
Mystic Academy: School For Mystical Creatures

Once we were friends as children but then I moved away. I had to go through a lot as the years passed by. My parents died and I was on my own. I worked on training on my own and I homeschooled myself. Until I decided to go to Mystic Academy. I got accepted into the academy and now here I am. We reconnected at Mystic Academy. The school for mystical creatures. We are both dragons and the school helps us train and stuff like that. Find out what happens when we reconnect. --------- This story is only on WebNovel. No one is allowed to copy this story or chapters without the me(the author) permission. Thank you.

Queen_Vellon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

I'll Take Care Of You

*Meanwhile back at the dorm...*

(Neo's POV)

I walked back into the bathroom to find Elektra sitting on the toilet seat where I left her. She looks to be in a daze with some tears coming down her face. I couldn't help but feel angry at those stupid people for doing this to her. She has gone through enough pain in the past already. She doesn't need anymore.

I slowly walked up to her and knelt down. I slowly placed my hand on her cheek, but she flinched away as soon as my hand touched her skin. She looked at me petrified. "Hey, hey it's ok. Its me. You're okay." I say trying to calm her down. It slowly start to work and she leans into my palm. I place my other hand on top of her own hands that are so tightly intertwined together that her hands are turning white. It's weird that they are so tightly bound, but yet her shoulder is dislocated.

After awhile the grip on her hand loosens up and she starts breathing normally. I need to check her shoulder or else it will get even worse. I slowly take away my hands and look into her eyes and say softly "I need to check your shoulder ok. I need to see how bad it is." She nods slowly and I get up from the ground and slowly take off my jacket from her shoulders. She hisses in pain and I mumble an apology.

Once the jacket is off, I take off her shredded top and look closely at her right shoulder. Looking at it closely, it should be fine. I just need to pop in and she would have to wear a sling, which I can just get from my room. Don't ask. I look back at her and say "I'm going to have to pop it back in. It's going to hurt, but I need to do it okay?" She mumbles a small okay and I pull her head to my shoulder and ready my hands slightly on her right shoulder.

"It will hurt so just bite into my shoulder." I whisper in her ear and she nods against me. I took a deep and quickly popped her shoulder into place. She bit my skin hard and screamed against me, but I didn't care about the pain. I stroked the back of her head and whispered soothing words to comfort her.

After some time I pulled away and wiped the tears from her face. "Now I'm going to help you take off your clothes, and don't give me that because I have seen everything before, and I'm going to help you wash all that paint off. I promise I'm not going to do anything else." I say to her and she mumbles another okay. I walk over to the bathtub and start filling it up with some really warm water.

While the tub is filling up, I stood her up from the seat and start helping her take off her clothes. Looking at her naked body right now, my dragon is not feeling lust over it. Instead he just wants to take care of her because he knows she's in pain.

Once she's finally undressed, I turn back to the tub and turn off the water. Turning around, I see Elektra with her head down, while covering herself in embarrassment. I walk up to her, place my index finger under her chin and push head up so she can look at me. "It's okay. You have nothing to be embarrassed of. You are beautiful. Now come and let's get that paint off of you."

I gently take her elbow and pull her towards the bathtub. I take both of her hands and help her step into the tub and she slides into the water, leaning her back on the edge of the tub. I walk out of the bathroom to grab a small step stool and a small bowl from the kitchen and come back and sit on the step stool behind her head. "I'm going to wash your hair okay?" I say and she only replies with a hum.

Taking the small bowl, I dip it into the water, gather some up and slowly pour it down her hair, making sure not to get any on her face. I repeat this process for a little bit then I grab a bottle of shampoo and place some her head. I scub it through her hair thoroughly and then after, I wash it all out of her hair. Looking at her face, she has a small smile and I can't help but smile myself.

Chuckling to myself, I move from behind and move to her side. I grab the body sponge and pour some shower gel on it and make sure it's nice and foamy. I then take Elektra's hand with care and start washing the paint off all her body. When I reach her right shoulder, I do it carefully in order to not hurt her and I succeed.

After washing her body carefully, I help her out of the tub and wrap a towel around her body then another towel around her head. I drain the now pinkish redish colored water and I walk her to her room. I quickly go into my room and grab the sling and one of my shirts and go back into her room. She had just finished putting her underwear on and was now looking for something to wear with the towel still around her head.

I walk up to her and stop her from looking. She looks up at me in confusion and I hand her my shirt. "You can't wear anything tight because of your shoulder so take my shirt. It'll be baggy and it won't hurt your shoulder." I say and she smiles softly and says thank you. I take off the towel from head and slowly dry it.

Then I help her put the shirt on without hurting her and then I look at her to see my shirt goes all the way down to her knees. I admit she looks good in my clothes. 'Okay Neo not the time' I mentally kick myself for that thought.

I then take the sling and carefully place it on her. I take her hand and gently lay her down on her bed. "Lay here while I get you some water and some pain meds." I get up and go to the kitchen to get her some water and pills then walk back into the room to see her eyes closed. I slowly walk to her bed and softly nudge her awake. Her eyes opens and I give her the water and pills. She takes the pills and water and then sets the leftover water on the night table next to her bed.

I lean in and kiss her forehead and say "sleep" softly and she gives me a slight nod and smile and closes her eyes. I wait for her to fully go to sleep before I walk out of her room and go take a quick shower.

Throughout the whole time, I just keep thinking about what they did to her. Ugh lowlife scums. I swear they have no life and then the fact they did it for Angelica makes me want to vomit. Why did I ever date her? Then they have the audacity to call Elektra a slut when Angelica cheated on me nearly the whole time we were dating. *Scoff*

If anything Angelica is the slut. She cheats on me on several occasions then she goes and has people attack the girl that means so much to me. Yeah I get that I cheated on Angelica with Elektra, but Elektra is far from a slut. It doesn't give her the right to have her get jumped by a group of stupid bitches and a couple of assholes.

I fucking dare them to get close to her again because if they do, I will personally rip them to shreads and drag them down to pits of hell and deliver them to Lucifer myself. Then when I die, I will be their torturer for the rest of their miserable lives down there. Okay I know I sound crazy saying that, but when this type of stuff happens to a person you care about, well.... you tend to go crazy.