
Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)

Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines... {Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.} . . . . . . . Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Getting Shit Done...

~Omniscient Pov~




Ezra found himself in a much brighter and larger-scale part of the city, a stark contrast to the grim streets of The District. He looked around, taking in the more vibrant atmosphere and the multitude of billboards and signs that adorned the buildings.

Even if it wasn't totally out of the slums, it was still much better than seeing abandoned buildings every few blocks he passed. And attached doors on their frames...

One thing caught his eye though: the wallpapers of superheroes. They were everywhere, depicting individuals in capes and costumes with poses that exuded both strength and heroism. It felt a little off to him, but he shrugged it off, thinking back to how comic characters were advertised similarly in 2009. The realism of the depictions was surprisingly high, almost lifelike, but he didn't mind...

He quickly pulled out an old used phone, acting as if he was speaking with someone, "Hey, ECHO... I'm wondering if getting a forger would be a wise thing... Thinking back on it. What if getting my info out compromises me?" 

Ezra was still a bit hesitant about the idea of just doing what he was doing, and remaining anonymous wasn't always good either. Be too enigmatic, people might try to search for you more, but if one blends in with the obvious... Then they could have an easier time...

ECHO's voice responded, [It's a valid concern, Master Ezra. Relying on a forger does introduce the risk of potential exposure... However, obtaining basic credentials is crucial for maintaining a low profile and integrating into society. However, you could minimize risks by finding a reputable forger known for their discretion.]

Ezra nodded, still holding the phone to his ear, "Yeah, I get that. But how do we find someone like that without drawing too much attention?"

[We can gather information discreetly, perhaps by observing local interactions or listening in on conversations in certain areas. Alternatively, we could look for recommendations through less direct means, like anonymous forums or encrypted communication channels.]

"I think I'll get to the latter option, maybe get a laptop or computer system... A decent one in this year would probably be shitty though..." He mumbled.

As Ezra continued his walk, he passed by a nearby alley where two men were deep in conversation. He slowed his pace, making sure to catch every word...




"When do you think the fight's gonna start?"

"Tonight. Rumors are that Skullz is gonna be in the comp against another guy. Automatically, my money's on Skullz. The guy's been undefeated for ten rounds straight now."

Ezra's interest piqued. An underground fight might be the perfect place to find a forger or, at the very least, someone who knows one. These places always had a mix of the city's shadiest characters, and information likely flowed like a faucet.

He casually leaned against a wall nearby, pretending to check something on his phone, all the while listening intently...

"Yeah, Skullz is a beast. I even heard he's even got a sponsor now. Some big-shot who funds his training and keeps him well-supplied."




"Interesting..." Ezra thought. He'd check out this fight. Not only could he gather information, but it might also be an opportunity to test his skills... The simulations he went through for the past two weeks, although realistic, aren't 100% reality.

That 1% gap that ECHO can't close was the difference. The fact that he could feel immense pain and go through artificial death, was that. Artificial. There was no true danger in it, no matter what pain he went through in those simulations...

As the men continued their conversation, Ezra made a mental note of the location and time mentioned. He then resumed his walk, blending back into the crowd, a plan already forming in his mind...

"Hey, ECHO, I'm sure you heard that conversation earlier..." he asked quietly. On the off-hand, Ezra was surprised that on his first arrival in the somewhat major parts of the city, he got information on underground fights so easily...

[Affirmative, Master Ezra. Attending this underground fight could indeed provide valuable opportunities. The presence of influential individuals there, as well as the exchange of information in such settings, could aid in your objectives... However, it can also be very dangerous...] ECHO stated as if warning her host...

Ezra nodded subtly, "Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Plus, I might be able to get a lead on a forger or someone who can help me establish an actual identity. I'll need to be careful, though. Can't afford to draw too much attention to myself in the process." He added.

Knowing full well that charging into an underground fight was calling down attention on himself. He knew that it was illogical, but that's what made him human. He wanted to do what he wanted...

"You know... That's not the real reason why I was interested... Remember what I said about gaining experience?" He asked her.

