

After the outstanding night of Nan and Din's date, they end it with a night that is full of love until the sun greets them. The moment they opened their eyes early in the morning was filled with happiness that gave Din the power to tell Nan about his utmost feelings. The moment Din kneels down before Nan, to ask her to live with him for the rest of his life, What possibly Nan will answer for Din's proposal?

Din gulped down his saliva and he started to kneel. He is holding a white little box in his left hand. He looked at Nan's eye and said, "Nan, it's more than half a year we've been together. I always thought that I couldn't live without you and last night was our moment that ensured that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So, Nan, would you marry me, please?" He opened the white box with a face filled with faith and twitter that was mixed.