
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Water sprite encounter

The inside of the cave was pitch black. Elwin tried to find an exit in the darkness when he noticed Cassidy fumbling for something. He saw her pull out a gem that shimmered with a faint glow from her pocket.

"What's that?" Elwin asked curiously.

"This is a gem I found in the mountains. It has a special ability—it can still shine even under the influence of the magical crystals of Rek country," Cassidy answered. She showed it to Elwin and carefully infused a bit of faint magic into the gem. Suddenly, the gem glowed like a mini sun, illuminating the entire cave.

After setting up the gem, Cassidy turned to Elwin, "Rest here for a bit, I'm going to look for some food." With that, she left the cave.

After a while, Cassidy returned with a few fresh wild rabbits. She sat down, placed the rabbits next to her, then extended her finger, flicking it lightly. A spark flew from her fingertip, landing on the dry grass next to her. Instantly, the dry grass ignited, the fire lighting up the surroundings. Cassidy then started roasting the rabbits next to the fire.

The fire flickered, the aroma of roasting meat wafting in the air, and the mysterious gem quietly lay on one side, emitting a warm glow. The two sat by the fire, sharing this bounty from the plains, seemingly forgetting the passage of time, silently enjoying the tranquility and harmony of the moment.

"You seem quite adept at roasting meat." Elwin watched Cassidy concentrating on the task and teased her.

Cassidy looked up at him, the corner of her mouth turning up slightly, "Living in the mountains of Rek country, roasting wild rabbits is quite common. Unless you prefer it raw."

Elwin chuckled, "I think I prefer it cooked." His gaze turned to the flickering flames, his curiosity piqued once more, "Could you, uh, teach me how to ignite fire with magic?"

Cassidy glanced at Elwin and nodded, "Sure, I'll teach you. But I must tell you first, I didn't naturally know how to do this. I learned it gradually after finding that mysterious gem as a child living in the mountains. I'm not a magician, I primarily fight with my sword, the fire is just an extra ability."

Elwin scratched his head, "That's okay, you being able to teach me is already great. After all, all of this is new to me."

Cassidy gave him an encouraging smile and closed her eyes to guide him, "Imagine a flame within you. It resides in your heart, growing stronger with each heartbeat. Then, guide this flame to the palm of your hand and let it burst out from your fingertips."

Elwin listened intently. He tried to feel his inner self according to Cassidy's method. However, despite his earnest attempts, his fingertips remained unresponsive. He looked at Cassidy somewhat embarrassedly, but saw her engrossed in roasting the meat, not noticing him.

He tried a few more times, but the results were the same. Staring at the dry grass in front of him, Elwin's eyes conveyed determination and persistence. Even though he had not succeeded, he showed no signs of giving up.

Seeing Elwin so persistent, Cassidy's lips unconsciously curled up. She remained silent, but her twinkling eyes betrayed her amusement. Her gaze was filled with a special gentleness, like watching a naughty yet endearing child.

In such a night, the two of them sat shoulder to shoulder. One focused on roasting meat, and the other persistently trying to light the dry grass. It was a plain night, yet it was filled with warmth and harmony.

The next morning, the dry grass and firewood had extinguished, only leaving wisps of smoke gently rising. Sunlight streamed in from the cave entrance, making the extinguished flames appear even dimmer in the new day. Cassidy leaned against the wall, a broadsword in her hand, while Elwin lay on the ground. Their silhouettes seemed incredibly determined under the first rays of the new day.

With the arrival of a new day, they awoke. Cassidy picked up a charred stick and drew a route on the ground. "If we're headed to 'Liana's Tear' in the south next, we first have to cross a massive river called 'A Thousand Waves', which is a natural boundary of Rek country, much like a moat. Above the river, there's a magnificent bridge called the 'Bridge of Friendship', which was built to commemorate the friendship between Rek and Belk countries and is a symbol of peace."

"Once we cross the bridge, we enter the territory of Belk country. If all goes well, we should be able to reach a small town named 'Amber Town' before nightfall. There we can rest and resupply," Cassidy explained.