[...I see, you want to use this opportunity to grow your combat prowess. I can't say it isn't a good choice in some aspects... but, I say be careful...] ECHO stated, concern somewhat evident in her tone.

Ezra just smirked, "Yeah, exactly. Fighting real opponents, especially ones with reputations like Skullz, will push me beyond my limits. I need to see how I stack up against serious threats. And besides, if I can make a name for myself in these underground fights, it might open up more doors for us..."

[Understood... I will assist you with tactical advice and monitor the surroundings for any potential dangers. Just remember, your priority is to remain under the radar and avoid unnecessary risks.]

"Got it..." Ezra said, feeling a little excited, "Let's get ready for tonight. It's gonna be a game-changer."





~7 hours later...~




'I guess I'm ready for this.' Ezra thought, boosting himself up a bit.

He spent the next few hours preparing himself, both mentally and physically... He made sure his new clothes fit well, allowing for maximum mobility. He wore a dark-colored hoodie, coupled with dark blue jeans, as well as a new mask to hide his face and eyes, especially since the latter stood out too much...

He then stashed the rest of his belongings in a secure place at the motel, ensuring he had everything he needed for the night's events...

As night fell, the atmosphere in The District shifted. The streets were still busy, but for some reason, there was a bit of anticipation and tension... Ezra moved with purpose, heading back in the same vicinity as before, but a few blocks further compared to where he overheard the conversation earlier.

'Hmm... I don't see anything here...' Ezra thought, looking around for a bit.

He wandered the dimly lit area for a bit, scanning the shadows for any signs of the fight he had overheard... After a few moments of fruitless searching, he noticed a subtle change in the flow of footprints.

People were subtly diverting their paths, heading towards a seemingly random building with a nondescript door.

He opened the door, seeing a couple of guards posted by the door, casually checking those who entered. The guards didn't look particularly friendly, but they weren't overly strict either. Ezra approached confidently...

As he approached, one of them opened their mouths, "The hell? Who are you?" The guard looked down at Ezra, seeing his small height.

"I'm here to fight..." Ezra replied calmly, his tone calm.

The guard raised an eyebrow, giving Ezra a skeptical look, "A kid, like you? This ain't no damn place for any children."

Ezra held the guard's gaze, unwavering, "I might surprise you..." he said, his voice carrying quiet confidence, "Besides, I heard there's no age limit on a good fight here."

The guards exchanged glances, clearly uncertain. After a moment, the other guard shrugged, "Let him in. If he causes any trouble, we'll deal with him."

With a nod, the first guard stepped aside, allowing Ezra to pass. "Alright, kid. Just don't get yourself killed on the way there." He finished, laughing...

"Thanks..." Ezra said, slipping past them and into the stairs that led deeper underground. Inside, he could tell that the atmosphere was noticeably thicker than past the doors...

'I can't believe it was this easy to get into, these guys don't carry even a shred of restrictions...' He thought, somewhat surprised.

He looked at the dimly lit space, revealing a makeshift ring that had been set up in the center. Surrounding the ring was a crowd of onlookers, their eyes gleaming with anticipation... Ezra made his way through the throng, positioning himself where he could get a good view of the action while keeping an eye on his surroundings...

Ezra could hear the cheers from the crowd, almost deafening screams if one were to ask him.

He peered downwards his eyes widening for a moment, 'That must be Skullz, what is he, 6,'7" no, he's bigger than that...' Ezra thought, seeing Skullz preparing for his bout, his eyes scanning the crowd and sizing up the competition, which didn't look to be there... Skullz's reputation as an undefeated fighter was evident in his confident demeanor and the way the crowd seemed to gravitate towards him...

'Likely a cocky fucker...' He mumbled mentally. Looking around a bit more.

'Still, this is it...' Ezra thought, his determination solidifying, 'This is where I start to make my mark.'

He continued to observe, mentally preparing himself for his fight. He hoped that tonight would be a test of his skills, endurance, and strategy, or at least 1 of the two... But more importantly, it was an opportunity to prove to himself that he was indeed strong...

As more time passed, the crowd grew tired of waiting for the opponent to fight Skullz, shouting;

"The hell's with Mani?"

