
Mystery is Herself

Kellysam · Adolescente
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Mystery is Herself Episode 18

                                                                         MYSTERY IS HERSELF EPISODE 18


I left my party with disappointment, I went to the club to drink, so my sadness could go away, I could feel tears in my eyes rushing out I hit my chest, telling myself "To be a Man". I ordered for a bottle of alcohol, I drank it with grief and anger, I couldn't stop thinking about Marie, she broke my heart, I've always been a loyal friend to her for years now and still she hasn't notice my love for her, I will never look at her the same way I used to do, A young beautiful lady approached me.

The Lady: Hey handsome

Victor: Hello

The Lady: Am Veronica Crew and you are?

Victor: Victor Elvis

Veronica: Nice, we got a V in our name, am a socialite and you are?

Victor: A medical Doctor, a professional surgeon

Veronica: wow, that's nice

Victor: yeah, so why do you want to socialize with me when you're not sure of me.

Veronica: well, am an extrovert and I can see you're an introvert.

Victor: How does my question relate with your answer?

Veronica: I can see your truly in a bad mood, I saw you were sad so I just wanted to make you feel alright.

Victor: is fine, I guess you can leave now.

Veronica: okay, sorry if I wasted your time, I hope you're going to be alright. (leaves)


I felt a little bit happy when Veronica came around, I don't know her at all, but she seems really nice, for the first time in my life, somebody was able to recognize I am sad, not even my mother notice when am sad because am really good at hiding emotions. Even Marie has never showed me such care just like Veronica did. I decided to call her back so I could share my sad feelings with her she was so nice and had good listening ears, I've never met anyone that is ready to listen to my problems not even Marie, instead she always wants me too listen to hers and find a solution to hers. I told Veronica all about Marie and Tom, she felt for me, she even opened up to me that she has a similar problem too, I felt so relieved when I talked to Veronica.

Later that night, I dropped Veronica at her house and got to my house, I took my bath as I laid on my bed, but all I kept thinking about was Veronica, she even appeared in my dreams, she seems to be really caring.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Says the alarm, it's 7am.

Good Morning dear elder bro, my brother says tapping me, I was shocked I wonder what his doing at my house.

Camsi David: Don't be shocked, I didn't want to go home, so I slept in the guest room, I hope you're not angry

Victor: NO, not at all, how was your night?

Camsi David: it was good.

Victor: okay

Camsi David: you left your party last night, the whole guest where looking for you, especially Marie, she was so worried, she wanted to wait for you but her fiancé insisted that you are okay, so where did you go last night?

Victor: I went to a place that will make me forget my worries.

Camsi David: and what are your worries?

Victor: that's none of your business

Camsi David: am only trying to be a caring brother

Victor: because you want money, isn't it?

Camsi David: No, not at all

Victor: so, what is it?

Camsi David: I know your upset because of Marie, I over heard you and Beverly's conversation last two days, I feel you bro, but I think you should never give up on Marie because if you truly love your best friend you should save her from Tom, I over heard Tom when he was speaking to a lady on phone, he told her he has finally purposed to Marie and the plan has worked successfully and the next is plan B, I didn't understand what was going on but I smelt it was something evil.

Victor: Hmm, I will think about it.

Camsi David: okay, remember do not give up on somebody you do love.

Victor: yes, I wouldn't

(Camsi leaves)


I sat on my bed thinking about what my brother just said to me, all he said was right and I must find out more about Tom and why he wants to marry Marie, I thought of a nice idea in my head, one of my classmates then in high school is working as a nurse in my hospital, her name is Patricia, I doubled her salary so she could help me out in this task, she was Tom good friend then in high school.

She went to go visit Tom at a café where I instructed her to do so, she recorded the whole conversation she had with Tom, Tom had no idea I sent her.


Patricia: congrats

Tom: thanks

Patricia: if I may ask, why do you choose to marry Marie

Tom: I just want to fulfil my aunt's wish to marry great Marie Lane

Patricia: HMM, Who's your aunty?

Tom: is none of your business.

