
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

"The Axeman"

The large side door in the room slowly opened before Elwin, letting sunlight pour in, bright and piercing. The warm rays and the exciting anticipation surged like waves in Elwin's heart. He knew that once he stepped through this door, it would mean stepping into the arena, stepping into a battle of life and death.

Elwin sat in the chair, taking a deep breath, and put the cube in front of him into the pocket of his battle suit. This small cube seemed to have become his faith, the source of his courage to face the unknown challenges.

Elwin rose to his feet, holding the weapon tightly in his hand, his gaze firm. He shook his head vigorously to shake off the dust on his hair, then started to slowly walk towards the arena.

Each step was as if walking on a sandy beach, his footprints leaving deep marks on the gravel. Elwin walked steadily and resolutely, as if each step proclaimed his determination and courage.

He stepped out the door, Elwin under the sunlight looked especially resilient, his eyes full of anticipation and belief.

The bustling atmosphere in the arena cooled in an instant at the appearance of Elwin, becoming eerily quiet. People looked at each other, their faces full of confusion and surprise. Many pointed to the center of the arena, whispering among themselves.

Most of the seats in the arena were occupied by soldiers from the fortress. They had witnessed countless bloody battles, seeing too many lives extinguished on this field. However, they had never seen a gladiator like Elwin, a young man who was not particularly strong. They couldn't believe that this was the long-anticipated duelist.

Despite the unfamiliar environment, the murmur of the crowd and their strange looks made Elwin feel the pressure, but he did not back down. He knew that this was just the first step in surviving and finding the truth.

As the door to the room opposite silently opened, all eyes in the arena turned there. At first, it was just a shadow, but as the door opened wider, the shadow gradually revealed a hulking figure with bulging muscles. The sunlight shone on him, illuminating the huge, jagged axe in his hand. The axe gleamed with a soft metallic luster, looking incredibly terrifying.

The hulking man strode out of the shadows, his steps steady and powerful, as if the ground trembled under his feet. His eyes were wild and cold, as if nothing in front of him could stop his steps.

He walked step by step into the center of the arena, his steps steady and powerful, like a walking iron tower. His gaze was cold, as sharp as a blade, looking at Elwin in the arena. He stood in stark contrast to Elwin, his body tall and sturdy, wielding a massive axe, looking extremely fierce.

A wave of cheers echoed in the arena, "The Axeman! The Axeman!"

However, Elwin was not deterred by this obvious disparity in strength. He held his dagger in one hand, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself. He knew that any fear or wavering would only make him seem weaker in front of his opponent. So, he straightened his chest, lifted his head, and met the man's gaze with his own firm and spirited eyes. His eyes twinkled with incredible resilience and determination, as if to declare to his opponent, he was ready.

The hulking man looked at him, a cold smile curling at the corner of his mouth, "Little bird, do you really think you can fly across this sky?"

Elwin didn't answer him, knowing everything would be proven in the upcoming battle. He looked at him deeply, preparing for the fight.

Lian stood on the podium, watching the two enter the arena, then turned to the audience and announced: "Today we have two warriors. One is 'The Axeman' Brock, whom we all know well, an invincible force. The other, a young man named Elwin, hopes to prove his innocence through this duel. Now, let the match begin!"

There was a sudden uproar in the arena, "The Axeman will chop him down! Tear him apart!"

The soldiers were cheering for Brock, they had no expectations for Elwin. In their eyes, he was just a foil, his precarious stance on the brink of death only served to make Brock's victory seem even more heroic. 'The Axeman' Brock, once entered the arena as a prisoner, his countless battles have become legendary.

Elwin tightened his grip on the dagger, feeling the coldness coming from his palm. He glanced at Brock who stood across him, an imposing figure like a mountain. However, this did not instill fear in Elwin, he remembered Sok's words, 'Courage is, knowing there are difficulties and dangers ahead, but still moving forward without hesitation'.

Brock squinted his eyes, looking at Elwin. He swung his axe, showcasing his strength, but Elwin didn't back down. He smirked, eager to start the duel.

In the arena stands, a blonde girl sat alone in a corner. Her mysterious blue eyes were fixated on Elwin in the middle of the arena. Her broadsword lay calmly in her hands, reflecting a cool golden light. The surrounding cheers and roars seemed irrelevant to her, only Elwin caught her full attention.

Her blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight, her bright eyes like emeralds, and her elegant face with fair skin made for an interesting contrast. Her eyes conveyed deep resolution and focus, as if only she and Elwin existed in this world.

Clad in leather armor, she stood out from the surrounding spectators, like an owl among pigeons. Her charm, full of wisdom, and her restrained enthusiasm were mesmerizing.

However, the girl's presence did not draw the attention of others. The spectators were still cheering, focused on the victors in the arena. She was like a quiet stream flowing into the noisy crowd, her gaze, firmly locked onto Elwin.

As Lian's announcement began, the noise in the arena reached its peak. Sky-high cheers intertwined with stirring war drums, like a massive wave coming in. In the center of this intense atmosphere, Elwin and Brock, like a nimble sparrow and a ferocious beast, began their clash.

At the start of the duel, Brock, like a bull breaking its chains, rushed towards Elwin. His muscles, reflecting a fierce light in the sun. His axe, like lightning, gleamed with a breath-taking murderous intent, aiming straight for Elwin's heart. His eyes were filled with contempt and confidence, as if the young man in front of him was as fragile as a paper crane.

Yet, Elwin showed no fear. He held his sharp dagger tightly, his eyes glowing, attentively watching every move Brock made. As the axe came down like a whirlwind, Elwin, agile like a cat, dodged the fierce blow.

The atmosphere in the stands suddenly became tense. Their hearts seemed to fall with Brock's axe swing and then surged back to its peak with Elwin's dodge. They were speechless, unable to believe that the seemingly weak young man in their eyes had easily avoided such a deadly attack.

Then, Elwin, like a poised leopard, launched a counterattack against Brock. His dagger sparkled in the sunlight, his agile and precise attack caught Brock off guard. For a moment, the weak sparrow seemed to have gained the upper hand against the ferocious beast, leaving the spectators in awe, the arena once again roared into a frenzy.

The blonde girl, silently watching the match, now also focused on the intense duel in the center of the arena. Her blue eyes were burning with anticipation that could almost be felt. Elwin was currently demonstrating his inner resolve and astonishing perseverance.

Brock, with his massive figure, spun around his axe, aiming to trap Elwin in a corner with no escape. Each of his attacks were like a storm, bringing with them a deafening force. However, Elwin's movements were like a dandelion in the wind, sometimes dancing, sometimes fleeting, always able to dodge Brock's attacks at the most dangerous moments.

"Kid, you sure can run!" Brock roared, fury burning in his eyes.

"Heh, that's also a survival skill, Brock," Elwin retorted with a confident smirk.

In front of the mountain-like figure, Elwin was like a nimble swallow. His form flitted through the air, sometimes faint, sometimes swift as lightning. Each of Brock's attacks were cleverly avoided at the critical moment, just as a swallow demonstrates its survival skills in the wind and rain.

Brock's eyes were filled with unwillingness and anger. He thought this fight would be an easy game, but the current situation forced him to reevaluate the seemingly frail young man. His axe became a bolt of lightning in the dark night, fiercely cutting through the air, pressing down on Elwin with an unstoppable force.