
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Mechanisms of the secret passage

"Good lad, let's make use of time and start right now," Sok chuckled, his smile, although a bit aged, still beaming with determination.

"What follows is a matter of life and death for you, Elwin. You must listen carefully and commit it to memory," Sok solemnly began, picking up a straw from the ground and starting to wave it in the air.

One end of the straw glowed with a faint brilliance, and as Sok waved it, it seemed to trace out the outline of a stone slab in the air. "Watch closely, Elwin." He pointed to the image in the void. Through the faint glow, they could see the details inside the secret tunnel.

"These are the slabs of the passage, each one seemingly identical. However, if you look closely, you'll find that each one has subtle differences. There are three types of slabs that can open and close the traps," Sok's voice fell, and he began to explain in detail.

He pointed to a dark brown slab, a corner of which was slightly faded in color, a minor difference that would go unnoticed without careful observation. "This color difference might be the result of years of friction from touch. Gently press the worn area, and it will act as the key to open the currently closed doors in the secret passage."

Then, Sok pointed to another slab, rough on the surface, contrasting with the other smooth slabs. "A difference in touch is another clue. Most slabs are incredibly smooth, but this one has uneven marks. Press these uneven areas, and it will close the open doors and activate the traps behind."

"Look at these intricate patterns," Sok's finger moved to another slab engraved with a swirl pattern, "among these slabs, some patterns are deeper than others. These serve as a guide. Remember, only swirls with tips pointing in opposite directions are valid. The direction to which the tail of the swirl points is the correct way forward in the passage."

Hearing this, Elwin was completely focused, understanding that this was the key to life or death. He had to remember every detail. He looked at the slab Sok pointed out, the swirl pattern deeply engraved in the stone was branded in his memory.

Sok looked at him, his eyes serious and resolute, "Elwin, remember, these subtle differences might be the clues hidden behind the traps. You need to learn to discern and utilize these clues to ensure your safety." Elwin nodded, he knew this was about his ability to escape from the dungeon, and he had to escape. He couldn't let his life end here.

"Observation and response, Elwin, these are our two main weapons against the traps," the elderly Sok gasped, clutching a slender straw. His movements were skilled and natural, as though he was holding a sharp dagger instead of a weak straw.

He pointed to a slab adorned with complex patterns. The patterns on the surface of the slab were uneven, the lines interwoven, much like a giant maze. Hidden at the ends of these lines were tiny holes, which were also key to activating the traps.

"The principle behind the operation of traps is often simple," Sok explained, "It's usually static until we trigger it. When we activate a sensitive point, like these small holes, the trap is set off."

Sok lightly touched one of the holes with the straw in his hand, then gently rotated it. "Look, if we operate it correctly, we can change the status of the trap, rendering it inoperable." As the straw rotated, it was as though a key was inserted into a lock, a faint click signified that the trap was safely disarmed.

"Every trap has a core, and as long as we find this core, we can control the entire trap," Sok continued to instruct Elwin. "Although traps seem intimidating, they are merely mechanical devices. Once you understand their principles, you can find a way to crack them."

Elwin watched the straw in Sok's hand with both admiration and surprise. He finally understood that he didn't need to fear these traps, but just needed to calmly understand and respond to them. He looked deeply at Sok and then nodded resolutely, indicating that he understood his teachings.

"Elwin, if you can successfully enter the arena, it would be best to choose a dagger as one of your weapons, it might be more convenient when dealing with traps."

"Elwin, quick reactions and wit are our best weapons in emergencies." Sok began his lesson on how to skillfully escape when pursued by enemies.

"Firstly, we must utilize the features of the secret tunnels," he pointed towards a dark corner of the dungeon, an entrance to the secret tunnels, "taking quick turns or choosing diverging paths in front of your pursuers can cause them to lose their direction. Remember, these pursuers are mostly unfamiliar with these secret tunnels, while you, you're starting to master this knowledge."

Then, he pointed to a trap they had just deciphered. "See this trap? After we've cracked it, we can use it to stop any pursuers. Just simply trigger it and then retreat quickly. They'll be trapped, and we'll have ample time to escape."

Lastly, Sok looked at Elwin's serious face and smiled slightly. "And the final point, and most important one, is that we need to minimize noise and traces to the greatest extent possible."

He pointed to the ground beneath them, "See, these floors are made of stone, we need to walk as lightly as possible to avoid making noise. Moreover, we must maintain a consistent pace and avoid leaving any noticeable traces on the floor. This way, even if someone discovers our presence, they won't be able to quickly determine our direction."

Listening to Sok's teachings, Elwin's eyes shone with determination. He understood the importance of these strategies and could sense Sok's resolve in teaching him. The illusion created by the elderly Sok suddenly dissipated, and exhausted, Sok leaned against the wall panting for breath.

"We're about to start a new training, Elwin," Sok's voice was resolute and serious but also carried a hint of concern, "This training will be quite challenging, and you need to be mentally prepared."