
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

She's actually my mother?

Elwin tentatively asked, "Mr. Thorsson, how long have you been here?"

A flash of painful memories crossed Sok's eyes, then he calmly replied, "I've been here...for 18 years."

"What!?" Elwin shouted in disbelief, "18 years?" The figure was almost inconceivable to him. He was desperate to know the story of Sok, who had been imprisoned for 18 years, because his presence gave him hope.

In the dim cell, only the weak moonlight shone through the small iron window, casting onto Sok's face, making him shine like a star. Sok's facial skin had lost the firmness of youth, deep wrinkles on his face painted a picture of toughness and persistence. His eyes, sunk deep into their sockets, looked tired, but their gaze was firm and bright.

However, when he turned his gaze to Elwin, Sok slightly lifted his head, a trace of a smile at the corner of his mouth. It seemed like the first joy he had felt in 18 years, now having a confidant.

In this damp and hot cell, with mossy walls and a floor covered in thick dust, Elwin straightened up, trying to get a better look at Sok. He noticed a rough rope around Sok's wrist, his skin worn through, leaving deep scars - it looked like he had been bound for a long time.

Elwin couldn't imagine how this old man had endured such torture yet still maintained such a calm and optimistic attitude. This made him feel deep respect and curiosity towards Sok.

Elwin's eyes widened, his fingers tightly clenched together, a mix of tension and curiosity plastered on his young face. His blue eyes reflected a lively glow in the weak light, like a dazzling gem. His gaze revealed his determination and resilience, as if he was making a vow to himself and Sok that he would get out of this place and survive.

"How did you manage to survive in here?" Elwin's voice was so low it was almost a whisper, as if he was afraid of disrupting Sok's tranquility. His face was full of admiration and astonishment, finding it unbelievable how this man had persisted in prison for 18 years.

Sok sighed and shook his head, "Survival is hope, young man. Over the years, I told myself every day that I'm still here, I can still breathe, see the moonlight, feel the air. As long as I'm alive, there's hope." His voice, though hoarse, was filled with resolve. "I must endure, I must. I cannot lose interest in life, for nobody can experience my helplessness and despair. But once I get through this time, I will fear nothing."

Elwin resonated strongly with Sok's words. He looked at Sok with admiration and determination, knowing that no matter what difficulties he would face in the future, he must muster up the courage, survive, find his missing grandmother, and then return to the free world together.

He told Sok firmly, "I will get out of here, I will find help. You saved my life, and I will do everything in my power to get you out of here." This determination was the only way he could repay Sok.

Sok looked at Elwin, a moment of surprise flashed in his eyes, but then he returned to his calm demeanor. He smiled at Elwin as if seeing his younger self, then slowly nodded, "I believe you, Elwin. I can teach you how to escape, are you willing to try?"

"Of course!" Elwin answered without hesitation. He knew this might be his only way out.

Sok fell silent for a while, then spoke in a deep voice, "The Kingdom of Reik is a nation that respects power. It is situated in the western part of the continent of Bondir, surrounded by mountains and rich in magical crystal resources and strategic advantages. The people of Reik, they are brave warriors who rely on muscles and courage instead of magic. They have gradually lost their magic, but responded with physical exercise and accumulation of strength. Their robust bodies and powerful strength are among the most outstanding in this world, and they are proud of their honor and loyalty. The King of Reik is a mighty warrior who leads his people to defend their land. In Reik, power can not only protect oneself but also protect the ones you love. That's why the arena exists. It proves your strength, your innocence. The ones you face in the arena are experienced veterans. Only by bravely confronting them can you possibly defeat them. If you dare to challenge, then you are fearless, and you are trustworthy. Those who can win in the arena, they can not only protect themselves, but also contribute to the country. The army of Reik is strong, but their numbers are limited."

Sok's words echoed in the cell, then silence descended once again. Elwin furrowed his brow, feeling both amazed and curious about the exotic culture of this world, as well as a bit uneasy. In his understanding, power was not the only measure of a person's value, let alone proving one's innocence through deadly fights. All this troubled him deeply, and he was filled with fear about the impending gladiatorial battle.

However, Elwin was not one to give up easily. His green eyes wide, he looked at Sok firmly and said, "But I'm not good at fighting, I'm just an ordinary person, without any training. How could I possibly win in the arena?"

Sok looked deeply at Elwin, his eyes full of paternal-like pity and concern. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, revealing a confident smile that could inspire anyone. "I'll train you, young man. I've had a glorious warrior career here, I was once the strongest fighter in this fortress. When I was treating your injuries, I found that your physical fitness is astonishing, and your recovery ability is exceptional. Does your family have a skilled apothecary, who has been using special potions to enhance your body over a long period of time?"

Elwin paused slightly, then answered, "Apothecary? My grandmother often made me meals with herbs she grew herself. They were very delicious and always made me feel refreshed after eating."

Sok nodded, "It seems you have your grandmother to thank. The food she provided you was not ordinary. Those, young man, are mysterious magical food that can help the body surpass its natural limits. For ordinary people, to eat them once would already be considered a rare fortune. But you've been enjoying them daily, which means you'll learn fighting skills and magic faster than others."

Elwin was somewhat taken aback, his grandmother had never mentioned any of this.

"Your grandmother must be an outstanding apothecary. What's her name?" Sok asked.

"Her name is Margaret," Elwin answered.

"Margaret! You're saying you're Margaret's grandson?" Sok's expression was evidently filled with shock.

"Yes," Elwin affirmed.

Sok appeared even more surprised, he didn't expect this young man to be the grandson of a long-lost comrade. "Where is your grandmother now? Is she alright?"

Elwin's expression turned gloomy, "When I was chased by the monster to my grandmother's house, she had already disappeared. There was only a strange box left in the room, it was that box that brought me here."

"What? You came here through a little box? Do you still have that box?" Sok's voice was somewhat tense.

"The box was taken by the soldiers who captured me," Elwin replied helplessly.

"The box was taken? Do you know what's inside the box?" Sok stood up in surprise.

Elwin was startled, he tried to calm his emotions, then carefully answered, "I don't know what's in the box. When I tried to open it, it suddenly became very hot."

Sok suddenly asked, "Young man, what's your name?"

Elwin answered somewhat confusedly, "My name is Elwin."

Hearing this name, Sok was even more shocked, "Elwin, this name means 'wise one from the stars', symbolizing his inner wisdom and love for knowledge."

"How do you know? I've always found the name strange, it's just what my grandmother told me," Elwin looked at Sok in surprise.

Sok looked at Elwin, his eyes filled with a complex emotion, "Child, I once held you in my arms."

"That's impossible, I've just stepped into this strange world." Elwin shook his head in disbelief.

Sok took a deep breath, then said softly, "Not only that, Elwin, you should call her 'mother'." He was referring to Margaret.

Elwin felt as if he was struck by lightning, his vision blurred and his heartbeat echoed in his ears. He forced himself to calm down, then cautiously said, "That's impossible, I've always lived with my parents, Margaret is only my grandmother, she is elderly. You must be mistaken."

Sok's eyes were filled with certainty, "I'm not mistaken, only Margaret could make that kind of magic-infused food. Your mother is an unparalleled apothecary, she knows how to use special potions to change her appearance. She was once the most beautiful woman in this world, her beauty, kindness, courage, wisdom, all added to her allure. When I was young, I was also attracted by her charm, but in the end, it was your father who won her heart."

"So who's my father?" Elwin's voice trembled slightly, he took a deep breath, then asked again, "If I originally belonged to this world, how did I grow up in another world?"