"Did the fucking coward not come!?"

"Guy must have been scared for his life, HAHAHA!!!"

Ezra realized long before that Skullz's opponent wouldn't show... The announcer headed down towards Skullz, speaking with him for a bit.

"Alright, folks! Skullz says he'll fight anyone for tonight, he doesn't want to leave the crowed hanging like Mani has." The announcer said, causing the men in the stadium to laugh. But that's where it ended, for a good minute no one bothered to head in for a fight...




When the third-minute mark came, A dark hooded figure headed down the arena.

The announcer looked shocked for a moment, but quickly retained his usual professionalism, "Looks like we have a new challenger!!!" the announcer called out, his voice echoing through the space. However, he quickly moved towards the figure...

"Who the hell are you?" The announcer whispered to the hooded figure, losing his professional-sounding tone instantly.

Thinking for a moment, the figure responded... "Uhh... The Asura?" 

The announcer hearing the voice, easily could tell that it was a child behind the mask. "Listen, kid, I get it that you think yer' brave. But this is a man's world. This place ain't for little children. Skullz, will kill you, you get me?"

The figure, being Ezra said, "I'll fight, and you aren't gonna change that, so move the fuck aside." He won't let this little match-up slip. He was too excited for that now.

Which was slightly weird to him, he felt as if he should be even a little fearful, yet not an ounce of that persisted in him. Despite Skullz's threatening features, Ezra didn't get any feeling as if he should be worried...

On the other hand, the announcer was shocked, "I tried to spare your dumbass, die if all I care you little shit." He said, turning back towards the crowd.

"Alright folks, this little man, calls himself, 'THEEEE ASURRAAAA!!!!' " However, no one in the crowd said anything. Instead, the announcer could tell that they were pissed beyond belief...

"Alright, both fighters to your cornerrsss!!!!" The announcer said, hurrying to get this finished.

The crowd murmured uneasily as the fighters took their corners. Skullz, being a towering figure with a menacing aura, exuded confidence as he cracked his knuckles, sizing up his opponent. On the other side, The Asura's small frame released nothing, his face hidden behind the mask and hood.

Just before the bell rang, Ezra could see a smirk on the larger man's face...

'Hmph!... I guess I don't need to hold back then.' Ezra noted to himself.




The bell chimed, and the fight commenced with Skullz charging forward, aiming a heavy right hook at The Asura's head. Ezra, quick on his feet, leaned back just in time, feeling the wind of Skullz's fist brush past his face...

'Not bad... But still way too slow...' Ezra thought. If this was him before these few weeks, well... There wouldn't be a him here in the first place. The idea of fighting this monster of a human would be the last thing to do on his to-die-list...

As Skullz pressed on with a relentless assault, throwing a series of punches, The Asura ducked and weaved, avoiding the blows with perfectly deft footwork. He easily retaliated with a flurry of quick jabs to Skullz's ribs and a swift uppercut that grazed the side of Skullz's jaw.

The larger man growled, with clear annoyance.

Skullz, somewhat unfazed by the initial strikes, despite being annoyed, switched tactics, opting for a spinning backkick aimed at his opponent's midsection. Ezra sidestepped before the kick was even thrown. Using the momentum to deliver a sweeping low kick that knocked Skullz off balance, causing the crowd to shout in awe...

"That guy k-knocked down Skullz? The hell?!!" One of them said, with more saying the same thing soon after. Before, they thought this would be a slaughter, but now? That thought got washed out of their heads completely...

The crowd gasped as Asura capitalized on Skullz's momentary vulnerability, landing a powerful kick to Skullz's knee, and causing him to stumble once again. Seizing the opportunity, Ezra followed up with a series of rapid punches to Skullz's torso, targeting areas where the impact would be most effective...

"GRR-AAAAh... Y-YOU! LITTLE!!! FUCKER!!!!!" Skulls shouted. His pain showing even more.

Skullz got up, now on the defensive, and attempted a roundhouse kick, aiming for The Asura's head. Ezra instinctually blocked the kick with his forearm, with relative ease... Feeling the impact reverberate through his arm, yet it wasn't painful... With a quick step back, he countered with a lightning-fast jab, with all his power this time...