Patricia: okay, I got to be going

Tom: okay

(The recordings end)


I sat on my bed thinking critically about who his aunty is, I picked up my phone to call Marie to come over so she could know why Tom wants to marry her but I don't know exactly who his aunty is, Marie finally picked my call, I was about to say hello then I heard Tom's voice in the background, I soon heard the sound of their smooches, I hung up the call, I felt really angry again, I went to the club again, my worries vanished the moment I saw Veronica we greeted as we compliment ourselves, I finally told her about Tom reason of why he wants to marry Marie, I showed her the proof (the recording) she was surprise, after that moment we had, I dropped her off at her house, and went to mine. When I got home, I noticed she forgot her bag at my car, I just realized I didn't have her number, I got back home thinking about how I will reach her tomorrow, but it wouldn't possible because I've a very important client to perform operation on.


The operation was successful, I was happy and proud because many victims that usually have his infection always dies immediately after being operated on, but today I just made history of being the first surgeon to carry out this operation successfully.

I was later rewarded by the governor of California, he showed me gratitude because I saved his son's life. Today, is truly one of my best day, I threw a party to celebrate my success my friend Beverly came but Marie didn't show up at all, I was worried, but my brother kept advising me never to give up on the person you truly love.

I kept his words as a key to my heart because I truly love Marie. "Who exactly is Tom's aunty, could it be someone that I know" I kept thinking with a lot of guilt, I have this feeling that he is getting married to Marie because of her wealth to grant his aunt's wish.



                                                                               MYSTERY IS HERSELF EPISODE 19


I was in my office one sunny afternoon, I was taking a look at pictures of people suffering from dieigoniseowia, it's a new disease among twins, a lot of co-joined twins have died from this disease, there is no cure found yet, I used a lot of logics to understand how this disease is formed in the first place but no result came out I relaxed a little, to calm my brain down, immediately someone began to knock on my door, I ordered the person to come inside it was Patricia and Veronica.

I was happy to see Veronica, I ordered her to sit down while Patricia took her leave, I examined Veronica to see what exactly is wrong with her, but she was okay and fine, I questioned her why she came for checkup if there are no symptoms, but she said she only wanted to be save I reassured her that's she's okay, then I told her about my plans to show Marie the recordings today and she suggested it was a good idea. I remembered she forgot her bag the last time we met, I reminded her about her bag and she told me she has been in search of her bag, and had no idea she forgot it in my car.

I was about to call one of my nurses to go get the bag in my car but she said for security reasons I should go get her bag for her, I humbled myself and followed her request because she is a nice human.

I went to the elevator, I saw Marie close to the reception, but I didn't want Marie to see me, I hurriedly went to get Veronica's bag.

I was about to go inside I saw Veronica coming out of the hospital, she was looking worried, I asked her what's wrong? She said she is running late for her interview. She took her handbag from me with a thank you and it ended with a good bye. I went upstairs to my office. Lo and behold I saw Marie Lane; I couldn't tell what the excitement was all about.

Victor: Hello, how can I help you?

Marie: (giggles) help me? Nothing actually or am no longer welcome to come to your office again.

Victor: No, you are always welcome

Marie: that's reminds me, why did you leave your party?

Victor: Nothing actually

Marie: Okay, I came to tell you good news and I am sure you would be happy

Victor: What's the good news?

Marie: I and Tom are getting married next week, here is the invitation card, I would love you to be my groom's best man, you are my best friend and I hope one day you find the woman of your dreams.


I was so excited to tell my best friend about my upcoming wedding with my dream king, I gave him the invitation letter, before my eyes he tore my invitation letter and threw it on my face with anger, I felt insulted, from the beginning I and Victor has been friends he has never done anything to hurt me, instead he protects me, I was shocked by his moves.


I am very angry at this moment, I can't believe she's getting married to Tom, and she expects me to be happy. I decided to show her the recordings of Tom's reason to get married to her but unfortunately, I couldn't find the tape, I was filled with curiosity, I looked around to see if I could see the tape but I couldn't find it.


I don't know what exactly Victor is looking for, I am already disappointed in his behavior towards me, I couldn't bear it any longer I started feeling dizzy I got up but I didn't have any strength to carry myself I fell down to my feet, my eyes were shut closed, can't tell what happened next.


I don't know what got into Marie that made her to fall unconscious, I rushed her to the patient room to carry a test on her. When I saw the result, I was highly disappointed, she's pregnant. I left my hospital with a will to attempt suicide, I rushed to Beverly's house, she consoled me never to give up on Marie but I told her she's already carrying Tom's child, Beverly became so angry to.

