
Mystic Alchemist of Otherworldly

In the most chaotic and unorganized abyss of the continent of Aesop, there is a strange medical clinic. The owner is named Charlotte is known as the shame of Calva Medical School! Fallen magical pharmacist! A despicable medical butcher! But there was always a long line at the door of the medical center. Mermaid ladies want to change their tails into legs, goblins want to give themselves a new skin, elves line up for psychological counseling, and giants can only squat in front of the plaza waiting for a consultation ...... just because he was a veterinarian on Earth in his previous life!

GiveBreathe · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

You don't want people to know you're a robber, do you?

The greatest fear, the sudden quietness of the air.

The two stared at each other like they met on the corner yesterday.

Yesterday he was a garbage man and she was a robber.

Today she took off her veil and became a good girl.

And he stood in the clinic and became the literate doctor.

Charlotte could never have imagined that the young girl who had been so raw in her modus operandi yesterday would be back in front of him so soon.

Then all the lies he told yesterday will be exposed!

She wasn't going to kill him on a whim, was she?

Charlotte nervously squeezed the magical charm, which had to be snuffed out immediately should she engage in dangerous behavior.

Vivian looked at Charlotte, standing in the doorway of the clinic, smartly dressed, and was equally confused.

"This uncle, doesn't he make a living by picking up garbage and catching bugs? Doesn't he have a crippled daughter? Why does he look like a doctor in this clinic?"

Vivian felt like her mind was in a muddle and froze for a moment before suddenly realizing that she might have been tricked yesterday.

So his woeful and pathetic behavior yesterday was all a disguise?

And the stuff in that package wasn't something he grabbed, but ingredients for making potions?

The crippled daughter who touched her was also made up?

Vivian's round face grew red, and she felt as if all her pity from yesterday had been fed to the dogs.

This feeling of having invested in a relationship, only to find out in the end that you were a joke, and the feeling of shame and indignation is no less than being dumped by a scumbag after being toyed with.

Charlotte felt the icy killing aura, her heart was bitter, but her face didn't dare to show it, her expression was calm, "The clinic is closed today, if it's an emergency, you can change to another one."

Yes, he pretended not to recognize the other.

Since she tore off her disguise and showed her true colors, it means that she wants to be a good girl.

"Maiden, you don't want people to know you were a robber, do you?"

Charlotte looked into the young girl's eyes with obvious meaning.

"Huh? He's even pretending not to recognize it!" Vivian's pupils dilated a few points, and her exasperation level rose a few more points.

She quickly read Charlotte's eyes though.

She felt the humiliation.

But as Charlotte made clear, she knocked on the clinic's door to get a job.

After a few days of being beaten up by society, she had determined that she wasn't going to live off of robbery.

The man standing in front of her, for example, was enough to nail her to the pillar of shame!

She wanted to find a job as a doctor, there weren't many medical centers in the Abyss, and the three larger ones were ruled out for her because they had too many patients and were too visible.

The small private medical center, which only sees about ten patients a day, became her best bet.

But she never expected that the person who opened the door would be the object of yesterday's robbery.

"I ... I ..." Vivian's nicely developed breasts rose and fell slightly as she tried to restrain herself, "I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm trying to find a job."

After saying that, she dropped her eyes and didn't dare to look at Charlotte, and her face was even more red up to her ears.

Yes, she also had to pretend she didn't know Charlotte.

"Get a job?" Charlotte looked at the red-faced young girl in front of her and her first thought was no.

A rich white woman who seems extremely gullible and has obviously been raised to be a rich white woman, and a wizard who knows healing spells, is suddenly stranded on the streets of the Abyss.

You'd have to say there wasn't some story behind it for Charlotte to think his intelligence was insulted.

But when the words came to him, he hesitated.

The clinic was indeed in dire need of an assistant, and this young girl in front of him, although her origin was unknown, was extremely compatible with his requirements in every aspect.

If he had an additional assistant who knew the healing arts, treatment for traumatized patients would become easier.

If she could clean, then she could even save on cleaning potions, which was a lot of money.

At Abyss, you should never fantasize about finding an employee with a clean background who is kind and sweet.

You even have to be on guard against the person who will try to kill you while you are asleep.

Even in its original form, it was a criminal who had been officially recognized by Calva as a 'medical butcher' and expelled after a year of incarceration.

And this young girl in front of her, who was like a white rabbit, had obviously just arrived in the big dye bowl that was the Abyss.

He had just tested it yesterday, the city was not deep and easily moved.

That's a lot better control than the big chimera sister at the clubhouse.

"If you were to be made an assistant, what would be your expected salary?" Charlotte asked, looking at Vivian.

Vivian sniffed and thought hard for a moment.

If she had just arrived at the Abyss, as an intermediate level healing magician who had received an elite education at the Imperial Medical College since she was a child, she definitely wouldn't be able to accept it without a salary of ten or twenty thousand dollars a month.

But after being roundly beaten by Abyss, all she wanted now was a stable environment where she could get enough to eat and sleep well, and where she didn't have to worry about waking up and being sold to an old man's house would be enough.

Humble ...

"I ... I need food and shelter, and then a thousand copper coins a month." Vivian carefully stated her request, her eyes glancing at Charlotte with some apprehension.

