
Chapter 1

The snow was deep and the storm continued to get worse. If only Yori had taken shelter at the cave she had passed an hour ago. Yori had a reputation for almost killing herself going on crazy adventures or missions.

Suddenly the wind grow stronger and Yori struggled to keep her footing. Even in this deep snow she could easily be swept away by the wind and flying snow.

Yori had tried to avoid getting caught up in a blizzard but of course mother nature has a mind of it's own and it's almost impossible to avoid it. Even if she found shelter she would have to be able to start a fire or she would freeze to death. Though she doubted she would find shelter because she could barely see a tail length in front of her.

The storm showed no signs of letting up anytime soon but Yori would never give up even if she was facing deaths door. Yori slowly placed each paw in front of her trying not to lose her footing in the process. then she heard another wolf barking from afar. there was no way it was directed at Yori but she followed the barking anyway.

Yori didn't understand why any other wolf would be up here unless they were idiot's or dangerous Adventure seekers like her. As Yori got closer to the Barking she could she the light of a fire in a dark place perhaps a cave. It was still quite a ways off but she believed she could make it there before she froze enough to faint.

The light of the fire grow stronger over time as she got closer until she could almost start to feel the warmth of it. Now she could make out a few more details, the fire had been made in a cave with a small entrance and she could make out a few figures, there were two or three wolves there. They were still barking but now she could make out what they were saying. "Is anyone out there!?" They were barking with all there might sounding distressed.

Yori guessed they had lost one of there own in the blizzard and decided to set up camp hoping to find there missing friend and help anyone who got caught up in the storm. Yori would have tried answering them but she didn't have the strength to but now she was close enough to make out a conversation between two of the wolves.

"Do you think he will be okay? We've been barking for more than an hour and there has been no response! I could never forgive myself if something happened to him or anyone else we brought along with us" one of the wolves growled softly.

"Don't worry I'm sure he'll be fine and if he isn't...well just don't blame yourself, okay?" the other wolf barked reassurance.

"Speaking of which, I've been barking for ages, can someone else take over?" the third wolf butted in.

Just then Your lost her footing and fell to the ground scrambling to find a new footing. She just didn't have enough energy left to save herself. The snow consumed her as she stopped struggling, this was the end for her she thought and closed her eyes...