Beverly: well, our plan couldn't work out again she's carrying Tom's child, I think you need to find the right woman who would love you and appreciate you, I know is not easy to see the one person you love turning into a stranger, we'll let her live her life, by the way am pregnant.

Victor: oh really, congrats

Beverly: thanks.

Victor: what about your husband, am not seeing him around?

Beverly: He travelled for an important business conference

Victor: okay



I went to a 5 star hotel to spend the night all alone, the paparazzi's attacked me with a lot of questions my body guard where there for me I went to the elevator I covered my face so that nobody will recognize me, I saw Robinson and a pretty lady, he didn't recognize me because my face was covered, his hands where on her waist he even kissed her I was shocked I wasn't expecting this moment, how would my best friend feels if she finds out her man is cheating, immediately the elevator stopped at the 7th floor, I headed to my room.

I picked up my phone to call Beverly but she wasn't picking my calls, I didn't like what I saw today, I felt it from the beginning I knew Robinson wasn't going to be a faithful husband, but my friend is to blind to notice Robinson's flaw.


I went to Beverly's house to tell her all I saw but I wasn't expecting her attitude, she dissed me, she wasn't ready to listen to me, she even sent her guards to throw me out, honestly I don't know what offence I've committed that she took it to personal. I left with shame.


It was Marie's wedding day; the internet was crazy about the event.


Today is truly a great day for me, I am getting married to Tom Holloway, am no longer Marie Lane I am Marie Holloway, but I feel so incomplete on my wedding day because none of my best friends where there for me. It was a good and a sad day for me. I just hope TOM will always be a good husband to me.

Let's see how Tom and Marie's marriage will look like and who exactly is Tom's aunty.

Stay tuned for episode 20


                                                                 MYSTERY IS HERSELF EPISODE 20

After 2 weeks of Marie Lane's marriage.


Lately, Robinson has been acting really strange, I just don't know what's up with him, he usually comes home very late at night, he doesn't even show me a little attention, he just doesn't care about me again.

I was really emotional that moment I began to remember how he used to show me some love and affection, I even got addicted to always getting his attention and time, but now things are no longer the same he only he concentrates on his business, nothing more.


I've been suspecting Robinson lately, I having been following every shadow of his footsteps, there is something mysterious about him that I really need to find out, one faithful day I saw Him and my husband Tom Holloway in a restaurant having a conversation, what I don't know is how they know each other, even My maid Treasure was seated with them dressed stunning I was shocked, I didn't know what was going on, I left that place so that I wouldn't be notice, I opened my Instagram while I was in the car, I saw Victors post that was just 4 minutes ago, I looked at the location, immediately I told my driver to take me where Victor is. We successful went there and I saw Victor, I came down to go see Victor, he was looking happy and excited taking pictures of himself but the moment he saw me his mood change, he looked angry.

Marie: Hi, I hope I didn't ruin your fun.

Victor: yeah, you did ruin my fun but you are not forgiven, leave please, and how the hell did you know I was right here

Marie: your post on Instagram.

Victor: shit!

Marie: if I may ask, I don't know what I've done to you that made you to start hating me all of a sudden, may I know my offence please.

Victor: I don't want my time wasted taking to a woman filled with ignorance, I hate dealing with blind people, please can you leave before my fiancé comes.

Marie: oh! You're getting married am happy for you

Victor: thanks, but you're not invited.

Marie: oh, please can you stop your childish act, what did I do wrong, you have been ignoring my calls, texts, you don't even want to talk to me, what did I do that made you want to end our friendship, I mean the mood swings, the strange attitude what offence did I commit, you encouraged me to get married and now am married, you didn't even attend my wedding neither did Beverly did pls tell me what have I done wrong?

Victor: (yelling) are you kidding me? You're asking me what you have done wrong? Are you that blind? I've done everything in my power to make you happy, I've always been there for you right for time, you were so selfish, you didn't even care about me, my feelings, you just didn't care.

Marie: I don't understand what you are talking about, what do you mean? We have always been happy in our friendship like who the hell poisoned your mind about me?

Victor: No one did, this is just the truth about you, you are to ignorant, you don't care about the one person who has always been there for you, all you care about is the one person who would destroy your life, you are the cost of your problem, if you think about your life you will find out I am saying is nothing but the truth..

