
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

The Hound from Hell

Just as their hearts were pounding like drums, the monster suddenly made a weak "gurgle" sound. It was a peculiar noise, like the snoring of a giant wild boar in its sleep. The sound was particularly eerie and terrifying in the silent night.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and once again observed the monster before them. It was a massive creature, its skin rough yet smooth, its muscle lines prominent, seemingly hiding endless strength. Its feet were similar to those of a human, but they were sturdy and covered in black hair, the toes slightly curved like a beast ready to pounce at any moment.

The most spine-chilling part were its eyes. They were wide open, with a cold glint shimmering in the pupils, like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark, staring straight at them, utterly still. Only the rhythmical sound of its powerful breathing told them that the monster was sleeping.

The surrounding air was filled with a suffocating odor. A unique smell, a mix of blood and decay, as well as a horrifying hint of sulfur, like an omen of death, making it hard to breathe.

At this point, the "gurgling" sound became sporadic, like a eerie symphony in the darkness. Through the slits in their cloaks, the sight they saw made their hearts skip a beat. By the side of the town road, monsters were scattered around in a haphazard manner, each with its own uniquely hideous appearance, all unified above a certain threshold of horror. Some were pig-shaped, some had scaly skin, some were covered in fleshy bumps, while others were beyond description.

Amid the eerie "gurgling" sounds, a sense of oppression gradually accumulated in their hearts, like a giant hand was subtly increasing the pressure on their hearts. It felt as if any single heartbeat could bring about a fatal disaster.

Without making a sound, Elvin and Cassidy exchanged a tacit glance. Through subtle gestures, they indicated to each other to carefully bypass these monsters. Their every step was measured, with fear and the desire to move forward intertwined, creating a peculiar tension.

The air around them was filled with a suffocating odor, a smell that brought about an inexplicable pain. The air was filled with the scent of death and decay, as if the entire town had sunk into a dark slumber.

They did their best to minimize their presence, trying to blend into their surroundings. Each step felt like walking on the edge of a blade, being careful to the point where even their own heartbeats felt like they could bring about a deadly disaster.

Just as they were carefully bypassing the first monster, it suddenly rolled over. The two of them instantly froze, halting all movement, even holding their breath. After several tense minutes, when the monster seemed to have fallen back asleep, they let out a sigh of relief and continued to move forward quietly.

As they moved deeper into the town, they had to face more monsters. Each circumvention was a battle between life and death, every breath seemed to be challenging Death's patience.

They found a rhythm in their fear. With silent steps and slow pace, they moved forward silently in this terrifying night. Every advancement was like groping in endless darkness, seeking the possibility of survival.

When they reached the center of the town, they saw an even more ghastly sight. The once prosperous town was now desolate. Houses were destroyed, the streets were full of debris and monsters, and the only sound in the deathly quiet air was the ongoing "gurgling".

At the very center of the town, a stair-like fountain, a symbol of past prosperity, stood like a cake. The traces of time had left deep marks on every inch of the fountain, making this once vibrant place look dilapidated.

Suddenly, the sound of crows flapping their wings came from the air. The sound in the silent night was like a demon crawling out of the abyss, breaking the silence. A few crows quietly landed on top of the fountain, they cawed sharply at Elvin and Cassidy. Their cries echoed in the silent night, like Death's incantation, giving people a chill.

Behind the fountain, previously shrouded in darkness, a building gradually appeared. It was a church, old and solemn. Moss had grown all over the stone walls of the church, making it seem both lonely and desolate. The towering spire was like a sword pointing towards the sky, silently guarding this ruin.

At this moment, the spire of the church suddenly emitted a dazzling red light. The source of the red light was a dot, which gradually enlarged in the darkness, like a giant eye staring at them. The red light grew larger and eventually turned into a ball the size of a soccer ball, hovering above the spire, illuminating the entire church. The red light was striking in the dark night, illuminating every corner of the church, giving off an eerie feeling.

The red ball seemed to come alive, slightly trembling, emitting a deep red light, constantly changing shape. They looked at the red ball, their hearts filled with fear and unease. It was as if the red ball was an all-seeing eye, coldly watching them, leaving them nowhere to hide.

Under the red orb of light, a wall that seemed to be conversing with the 'eye' began to shimmer as rows of green dots flickered on its surface. These dots, emanating a faint green light, appeared eerie and mysterious under the red illumination. As it turned out, these green dots were the eyes of a pack of hounds. Their green glow pulsed in the darkness like elves wandering at night, invoking a bone-chilling feeling.

