
Chapter 7: Card

I'm happy when I knew that she was okay, but when she turned around...

"I'm sorry if you're expecting, but I am Headmistress Luna, sovereign of this academy."

The happiness that I felt a while ago fades away when I completely see her face.

"I-I thought you're tia C-Cecil... I'm sorry..." my voice broke.

She gave me a small smile and let me sit in the chair in front of her desk. "Cecil is my friend... my old friend."

"That's why you called my name. You know me."

She chuckled and shook her head. "It is because of your necklace... I recognize you immediately."

I held my necklace. Hand-wired bail with matching cable chain and a white flower made of polymer clay, the jasmine flower.

"Your aunt, Cecil, contacted me two days ago, saying that you will come here wearing a necklace that describes you... and she was right."

The Jasmine flower symbolizes purity and innocence.

I felt a hot tear flowing down my cheeks. Tia Cecil always reminds me what Jasmine means.

"I promised her that the academy is going to take care of you. We will take care of you, Jasmine."

I smiled. "T-Thank you."

"Now, that you are finally here. Welcome to Mystic Academy, darling!" She said happily. She raised her arm and hugged me.

Headmistress Luna gave me everything that I need and said, it was from my aunts. She let the butler lead me to my room.

"Thank you so much," I said, and I take my things from him. "Sorry... I have so many things."

"It's okay. The headmistress ordered that." He left after I said my thanks to him.

When the butler disappeared from my sight, I immediately went inside my room. He reminded me earlier that I have a companion in my room, but when I went in. She's not here. I think she's busy with something else.

There's a bed on both sides of the room. I put my things in the space. There's also a sliding door two meters away from our bed, I think, that's the balcony. I'll just look later. I have to fix my things.

I opened the door at the end of my bed. I thought its the bathroom, but it's a wardrobe. There are clothes inside the wardrobe. I was about to close the door because I thought it was from my classmate, but I stopped when I saw a letter hanging on a dress.

These clothes are all yours, Jasmine.

- Headmistress Luna

I smiled when I read what's written in the paper. It's like the clothes that tia Celestia and tia Celeste let me wore.

The door suddenly opened. I turned around, and a woman went in.

I think it's her. She stopped when she saw me. She smiled widely when she realized something.

"Ohh... You're already here. My apologies, I'm late."

"It's okay. No need to say sorry." I said and smiled at her.

She held her nose. "By the way, I'm Ariella." I took her hand when she lifts it.

"Jasmine." Her mouth turned into a big 'O' when she heard my name.

"Ohh!" She nodded while looking at my necklace. "Okay! I'll help you with your things then, I will tour you!"

"This is the field of our school. I know that you know it, but maybe you didn’t know, so I let you know! Did you know what I mean? Hihi.” I nodded even though I don’t understand what she’s saying. “I’m sorry. I talk too much.” She laughed. I shook my head and chuckled.

“Anyway, the academy was placed at the top of the mountain. So, this field is the end of the school ground.” She pointed to the ends of the field. “As you can see, this field serves as the cliff.”

I let my eyes look around. Both sides of the field were forest. I think the forest is also a training ground for students who can like nature.

I looked at the five-tall building in front of us. It was not separated because there was a bridge connecting each building. More like a castle, huh.

She pointed the first building to the right. “That’s the women’s dormitory where we came from,” she pointed to the left building, “the men’s dormitory, and after that building is the classrooms. The last one is the stuff's building!"

"How about the entrance-" she cut me off.

"Ohh! Okay. Well, that's the first building. The lobby, cafeteria, clinic, etc.." Her voice weakened. She stopped and looked at her watch. She turned her eyes at me.

"It hurts when you're talkative, no? Hehe. It's lunchtime! Let's go to the cafeteria. I'm hungry!" She announced and dragged me.

There were so many people when we went to the cafeteria. Some of them looked in our area, but some do not care. These people act like ordinary people. Well, they're still a person but with extra abilities.

We sat near the large window of the cafeteria. You can't tell that this is a window because the walls were made of glass so you can see what's happening outside.

"Come with me. Leave your things so no one can sit here." She dragged me again to the buffet area.

"Do you have a card? It's okay if you don't have it yet, I will pay your bills for now."

I touched the pocket of my blouse. I took the card and showed it to Ariella. The headmistress gave this to me earlier.

"I already have one."

Her eyes went wide, and her lips parted. She looked at me, then at the card that I was holding.

"Are you kidding? It is yours?" She looked closely at the card.

She looked at me with questions in her eyes. "Who are you, Jasmine?" She narrowed her eyes at me.


"It's your turn, Ariella!"

She lost her sight of me and looked at the person at my back.

"Ohh, okay! I'm sorry."

Ariella picked her food, and after that, she swiped her card when the woman at the counter pointed to the counter table. There's a flat screen on the table.

After Ariella paid her bills, I chose my food, and when I'm done, I heard whispers around me. I swipe my card at the flat screen.

"She had the black card?"

"Who is she?"

"She's the transferee, right?"

"Only a few people own a black card! Why does she have that? Who is she?"

I ignored their thoughts because I don't know what they are talking about. Does having a black card a big deal?

After I paid my bills, I went beside Ariella. But, looks like she doesn't notice me because I think she was thinking deeply.

"Ariella," I called her.

She stopped and looked at me. "Are you done?"

I nodded and gave her a small smile.

When we sat, she immediately asked me. I saw this coming.

"Who are you? Why do you have that?" She asked seriously.

"An ordinary person, Ariella. My tia gave this to me. What else do you want to know?"

She shook her head. "Do you know how much does that black card has, Jasmine?"


"Infinity, Jasmine... Infinity."

I stunned. W-What? We don't even own a million! Why would we have much money? Where did my tia get this money? Did they steal it? What? No! That's impossible.

I lost my thoughts when I realized that the whole cafeteria suddenly went quiet. I look around, and I saw all of the students are bowing their heads. What's happening?

"Jasmine, bow down!" Ariella whispered.

Why? What's happening?

Before I asked her, I felt something. I stunned. A hot breath blew in my ear.

What is happening...