
Mystery to Moon

New School, Huge Secret and a plan. Almost 18 and ready to start a new life once again. This time, her own life. No more running, no more looking over her shoulder and no more secrets. Just the true Alexis. Freedom is so close she can almost reach it. Until she opens a new door into a new world, in the form of blue eyes. Alpha Leigh ’Wolf’ Adams is not who Alexis expected her mate to be. With her secret and new life at risk, can she resist the new hot, cocky Alpha? She never wanted a mate that would inevitably reject her. Her secret scaring them off or worse, putting her life in danger as it had before. But will the Blood Moon Pack’s new young Alpha be the same as every other that has seen the worst side of Alexis? Or will he put a twist in her plans, and the sheets?

Tilly_Maree · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Revealing secrets

Mum told me to head upstairs to put some clothes on and take a breath while she made coffee.

I had put on a pair of shorts and Tshirt but had put my dads jumper back on for comfort. It hit just below my bottom so you could still tell I was wearing shorts. I had been sitting on my bed for a few minutes now staring at the mirror. I had transformed enough to see my fae ears. Elongated and pointed at the top. My eyes also shone brighter. One more thought and my teeth would elongate as well.

I could do both shifts at once. I had tested on my 17th birthday. I turn into a creature with wolf and fae features mixed together. I am a creature of nightmares. And when you mix in my abilities, who would ever want to be mated to that? No one.

A knock at my door startled me and I shifted back to human in seconds.

My father entered the room.

'Darling its time to come back down stairs. Leigh is right, there is a lot to talk about'

'You and mum knew didn't you?'

'Yes hunny. We picked up on it at the first meeting at the pack house. Though we were suspicious with the things you had been mentioning after school lately.'

I nodded taking in what he said.

'And I think you knew it too sweetheart'

'I guess I was hoping I was wrong. What am I supposed to do dad? As soon as he finds out what I am he wont want me. Ill get rejected and have to leave without finishing school. That's why I never wanted a mate.'

'You don't know that hunny. Just give him a chance. He seems like an honest person. And he is an Alpha, if you two are truly mates his pack will accept you no matter what.'

'What if I don't want this dad?'

'Then you reject him and be on your way. But remember that will cause you both tremendous pain. And although you have been blocking the bond, I think deep down you do want a mate. Your just afraid of not being good enough. Just come down stair and hear him out'

I took one long breath and let it out slow before standing to follow my dad down stairs.

As I hit the bottom step I could hear him talking to my mother.

'I knew as soon as I saw her. She hit me with the office door as school and I saw her eyes and it snapped in place for me. I could feel she either had no idea or was blocking it so I tried to give her space but I can no longer do that. Every fibre of my being needs her.'

'I understand the feeling of the bond. I remember it vividly. Although Lexi is different. She has never wanted a mate, never wanted any attention so this will be a big shock her her. To not only find her mate but for you to be an Alpha. She will need to process so just try not to push her'

I cleared my throat as I entered the room so they knew I was there. Although Im sure they would have heard me. Werewolf hearing and all.

'I have agreed to hear you out, though I am not making any promises and I will not be pushed into anything. Alpha or not my life is just that, mine. And I decide how it goes.' I wanted to sound assertive. Feel like I was in control of the situation. I hated not being in control of my life.

'I appreciate you giving my a chance to speak to you. I know things must be overwhelming for you.'

'You have no idea'

I sat on the couch across from him in between my parents.

'Go ahead. What do you needed to say?'

'First I am so sorry you found out this way. I have no idea what has gotten into Sophie but what she did was unacceptable and I felt if I didn't tell her she would not have stopped. I have been trying to keep my distance from you. Tried to let you come around at your own pace but it has been difficult to stay away. Occasionally I just could not help myself and had to touch you to know you were real. I was afraid I would make you uncomfortable or scare you away but I could feel your body react. Part of you wants this, wants to accept the bond. I know we don't know each other well but I would like to get to know you and I promise I will take it at your pace.' His eyes were pleading as he placed his hand on my knee. My whole body sizzled with heat. His eyed darkened, like he could really feel it.