Marie: what the hell is wrong with you? what have I done to you? that's making you speak with a lot of hatred, please tell me.

Victor: you want to know what you did? Right

Marie: yes

Victor: To be honest, who's that one friend you meet whenever you are in trouble, because he always helps you out and is always already to carry your problems just to make you happy

Marie: you of course, that's why you are my best friend

Victor: are you that blind?

Marie: what do you mean, blind in what, please I don't get you

Victor:(holds Marie firmly) I loved you, I didn't want to open up to you because I felt it wasn't necessary, deep in my heart I felt you where the woman for me but you didn't care to notice how much I loved you, but am sorry, that love is gone.

Marie: How is it my fault? You didn't tell me.

Victor: I've always wanted to tell you but I was afraid am going to lose you, by the way am almost getting married to someone who understand my feelings better than you, please can you leave, she would soon be here.

Marie: okay, am sorry for ignoring your feelings I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me and take me back as your friend, I wish you the best with your fiancé, good bye

(Marie leaves)


My guard opened the car door for me he gave me a smile prostrating I still have hope and I shouldn't be sad, I sat inside my luxury car, I began to reflex on Victor's word, I can't believe he loves me, he was right I was too blind to notice his feelings for me, I felt it, I wished he has told me earlier I would be happy to marry him, it would be a pleasure honestly.

I got home, I had a feeling of discomfort, Tom isn't home yet, I couldn't eat I laid on my bed but all that was on my mind was Victor, I began to feel feelings growing for him "Oh My God" I said to myself, I can't believe I am falling in love with my best friend until then I remembered I was pregnant for TOM, I called TOM but he was unreachable, I wonder what he is doing late at night.

I brought out my cup to sip a bit of alcohol because right now I don't know what's going on with me, I brought out my cigarette to smoke, I really needed some body that moment, I brought out a knife to tear my wrist but one of my guard, "Kingsley'' bang into my room to rescue me, he gave me a look of hope, I just don't know what is happening to me right now, I watched my eyes closed, I couldn't see anything but darkness.


I sat on the couch waiting for husband's return, It's 11pm I gasp, I wasn't happy at all, immediately I saw my husband coming in, he saw me he didn't even bother to greet me neither did he try to talk to him, I stopped him but he kept going, I didn't want to go after him because I don't know what's up with this strange attitude.

Later, in the night I went to his bedroom he was making a call, the moment he saw me he hung up the call, I didn't care to ask because I sense he was probably cheating.

I went to bed to sleep but the silence in the room didn't give me a peace of mind, I got up, I went to sit close to my husband I went closer to his ear and whispered "where have you been all night?" he didn't answer me, I looked at him the eyes asking him the same question but all he said was "I should get the hell out of his face" I was already provoked with his words, I tried to threatening him saying "if you don't tell me where you have been I will tell the media that you are cheating on me and you know what that means? Your name will be all over the news that you are a cheater and everywhere you go my fans will surely attack you" before I could finish my sentences, he raised his hands and gave me the slap of my life, I fell unconscious I do not know what happened next.


After 2 weeks of the incident, VICTOR ELVIS and VERONICA CREW got married, their wedding night went well. Beverly was suffering from domestic abuse from her toxic husband Robinson, nobody knew about it because her husband threatened her that if she dares talk, she's going to be killed.

Marie Lane in the other hand was suffering from anxiety and depression.

But something more dangerous is going to happen because Angela and Alexander are on their trip to New York, let's see the drama that's going to take place in episode 21 when Marie sights them, and what happened all of a sudden why Robinson suddenly change.




                                                                MYSTERY IS HERSELF EPISODE 21


I was seated in my parlor one Friday night, This is my 6th month of my pregnancy , my husband Tom hasn't always been home for a while now, I just don't care because I realized I am truly in love with my best friend Victor, but we haven't been talking neither have we been seeing each other, he is still angry with me. I am just a bit worried.

I sat there looking at the beautiful ceiling of the parlor, immediately my husband came in, I greeted him with a kiss, he looked so stressed out at that moment. How was work today? I asked, it was good he replied. Hmm, I have good news for you honey, he said winking his eyes at me, what is it? I asked.

Tom: Do you remember that my aunty, who wished me to get married to you?

Marie: Yes, I remember..., but I haven't seen her before.