All of these hounds were black, exuding an aura of malevolence from their sharp teeth and densely furred bodies. They appeared to be small demons. They sniffed the ground, a distinct action that seemed to be searching for the scent of their prey. Upon locating their target, they sprang out like springs.

"No good!" Cassidy realized instantly that they were the hounds' target. She swiftly tossed her cloak, which acted as a net, instantly entangling a hound that lunged at them. The hound rolled on the ground a few times and finally stopped after a somersault. This action only temporarily stopped their attack, as more hounds were leaping out from the darkness.

Cassidy drew her longsword, under the dark night sky, it was the only thing glimmering like an incarnation of cold moonlight. As it swung, it seemed to play a dirge of death, the sound of the sword slicing through the air cutting the silent night, producing a sharp whistling sound.

Facing the battle, Cassidy showed no hesitation or fear. She glanced at Elvin next to her, her resolute eyes seeming to tell him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here." She adjusted her breathing, and the sword in her hand danced like a lively silver snake, swinging with expertise and grace.

The hounds, like evil shadows, howled and lunged in the darkness, their teeth like swords biting at her. However, Cassidy did not show any fear, her eyes were firm, her sword shifted to parry the hounds' attacks. Her swordsmanship was unparalleled, every swing was accompanied by a piercing sound of cutting through the air, and the hounds' cries. She turned, jumped, the sword slashed down, and another shadow fell at her feet.

However, Elvin was not having such an easy time. He held a dagger, nervously avoiding one hound after another. His actions were clearly chaotic. The hounds were roaring, their sharp claws swung at him, he dodged in a fluster. This scene invoked pity, he was like a child lost in a dark forest, depending solely on his instinct to fight the danger.

However, at this moment, a hound lunged at him off guard. In the heat of the moment, he blocked the hound's attack with his dagger. His actions were raw but exposed his potential in this life-and-death situation. In that instant, his eyes shifted from terror to determination, as if he finally understood, he couldn't run, he had to face it.

At this moment, Cassidy saw his transformation, a trace of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She glanced at him, then focused again, swinging her sword to deal with the next hound's attack. Her agile figure danced in the moonlight, her sword like a dragon, extremely fierce. Under her sword, the hounds couldn't resist and fell one after another.

Under the night sky, Cassidy's sword dance continued, Elvin's struggle continued, the hounds' attacks were fierce, but the two did not back down. Their sword dance was like a poem, a dream, a dragon, although dangerous, it was filled with courage and hope.

In the dead of night, the flames of battle burned, the duel of life and death continued. At this moment, they understood that fighting was also a way of survival. They, with their most tenacious will, were struggling against the demons in the darkness, searching for the possibility of survival.

"Elvin, stay calm!" Cassidy shouted, and her words seemed to awaken him in an instant, "Remember, don't let fear control you, we have to survive."

Just as a hound roared and pounced on Elvin, he took a deep breath. A trace of fear flashed in his determined eyes, but he didn't back down. Instead, he bravely faced it with his dagger. He stabbed at the hound, but it was too fast, cunningly avoiding his attack, then biting at his arm.

In that moment, fear, despair, and determination interwove in his heart. He realized that he could not fend off the pack of hounds with his dagger alone. He needed a stronger power. Suddenly, he remembered the magic Cassidy had once taught him. It was a force from within, which he needed to guide with his emotions and will. He integrated his fear, determination, and anger into his consciousness, attempting to evoke that power.

As Elvin focused deeply on his inner self, he felt a surge of heat welling up inside him, filling his entire body like a volcanic eruption. His pulse suddenly accelerated, as if he himself had become a blazing flame. The scorching energy circulated inside him, carrying the determined power to destroy everything. He tightly held his dagger, the anger in his eyes like burning flames. A strong energy surged from the deepest part of his heart, along his arm, and converged in the dagger in his hand.

With a "whoosh", he swung his dagger fiercely, and a fireball appeared in the air. The fireball expanded in an instant, transforming into a massive sphere of fire, rushing towards the hound like a meteor. The hound was enveloped by the fireball, the world was filled with fiery red in a blink, it let out a piercing howl, its body engulfed in flames. In the scorching fire, the hound writhed in pain, but soon fell powerless to the ground, the flames burning on it until it was reduced to a pile of black ash.