Listening to Cassidy's detailed description, Elwin had a better understanding of the journey ahead. He nodded, indicating he was ready to begin a new day's journey. The two packed up their belongings and left the cave, which had provided them brief tranquility, and set off on the road to 'Liana's Tear'.

They quickly moved across the grasslands, the sunlight pouring through the gaps in the clouds, casting changing shapes of light on the ground, turning the grassland into a sea of gold. Along the way, they saw all kinds of exotic wild animals and picturesque sceneries, the sense of freedom intoxicating Elwin.

As they walked on the golden grassland, each blade of grass shimmered in the sunlight, the world bathed in golden radiance. Suddenly, Elwin heard a faint whimpering sound. He stopped, listening carefully.

"Do you hear that?" Elwin looked at Cassidy.

Cassidy listened intently and furrowed her brows, "Yes, I heard it, the sound is coming from the west."

They immediately changed direction and headed towards the sound. Near a small puddle, they found a wounded water sprite. She was as transparent as beautiful crystal, small in size, and looked incredibly fragile. She was curled up in pain, a scorching red line across her body, presumably her wound.

Elwin stepped forward and softly asked, "Do you need help?"

The water sprite looked up at him, after a moment of silence, she replied in a faint voice, "I... my name is Caro, I'm a water sprite. I'm injured..."

Elwin anxiously looked at Caro. The wound was on her side, an eerie red like a scar from a fire. He remembered the herbal knowledge that Margaret had once told him, and started to search for possible medicinal herbs around him.

"There should be 'Starstone Grass' nearby, it's very effective in treating burns," Elwin whispered to Cassidy.

After a search, he finally found a plant with tiny star-like dots in a moist area; the Starstone Grass he was looking for. He carefully picked it, washed it with water, and ground it into a paste.

"Caro, I'm going to apply this medicinal paste to your wound, it might sting a bit, but please bear with it," Elwin said.

Caro looked at him with doubt, then humorously said, "I just hope you don't start growing strange things on me. If I start sprouting grass, you're responsible."

Despite Caro's joke making him a bit nervous, Elwin bravely applied the medicinal paste to her wound. The moment his hand touched the wound, the herb began to emit a miraculous green energy, which instantly flowed into the wound. They saw Caro's wound healing at a visibly rapid pace, leaving only a faint scar. Witnessing this miracle, Caro's eyes were filled with unmistakable astonishment.

Caro's painful expression gradually eased and the wound healed as if a broken droplet of water had been seamlessly repaired. She looked at Elwin with deep gratitude in her eyes and cheerfully waved her transparent arms like a child receiving a surprise.

"Where are you guys from?" she asked curiously.

"We're from Rek country," Elwin replied, "We're on our way to 'Liana's Tear'. We've heard that the lake there is beautiful."

"Oh, I know that place. I've swam in the lake, the water really is colorful and as beautiful as me," Caro said with a laugh, her voice as clear as spring water.

"Caro, how did you get hurt?" Elwin asked with concern.

"Oh, that's a long story," Caro flirtatiously glanced at Elwin, "A timid little fish, a bad-tempered weed, and a nasty current..."

Elwin watched as Caro whimsically likened her experiences to an exciting story, and couldn't help but laugh, even though he couldn't completely understand what she was trying to convey. Caro laughed along, looked at Elwin and Cassidy, and said, "Alright, I've recovered now. You should continue your journey, and I need to go back. Thanks for everything."

With that, Caro's body began to blur as she slowly absorbed the surrounding moisture. The surrounding grass seemed gently stirred, an invisible force causing the water vapor in the air to rush towards Caro. In the end, she became a cluster of mist, hovering in the air, and gradually disappeared under Elwin and Cassidy's gaze.

Elwin and Cassidy stared at the spot where Caro had disappeared, staying silent for a while before they continued their journey. The afternoon sun was casting slanted rays, and a cool breeze was blowing. Bathed in warm sunlight, they drew closer step by step to the massive bridge known as "The Bridge of Friendship". Under the afternoon sun, the ancient bridge looked particularly solemn and sacred.