Tom: She said she's going to pay a visit next year; I hope your excited about it?

Marie: Of course, yes, I would love to see her.

Tom: that's cool, uhrmn, I will be right back, give me like 30 minutes, okay?

Marie: Okay.



I got to my room, I picked up my phone to call my aunty who has always wanted me to marry Marie, you all are carving to know my aunty but by this time next year you would get to know who exactly she is.

"brrrrrrr" that comes the sound of my phone ringing, I picked it up and answered it was my aunty calling.


Tom: Hello aunty

The Aunty: Hello baby boy; how are you, how's your lovely wife and the unborn child

Tom: we are all good thanks

The Aunty: okay, nice to hear, remember our deal? Start getting the papers ready before I and your uncle comes next year.

Tom: No problem, I will do as you say

The Aunty: that's my boy, I think we should cut this call before your wife comes in, good bye

Tom: Good bye.


I went downstairs to go see my lovely wife; I notice she was so tired and sick of something; I went to get some oil to give her a massage she was happy and delighted I did so. We had a really long conversation, she told me about her island she owns in Puerto rico and it's worth, she confided in me that she doesn't know how to get her property, I promised her that I will surely fulfill my right as her husband and get back her property, her eyes where filled with tears as she thanked me very much, but all I know is "one turn deserve another".

I made a promise to myself to always be there for my wife. I abandoned my work, I always made sure she was always good and fine until she finally gave birth to a handsome baby boy that looked like me, I was proud to be a father.


I am so happy to become a mother, I am really proud, honestly, Tom has been a good husband to me, I raised my new born baby up and I named him "Jude" I sang one of my late mother favorite song as he sleeps peacefully , I admired his cuteness, he is so adorable.

Weeks pass, I haven't heard from any of my friends, I made up my mind to visit Beverly but then I remembered she humiliated me to leave her house the last time I visited, so then I made up my mind to go visit Victor.

I am on my way to Victor's house, I was just thinking out loud to myself, I know how it feels to lose your friends especially the ones who has always been there for you, but because of my selfish act I lost them and now I have no-one to call a friend I am really disappointed in myself, I caused all this, I have myself to blame and nobody. I got down immediately my driver took me to Victor's mansion, I was permitted to go in but I was told he isn't home but at his hospital, I agreed with them.

WHO IS THAT? A woman asked

Is Marie Lane, our boss best friend the Maid answered.

I was so anxious to see the woman who was asking but lo and behold it was Veronica Lane, Angela's first daughter. I was full of shock and surprises.

Veronica: so, Marie Lane, how can I help you, and why do you want to visit my husband Victor Elvis.

Marie: Veronica Lane? Are you my best friend's wife?

Veronica: yes Marie, and for your information, I am no longer Veronica Lane, I am Veronica Elvis, and you may call me Mrs. ELVIS, for your information my husband doesn't know me as Lane, he only knows me as Crew, he thinks my parents are dead and I am a random person, but I've a reason for getting married to him, so just stay out of here.

Marie: No problem, but I will make sure Victor, comes to know about you, then... it will end in divorce then your plans will eventually fail.

Veronica: only if my husband believes you

Marie: He would surely do, because he is my best friend

Veronica: yes, go ahead, let's see who wins, Marie Lane... or Veronica Elvis

Marie: And for your information, I am no longer Marie Lane, I am Marie Holloway

Veronica: okay... no problem, just go ahead.

(Marie leaves)


I got to the car I smell danger in the future, I know Veronica has a negative reason of getting married to Victor, I rushed my Driver to go to Victor's hospital, to tell him all about Veronica and reconcile with him. The moment I got to Victor's hospital I went straight to his hospital he looked so busy; I saw he was running for an emergency. I sat at the waiting room to wait for Victor, I sat there for over 5 hours, no hope of seeing him, I left there immediately I remembered I had a baby to carter for.


Is Morning, I got up from my bed, I didn't see my husband I didn't care because all I cared for was Victor, I prayed, brushed my teeth, went for a workout with my personal trainer, took my bath, took my breakfast then I gave my baby his own breakfast his adorable when he eats.

I picked up my phone to call Victor, but instead Veronica answered and she blocked my line, I threw my phone in anger, I dressed up to go visit Victor in his office only for me to be told he travelled to Germany.