Although she had been deceived by Charlotte only yesterday, in this abyss where demons and monsters were rampant, Charlotte, who was also a human, made her unconsciously rise a few feelings of closeness.

After all, she had started the robbery, and it wasn't incomprehensible that he would lie to get out of it.

She was now worried if Charlotte really didn't recognize her and would reject her because of what happened yesterday.

Charlotte's eyes lit up, a thousand copper coins to find a healing magician as an assistant, not only was it not expensive, it was blood money!

He was pleased with the way the young girl had been socially conditioned.

I even want to sing: 'I love you walking alone in dark alleys, I love your inexpensive look!'

Even if you find an aunt to help clean up the hygiene, 1000 copper coins won't be a loss.

Although satisfied, Charlotte didn't show it on her face and looked at Vivian critically, "Describe your abilities briefly, I need to judge whether you are capable of working in the clinic."

Vivian's spirit was shaken, Charlotte didn't reject outright, indicating that she still had a game, and with a proper attitude, she said, "My name is Vivian, water intermediate magician, I know cleansing, hemostasis, and intermediate healing."

"Intermediate level magician?" Charlotte was a bit surprised, this young girl named Vivian, who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, had already reached the third rank amongst magicians, and was only one rank behind him from back then.

Totally qualifies as the word genius!

The three magic skills, on the other hand, are the three most basic and practical skills of the doctor's profession, and are sufficient to deal with most patient conditions.

"With your ability, even if you were to open a separate clinic, you could easily handle it and earn more money, why do you want to come to my small place to aggravate yourself?" Charlotte stared at Vivian and asked directly.

Even if his heart was still in the right place, he still needed to be in control of Vivian's situation.

A few moments of panic were evident on Vivian's face, and she bit her lip lightly in an attempt to avoid Charlotte's gaze.

"If you can't be honest with me, I'm going to have a hard time trusting you to join the clinic." Charlotte spread her hands.

After hesitating and struggling for a moment, Vivian looked up into Charlotte's eyes, took a step forward, and whispered, "I won't hide it from you, there are people after me, and I would like to take refuge in a stable abode. You should know very well what kind of attention would be drawn to the Abyss if it opened a new medical clinic and the doctor was a young human girl of no great age."

Charlotte got it, similar to what he expected.

"You come from the Imperial Capital of the Lance Empire?"

"Yes." Vivian nodded her head with certainty, her gaze finding renewed focus and becoming determined at the mention of the Imperial Capital.

The young girl looked a little worse for wear, but her hair, meticulously tied at the back of her head, and her cleanly scrubbed face, stubbornly maintained their decency.

The Imperial Capital was thousands of miles away from the Abyss, it was hard to imagine how she came here alone, she must have suffered a lot on the way.

A few moments of pity rose in Charlotte's heart.

"Come in." Charlotte stepped back.

"You agree?" Vivian blushed, took a deep breath, and stepped through the clinic doors.

Charlotte swept a glance at the neighbors to her right and left; it was lunchtime, and no one had noticed what was going on over here, so she quickly closed the door and slid in the thick, heavy barred door pin.

Vivian's hands were behind her back, twisted together somewhat restlessly, while her eyes surreptitiously surveyed the clinic.

The clinic was clean, both the floor, and the walls, including the stone beds and benches where the consultations took place, were well tended.

It was completely different from the sights she had seen in other parts of the Abyss over the past two days.

It made her feel a little better about Charlotte.

Her eyes fell on the cabinet, the various organs bubbling away in those jars surprised her a little, but as a medical student, she wasn't too shocked, just puzzled as to why Charlotte had collected so many organs.

The eyes moved up to a dozen or so bottles of assorted potions.

Her eyes were quickly drawn to the white cat nestled in the cupboard, its pink paws folded, its long snow-white fur so silky, and especially those golden, blue mandarin eyes that made Vivian fall instantly.

"What a beautiful cat!" Vivian exclaimed softly.

The lion cat also seemed to be a bit curious about this new guest, stretching and jumping from the cabinet to the counter, then stepping to the edge with elegant cat steps, looking Vivian up and down.

"A little limp on the left front leg." Vivian keenly noticed something wrong with the cat's walking posture and looked at Charlotte and subconsciously asked, "She's Anna?"

And you say you're not a marijuana bandit! Charlotte felt funny inside, but didn't reveal it, nodding slightly, "Yes, her name is Anna."

Vivian had realized the problem in her words, and her face, which had just recently recovered, brushed red again.

"You're blushing a bubble teapot?!" Charlotte was speechless.

If that enemy of his were to post a bounty, as long as he added the phrase 'habitual blushing', the difficulty of finding someone would surely drop drastically.

"According to your earlier statement, you want to lay low and avoid the searches of your enemies?" Charlotte picked up the conversation.

"Yes, the other side is very powerful, and I'm worried about them finding their way to the Abyss." Vivian nodded.

"So you're not afraid I'll sell you for a nice bounty?" Charlotte sneered.

"You wouldn't." Vivian shook her head with certainty.

"How can you be so sure?"

Vivian pointed at Anna with a serious face and said, "Someone who treats cats like daughters, I'm sure you wouldn't sell me for a small bounty."

She now felt that Charlotte hadn't been lying yesterday; he did have a wailing elf at home.

How can such a loving person be a bad person?