his breath. Relishing the thoughts that must have been going through his nemesis' mind.

"I'll take your silence as a yes..." Cobblespot smiled.

Cobblepot then gave a quick tilt of the head, and the henchmen closed in, and Batman prepared for the inevitable. If he showed even an inkling of resistance, a hostage would die.

The first to approach was the one with super strength. He swung a massive fist, and Batman barely had time to brace himself before the blow connected with his ribs, the force of it lifting him off his feet and slamming him into a wall... He felt a rib crack, pain lancing through his side, but he bit back a groan, his mind focused on the hostages.

"Gauh..." Bruce groaned in pain as he staggered back, but he stood, his jaw clenched in anger.

The one with fire abilities, approached, a sinister smile on his face. "Let's see how tough you are." he taunted, launching a fireball directly at Batman. The searing heat hit him square in the chest, scorching his armor and burning through the fabric beneath.

"Arghhh!!!" He cried out again. The agony seared through his body. He had hoped his suit could have resisted the heat and the blunt force, but they were too strong.

The pain was intense, but he held his ground, not giving Penguin the satisfaction of seeing him falter...


The speedster was on him next, moving in a blur. Batman barely saw the punches coming, each one landing with pinpoint precision.

Crunch! His jaw snapped to the side, more of his ribs broken, and blood sprayed from his mouth.

Plush! A fist to his abdomen knocked the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for air.

Crack! A kick to his knee sent him sprawling, but he slowly pushed himself back up, refusing to stay down.







"He's A persistent one... But let's see how he deals with my frost..." The villain said, smiling. He waited, his eyes cold and calculating. As Batman struggled to rise, the henchman encased his legs in ice, freezing him to the floor. He watched with satisfaction as Batman struggled, then moved in...

Bwoosh!!! The chill in the air could be felt from the other side of the room.

Slamming an icy fist into Batman's midsection. The ice was so cold it burned as much as the fire had, and Batman felt his skin numb under the relentless assault.






Blood trickled from his lips... Yet, he was still conscious...

"Alright... Show over. END. HI-" Penguin got cut off, by a loud Booming sound echoing from above them.

Until one final one echoed, BOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!

The ceiling of the dirt cave suddenly caved in the center of the room, and a figure descended amidst the chaos... Only smoke and debris being left about.

Cough! Cough...!

The Penguin coughed, trying to clear his lungs from the dust and debris. As the air cleared, he managed to see everything properly. But before he could think or react, a red and white blur flew past his view, catching him off guard.

He felt a deathly tight grip on his neck... As he looked he could see a figure wearing a red and white suit with a red symbol on his chest. He knew who this was...

"O-Omni-Man!" He choked out.

Omni-Man landed with a thud, his towering figure casting a shadow over the Penguin. The villain's eyes widened in fear as he looked up at the imposing alien, realizing that his plans were about to be thwarted...

"Going somewhere, Penguin?" Omni-Man's voice rumbled, his tone carrying a mix of calm authority...

The Penguin was caught off guard, and knowing he was outmatched, stammered, "I-I was just... I mean, I didn't..." Penguin soon began to shed living tears...

However, Omni-Man's gaze seemed to pierce through the man, his presence radiating an aura of power that made even the hardened villain feel a sense of unease.




Omni-man then shook his head left and right with his free finger on his lips, "No need to explain Cobblepot... We're well past that now." He motioned, signaling for the Penguin to remain silent.

The Penguin nodded frantically, his tears mixing with the dirt and dust on his face. He knew that any resistance would be futile against Omni-Man, and so he stood there, subdued and defeated.

Omni-man sighed, "Look what you did here... I gave you two chances to stop what you were doing if I caught you again. Yet, here we are, a third time. Didn't I warn you, Cobblepot?" He said calmly, his blue eyes colder than they were before...

However, before the Penguin could speak, he saw Omni-Man turn around, his gaze shifting to the henchmen behind him.

"You four back there," Omni-Man's voice boomed, addressing the Penguin's henchmen, "I'll keep this simple: touch him again, and you'll end up in the same fate as your leader." 

The henchmen, cowed by Omni-Man's presence and the consequences he had just outlined, nodded frantically, understanding the seriousness of the situation... 

"Good, you're much wiser than him already..." Omni-man stated. He then turned his attention back to Cobblepot, "You... I have no more words for someone like you..." he said calmly.

"W-Wait! P-P-Please, I'll-I'll STOP!!!!" Penguin shrieked, his voice cracking with terror. His eyes bulged, wide with a desperate plea for mercy that was never going to come. As he spoke, he could feel Omni-Man's grip tightening around his neck, a vise-like pressure that squeezed the air from his lungs. His face contorted in agony, his skin turning a sickly shade of purple...

Then, with a sickening crunch, Penguin's head exploded, then BOOM!

A crimson geyser erupted from the point of impact, spraying blood and bone fragments across the surrounding area. The hostages watched in horror as they saw what happened.






The body fell, and Instantly, Omni-man flew over to the villains. The blood of the penguin smeared on his face, yet his expression didn't budge a single bit. It was like he was going for a casual walk. An everyday occurrence. The man didn't feel an ounce of empathy... if he even had such a thing.

He looked at the henchmen, "You all know what to do. Wait here for the authorities..." He looked past them and slowly flew towards Bruce. The villains moved out of the way, not daring to do anything else...

Omni-man sighed, touching his ear comms, nodding... "He's alive, but barely... Yes, the hostages are all safe as well." 

He then looked towards the four henchmen once again, "If I catch any of you aga-... No, I don't think I have to finish that..."










Your questions will be explained next chapter.

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