The attack landed, straight towards Skullz's solar plexus, causing the larger fighter to double over in wheezing pain...

"H-he's making Skullz show, pain?" Someone in the crowd erupted, causing the whole stadium to chant as well. Before they were shouting Skullz. Now, they were chanting, Asura...


Ezra backed off a bit, going towards his side of the ring... Getting into a shoulder-roll stance boxing technique...

"ECHO... Something's weird with that Skullz guy... He's strong... Or should be. When he kicked me a bit ago, I didn't feel much of, anything. It was like a pillow, mind explaining that to me?" He asked.

[Of course... It is because your opponent does not have the sheer toughness you have, or even the same endurance either, master Ezra... If you are a 4.1... Your current opponent's endurance would be a 2.3, his stamina a 1.4, and his sheer toughness would be 3.1. I should have broken down your 'Endurance statistic' more in-depth master...] ECHO explained.

Despite that, Ezra caught onto the implications of what she meant already...

"I'll give you time to explain... The big guy is still down..." He added.

[...Affirmative master. To make this much simpler, the training you have done so far for your endurance isn't just for stamina... It also encompasses three aspects; Your stamina, how long you can last, your toughness which is how much damage you can take from blunt attacks, and finally endurance which is how many blunt attacks you can take without dropping from said attack past your threshold... In all those specific aspects of your 'Endurance statistic', you are a 4.1...] ECHO explained.

Ezra's eyes widened...

"So you're saying when it comes to anything that relates to enduring, I'm much better than that huge ass guy?" He mumbled.

[Yes... I'm sure you felt it in your body earlier. You instinctively blocked his attack, did you not? And it did not hurt you. This is because your body has already entered a threshold of being superhuman. Furthermore, you are already at the stage where you should be able to roughly gauge your opponent's strength. I would suggest you trust your body more...] ECHO finished.

Now it made sense... Why Skullz didn't 'feel' strong to him. It's as if his body knew that Skullz was weaker... It must have been why he blocked that kick with so much confidence, and without feeling a hint of pain either...

Hell, Ezra thought if he took it head on in the stomach he probably still wouldn't feel a thing. Was 4 such a high level?

He paused for a moment, wandering... "ECHO... What the hell did you turn me into?" Ezra asked her.

[Why does this surprise you master?... My purpose is to make you the strongest, in any or all aspects you choose. And, I aim to do so with the utmost efficiency...] ECHO clarified.


The crowd looked at the fight, seeing Skullz finally get up. While the Asura was in his corner standing still.

Skullz at this point was angered beyond reason, if he was potentially going to spare the kid then. He would never do so now... He got up, feeling shaky as is, he couldn't let his sponsors see this side of him, especially done in by such a tiny guy.

"GRAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Skullz shouted once more, causing the stadium to tremor, and finally charged ahead. Throwing multiple wild, yet powerful blows. However, their end was the same as their predecessors, this time, the Asura was slipping past them easily, showing his skill.

The crowd was shouting in excitement, while Ezra, was already bored... "It's time to end this stupid fight..." He said, almost as if sighing in the process. Seeing another punch come his way, Ezra dodged it, launching a full-power uppercut that used his opponent's power against himself.

The attack caused Skullz's eyes to wobble a bit... But, the Asura didn't let up, continuing his assault with a combination of strikes—a hook to the ribs, a powerful knee to the abdomen, and a spinning back fist that caught Skullz off guard. Each blow was well calculated, aimed at wearing down his opponent's defenses.

As the fight neared its climax, Skullz, determined to regain control, unleashed a powerful overhead strike. Ezra of course, easily anticipated the move before it even showed by the minor muscle signals he was reading, ducked, and countered with another swift uppercut followed by a roundhouse kick to Skullz's temple, sending him staggering backward...

With Skullz visibly fatigued, Ezra seized the moment, launching a barrage of rapid punches and kicks, targeting Skullz's weakened areas—the ribs, solar plexus, and thighs. The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps as each strike landed with precision, culminating in a final devastating blow to Skullz's chest that sent him crashing to the dirt with a loud thud.




