
Mystic Alchemist of Otherworldly

In the most chaotic and unorganized abyss of the continent of Aesop, there is a strange medical clinic. The owner is named Charlotte is known as the shame of Calva Medical School! Fallen magical pharmacist! A despicable medical butcher! But there was always a long line at the door of the medical center. Mermaid ladies want to change their tails into legs, goblins want to give themselves a new skin, elves line up for psychological counseling, and giants can only squat in front of the plaza waiting for a consultation ...... just because he was a veterinarian on Earth in his previous life!

GiveBreathe · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Hemostatic Potion First Kill!

A total of five ingredients were needed to refine the Hemostasis Potion, and the required ingredients and dosages were detailed in the journal.

Of course, this measurement didn't strike Charlotte as very reliable.

For example, this silver-winged bat, Charlotte had scored a total of twelve of them this time, each of them in different sizes and shapes, with almost double the weight difference between the biggest one and the smallest one.

Is the efficacy of the concocted potion really the same with this difference of twice the dosage?

As a veterinarian, out of a responsible attitude towards his patients, he really didn't quite dare to concoct medicine indiscriminately ah.

"Why can't we be more rigorous when we obviously have weighing tools?" Charlotte frowned as she found the dust-eating balance scale from the corner of the cabinet.

Pharmacists are just as important as doctors in Charlotte's eyes, but not in this world.

The Calvary Medical College offers the subject of pharmacy, but only as a popular science extracurricular subject, completely at the lower end of the contempt chain.

After all, for a doctor who knows healing magic, what a potion can do can be fixed with a single spell, so why deal with that nasty stuff?

The original body in order to promote health care reform, for pharmacy is quite interested in, specialized in collecting a lot of pharmaceutical formulas, and after continuous testing, recorded a number of efficacy of good pharmaceutical formulas, all written in the diary.

"It's a nice day, and Miss Ruth from the Phantom Blue Clubhouse is wearing a sexy short red dress today, and I love her warm and soft ..."

Sorry, not on this page.

In the spirit of rigor, Charlotte selected medium-sized ones from a variety of materials and then weighed and recorded them one by one.

The process of refining the potion was recorded very simply, just like cooking, what to add first, then what to add, what to add at the end, put the lid on the pot and simmer it for a while, and then it's ready to be dished out.

"How come it doesn't feel too reliable?" Charlotte studied it carefully for a while, and still felt that the method was too sloppy and not rigorous enough.

This includes how each ingredient is handled, as well as the time intervals between additions, the final heat time to wait for the fusion to take place, the heat level, and so on.

Something as specialized as pill making?

How can you not even have this level of standards?

Halving all the doses, Charlotte took half of the ingredients into the kitchen and began to prepare for her first attempt at making a potion.

Yes, there is no dedicated alchemy room in the clinic, but rather the kitchen is used directly for potion making.

The original body could not cook and the kitchen became the alchemy room.

But Charlotte could cook, he had practiced his excellent cooking skills back in the day to save money on eating out.

Friends say that with this cooking skill, he won't worry about finding a wife.

And the food in this world was so bad, the black bread at lunch today nearly choked him to death.

When he stabilizes, he's definitely going to be cooking and eating for himself, and he's going to have to clean out this kitchen by then ...

He stepped into the kitchen, a strong putrid odor emanating from the large, unwashed, barrel-shaped iron pot on the stovetop, and a row of jars in the corner holding various organs, smoked pitch-black overhead, with even inexplicable yellow grease slowly lowering in the corners.


Can't have this kitchen!

Charlotte spent two hours cleaning the kitchen inside and out.

The floor tiles were scrubbed and glistening, the various cans were neatly stacked in the corners covered with a black cloth, the ceiling was treated, and the black iron pots were restored to their original color, which was surprisingly white!

"In the future, this will be the specialized alchemy room, the kitchen is arranged to the empty room on the second floor, and the living area is separated from the working area." Charlotte looked at the clean kitchen and thought in her heart.

In the earthen stove, the coal was already burning red, and Charlotte solemnly set the large iron pot on the stove, picked up her journal to double-check the refining steps, and poured a bucket of still rainwater into the iron pot.

The water quickly boiled, and he placed the chert ore, blue beans, green-skinned frogs, silver-winged bats, and silver-ringed grasses into it one by one in order, and the clear rainwater quickly turned into a pot of bubbling, colorful, thick liquid.

Charlotte found an old shirt from upstairs and folded a thick mask for himself, the smell was just too soulful, he was afraid that the potion hadn't been made yet and he would be sent away first.

It seemed that everything seemed to be going well, and Charlotte had made a point of using a timing hourglass to keep a record of the time of putting in the various materials, which could be used as a standard for refining later on if it was able to be successful in one go.

That's what rigorous science is all about.

"Stir three times, then cover the pot and wait for the potion to finish." Charlotte mumbled in her mind, picking up the stirring stick and stirring hard in the pot.

He felt like an old hag in some cartoon who was refining poisons now, not in the least bit the handsome look of a pharmacist.

The color of the thick liquid was gradually blending and stabilizing, and even more amazingly, the more the liquid boiled, the clearer it became, and it began to change towards red.