'I know it is a lot to take in Alexis. Especially knowing you will be my Luna. But I hope you will give me a chance to show you how good our life could be together.'

I sighed. Everything he said sounded perfect. He knew exactly what to say, which only made me more nervous.

'There are things you don't know about me. Things you don't want to know. You are better off rejecting me and finding someone else to be your Luna.'

Even as I said the words I knew I didn't want to be rejected. I did want him. But he wouldn't want me when he found out who I really am. Aurora was winging in my head like she was in pain. I knew this would hurt her as much as it would me. Our wolves mates were made for each other. Not being together would break their spirit and eventually they would just give up. They would never feel like themselves.

'That is not true! There is nothing that could change my mind about you, about us. You are my mate, my Luna. Even if we weren't mates I know I would be drawn to you. You are beautiful and the smartest woman I have ever met. You challenge me, no one else would dare. I get excited every morning wondering what will happen. What remark you will come up with. Seeing you is always the best part of my day. And since you first stepped onto my pack lands, I can smell your scent everywhere I go and it drives me crazy.'

I dropped my head trying to get a minute to think. I looked up at my parents faces, glowing with hope.

'Do you guys trust me?'

'Of course we do sweetie' my father did not hesitate.

The squeeze of my hand was all the confirmation I needed from my mother.

I blew out a breath.

'There's only one way to figure out if this is even worth thinking about. You need to know exactly who I am'

'Lexi are you sure you want to do this?'

'Mum, I can remember what happened the other times someone found out, more than you do. But I cant think of any other way. Once he sees he can make up his mind. If he hates me he can reject me and move on. This is the only way I can know if I can trust him and the only way this would work.'

'I understand. We support whatever you decide. I know you would never do anything without truly thinking it through.'

I looked over at Leigh. His hand had not left me knee. He had a slight look of confusion and curiosity on his face, but his eyes showed nothing but hope.

'I will show you who I am but before that we have to get a few things straight.'

'Of course' he was intently listening. Taking every word I said seriously. That was one point in his corner.

'My parents will be there with us. If you try to harm me in any way, they will tare you aware before you even get close to me, then it will be my turn. Alpha or not we will not let anyone hurt our family. Second, if you choose to reject me, you will not tell anyone what you know. You will tell your pack I am too weak and will not suit as a luna and it was in the best interest of the pack. My family will leave without seeing you or any of your pack ever again. Understood?'

'Completely' he stated with a curt nod.

'Okay. Are your pack still running?'

'They have already completed the pack run and returned to their homes. All they know is I had an urgent matter to attend to and will not ask questions.'

'At nightfall we will enter the forest behind our home. My parents will make sure no one from your pack or anyone else for that matter is in the forest at this time before I show you anything. If you have not run off with your tail between your legs, we will explain to you everything you need to know. Night fall is till 30 minutes away at the soonest. I am going to shower and get prepared. You are welcome to stay here until the time comes.'

'I very much appreciate you trusting me to show me your true self. I will not lie to you, I am intrigued by what you are saying and have no idea what to expect but I promise you I would never allow any harm to come to you by me or my pack. Or anyone else for that matter. And I promise nothing can make me reject you'

'Don't make promises you don't know you can keep'

At that, I headed back upstairs. It has already started to get dark so it wont be long.

A quick shower, baggy clothes and another coffee later, we were walking out the back door towards the forest.

Leigh walked beside me, linking his fingers with me. I decided to enjoy the feeling. Just his once.

We got to the small clearing, making sure there were no low hanging branches. It had been a wile since I had done this so I wasn't sure how tall I would be. I hadnt decided how to do this. I had 3 forms, wolf, fae and the hybrid. Wolf first is probably the best choice.

My parents returned giving me the go ahead.

Leigh placed a delicate kiss to my forehead before I stepped back.