The arena fell into stunned silence as Skullz hit the ground hard, his body twitching slightly from the impact of Ezra's final strike. The announcer rushed in, checking on Skullz's condition as Ezra calmly walked towards his corner, his expression focused, yet relaxed...




The crowd's initial shock gave way to thunderous applause and cheers as they witnessed The Asura's dominance in the ring. Some shouted his name, while others marveled at the little fighter's skill...

Skullz on the other hand, was out cold... No doubt his pride was wounded, along with his body... 


The announcer's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, declaring The Asura's victory and even acknowledging his nothing short of miraculous performance. The crowd erupted once more, chanting 'The Asura's' name, and cheering for the thrilling match they had just witnessed...

With his sense of dissatisfaction lingering despite his victory, Ezra made his way out of the ring, ignoring the people trying to approach him. The ease of the match left him feeling unfulfilled, and he knew he had to address the shortcomings he noticed in his performance...

Without wasting time, he slipped out of the building, avoiding anyone who might try to stop him. After that, he put away his mask and removed his hood, taking out his broken phone;

"Hey, ECHO... I'm sure you could tell back there my punching power was a bit, lacking." He said, not wanting to admit so...

[I noticed, master Ezra. While your speed and technique are decent, your punches lack the force needed for a truly devastating impact... It might be time to adjust your training regimen to focus on increasing your punching techniques. Incorporating more explosive strength exercises and refining...]

Ezra scratched his head and sighed, "Was it that bad?" He asked, genuinely curious.

[Yes... In fact, by my calculations. If you prioritized your training the week prior as I suggested, both your punches and kicks could have been 122.8% stronger, and 72.3% faster respectively, at least based on your talent. However, you prioritized your physique instead...] ECHO stated.

Despite her tone, Ezra could tell she was a bit upset...

"Look, I'm sorry. I'll train in your techniques for the rest of the month and get them up to your standards, how does that sound?" Ezra offered.

[Good... I'll see to it that you do. I've realized that your brain has improved your learning speed and comprehension... I will now use more of my nanites to work within your body and mind for doing more precise calculations. Also, I will be using my nanites to reproduce more neurons for your brain instead of a single section... Your mind has developed to an extent that allows me to target more of its areas; specifically the cerebrum, optic chiasm, medulla oblongata, mamillary body, and lastly the pons.] ECHO stated.

He sighed once again, this time smiling... "Thanks ECHO. I don't know what I'd do without you...'

[You're welcome master Ezra... However, aren't you forgetting something?] ECHO asked.


[Master... You didn't ask for a forger on purpose... Didn't you...] Her statement was more accusatory rather than investigative...


"Phh!~ Nooooo... Alright, maybe I did. I'll do it next time, I promise. I just wanted to see if there would be anyone worth facing down there." Ezra beckoned.

However, ECHO didn't respond...


~Back in the underground Arena...~




"So... Skullz, fell?... I see..." A feminine voice said she turned towards another behind, "Sir?" She asked.

The man in question looked towards her without an inkling of emotion, "Tell them to get rid of him... Project-S, has served its purpose... Oh, also tell them to keep an eye for the person who defeated him... Make sure they contact me if he shows up again." The man finished.

The woman nodded, and quickly left the room, her steps echoing down the dimly lit corridor... The man remained seated, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table, deep in thought...

After a few moments, he grabbed his phone, dialing for someone...

After the person responded, the man rubbed his temples a bit, "Да... Я звонил, чтобы сказать вам, чтобы вы как можно скорее начали создание проекта V1." He then hung up phone, and left himself in his own thoughts once again...




Outside of the arena, a group of men in dark clothing converged around Skullz's unconscious form. They lifted him roughly, ignoring the groans of pain that escaped his lips. Without a word, they carried him out of the arena and into the waiting van...

The van doors slammed shut, and it drove off into the night, leaving the underground arena behind. Inside, Skullz remained unconscious, unaware of his own fate...