Just then, there was an explosion.

The potion in the iron pot gushed upwards as if it were a volcanic eruption, then splashed out in all directions.


Charlotte turned at the first opportunity, then ran out of the kitchen.

All of his clothes were wet, and luckily his face was wrapped in a mask, or else his handsome features would have been ruined.

By the time the dense heat in the kitchen dissipated, the freshly cleaned kitchen was once again a mess.

A frog's head and half a bat's wing were affixed to the ceiling, the walls were littered with red spewing liquid, and the floor was unforgiving.

"Alchemists really are a dangerous type of labor." Charlotte's heart palpitated, while cursing the original body a hundred times.

The diary didn't say it would explode, did it?

The process was written to be as easy as cooking, so I don't blame him for dropping the ball.

It was a good thing that the potion was nearing the end of its refining, and although the frying pan was all over the floor and walls, the smell wasn't too bad.

After waiting in the kitchen doorway for a moment to make sure there wouldn't be a secondary explosion, Charlotte then walked into the kitchen.

Poking his head into the iron pot, there was a bit of clear red liquid left at the bottom of the pot, giving off a faint scent.

"Could it be, that this is the final product?" Charlotte mused, pulling out a glass jar to hold up the rest of the liquid, just the right amount for a bottle.

Charlotte shook the bottle in her hand, the red liquid glowing with a demonic hue in the glow of the kerosene lamp, and it looked like it was in good shape.

"Gotta test the potency, but who's a good person to test the medicine on?" Charlotte walked out with the newly concocted hemostatic potion, it was too risky to use it directly on the patient, it would be a problem if it went wrong.

Then his eyes fell on the white cat that was crouching in the corner with its back to him.

Anna will have to be sacrificed for the well-being of the patients, just do a simple test.

At the sound, Anna turned her head, a small white mouse pressed under her paw.

"Yo, there are still ready-made mice." Charlotte's eyes lit up and she walked over quickly.

Saving the poor little white mouse from the cat's claws, Charlotte first examined its injuries; there were three lacerations and scratches from the claws, and it seemed to have been toyed with for too long; its breath was a little shriveled up, and it was shivering in his hands.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back to life." Charlotte relieved it, then took it and walked to the side counter, carried the oil lamp over to do the lighting, poured a little bit of his newly concocted hemostatic potion out, moistened it with a strip of cloth, and then applied it to the wound on the belly of the little white mouse.

Anna jumped onto the counter and sat in a crouching position to watch the owner who had snatched her toy.

After the hourglass had been gone for about ten minutes, the wound on the mice's belly managed to stop bleeding and formed a bloody scab.

"It works!"

Charlotte's eyes lit up.

Eh? Forgot to do a control group experiment.

Charlotte took the last bottle of Stop the Bleeding Potion from the cabinet, a stockpile that had been refined earlier.

The freshly scabbed wound of the mouse was re-cleaned out with forceps, the same wound, for more reference.

The mouse, who had just calmed down a bit, looked up at Charlotte, "I thank you!"

Still in the same dosage, the red hemostatic potion was dipped into the mice's wounds, and then it was a matter of waiting for the potion to take effect.

After about three minutes, the wound managed to stop bleeding and scabbed over quickly.

"This medicinal effect gap is still quite large, it seems that what I refined can only be considered a failure with some medicinal effect." Charlotte recorded the data and shook her head.

Both seem to have an effect, but that difference of three times the duration of action is the difference between a bad product and a good one.

"This little white mouse ..." mused Charlotte, is a good subject for experimentation.

The healed mouse rolled over, looked up at Charlotte, then at the white cat at the other end of the counter, and after a moment's hesitation, he fought his way toward the white cat, "Please eat me! I won't live ..."

"Keep it for now, it's hard to find such a cute subject." Charlotte grabbed it in one hand and then dropped it smoothly into the drawer, snapping it shut as a makeshift feeding cage.

Anna cocked her head for a moment and hopped away in boredom.

"What step went wrong? The timing of the ingredient drop was off? Or the mixing position not handsome enough?" Charlotte returned to the kitchen and began a new round of experimentation.

That afternoon and into the second half of the night, Charlotte was completely immersed in the kitchen refining a hemostatic potion.

He had refined a total of nine pots, and had fried three and battered one, while the other five were barely watchable.

"Very good, the hemostatic effect has been brought into line with the stock! And the liquid is much clearer and better absorbed!"

Under the dim midnight oil lamp, Charlotte, whose entire body was dyed red, let out a wry laugh as she watched the rapidly healing wounds of the mice.

Anna, who was sleeping, withdrew her own pink paws that were dangling outside the cabinet and covered her ears.

The mouse has laid flat and become a salted fish that has lost its dreams.

"That's the recipe, the last pot will hold ten bottles, enough for tomorrow." Charlotte babied away the journal, which detailed the ingredients used and the refining process down to the gram weight and second.

In addition to standardizing the process, Charlotte has made some improvements to the process.

One of the biggest changes was the processing of raw materials, he had ground the silver winged bats and dried frogs into powder in advance, and the ores were cracked into particles, so that the various materials could be fused faster and more fully, and the final potion obtained would have fewer impurities.