

There are two familiar people that sit on the corner and they seem to avoid people's gaze.

Nan approaches them and pokes the man's back. "Hm... Excuse me are you perhaps, Tan?" asked Nan.

Tan, looked back and recognized it was Nan. "Nan! Long time no see!" Tan seems happy to see Nan and Nan sees Nam there sitting with him trying to hide her face from Nan.

"Nam? Why are you hiding your face?" Nan asked while smiling and tilting her body.

She flinched and Tan blushed. 

Nam opened her mask, "Hello, P'Nan!" Nam says.

Tan got nervous and tried to change the subject, "Oh! I watched your new series, Nan. It's so good that it went well." he said.

"Woah, so good to know that you see the series even though it aired a bit late," Nan replied with his compliments.