It's been days now, I haven't heard of Victor, I gave up looking for him because I felt it doesn't worth it, his married, I am married with a kid life goes on, at that point of time I didn't care about anything again.


Beverly is really having a hard time in her marriage, her abusive husband keeps leaving scars and bruises all over her body, while she's still pregnant, she's suffering the pain of every woman who suffers domestic violence. She's not allowed to out, her husband is in charge of her phone, she didn't have any freedom at all. one day, Beverly tried to escape but unfortunately for her she was caught by Robinson who beating her up, hitting her head like she wasn't a living thing, on the process of beating Beverly he pushed her down the stairs as she rolls on the stairs and landed on the floor living her head bleeding as she's left between life and death.


I was seated watching news with my son, Jude, I was about to switch off the Tv as I soon heard ''BREAKING NEWS: THE MORAY ACTRESS BEVERLY SUMMER HAD A MISCARRIAGE AND IS SENT TO THE REHAB FOR FURTHER TREATMENT FOR HER MENTAL HEALTH. I was marveled after hearing my best friend has mental issues and she lost her baby, I quickly gave my son to his nanny and ran downstairs, my guard (Kingsley) offered to drive me, he drove as fast he could, not less than 40 minutes, we arrived at Victor's hospital, I asked the receptionist about Beverly Summer, they directed to where I could see her, not after that the press medias came troubling me with questions, my guard was strong enough to push them back, I quickly went to where I was directed to meet Beverly, I met the Doctor in charge of her I question him about my best friends health, he told me she has been seriously abused so bad that it affected her brain and when she heard of her unborn child's death her mental state became worsen, and the only way to keep her alive is to take her for rehab, I was dumb founded when I heard the doctors statement, I knew all this where the work of Robinson, nobody else, but the things is I don't know why he did all this to Beverly, their must be a reason behind him, I must make some inquiry about him first of all I need to inform my husband before taking some revenge I left the hospital with anger and bitterness the pressure was too much, loosing my best friend to this state is what I can't handle. My guard Kingsley asked me what was going on, I told him the situation, he asked me how I was going to handle it, I told him I was going to tell Tom about this situation but his response shocked me.

He said, "if you truly want to save your best friend, I advise you do not tell your husband" I questioned his suggestion but his answer marveled me, He said, "you are unsure about your husband, remember your husband and Robinson are good friend so you can't trust your husband in this situation with his good friend, I can help you in this situation, if only you could trust me. I agreed with him.

I got home, my husband asked about my whereabout but instead lied, I acted like everything is normal, I went to my room took my bath and laid on my bed, I begun to meditate on Kingsley words, he is right.

You may be wondering what Kingsley look like, well his dark brown in complexion, he is tall with big chest, he has white and black hair, he is 57 years of age.



STAY TUNED FOR EPISODE 22 to see who exactly Robinson is and why he married Beverly.



My guard who am trusting to handle this difficult situation, drove me down to Beverly's House, luckily for us nobody was home, we entered inside we search the whole house to see if we could find any evidence to hold against Robinson, I went straight to Beverly's room, the moment I bent down, I felt someone pointing a gun at my head, I shivered in fear before I could turn to see whoever was pointing a gun at me, the person was blown badly by kingsley, ha, finally I can breathe freely, I said to myself, Kingsley carried the man and tied him on a chair, we waited for him to open his eyes and regain his consciousness, when he finally regain his consciousness, he tried to escape but Kingsley held him so tight and threatened him with a gun, the man was so scared that I could see a droplet of sweat falling from his face. I went closer to him and questioned him, why he was eager to kill me, he began to cry, saying he had no intension of killing me but he was paid to kidnap me, that he is poor, he has kids looking up to him but he has no hope to take care of their needs, I promised him I'd give him a thousand dollar, if he tells me all about the person who sent him, his answer shocked me, he said it was Robinson who ordered him to do so, I was marveled I gave the old man a cheque of $2,000. He was happy and left with shame. I wonder what's up with Robinson?

I sat on the couch thinking about why Robinson is so wicked, first he landed my best friend to a Rehab and because of him her child is dead and now he sent someone to kill me, I just don't know what's behind Robinson. My guard, Kingsley gave me a cup of coffee so I could relax, I asked him, what does he think about Robinson, he said he isn't sure and I just sat there quiet, he questioned me about Tom and Robinson friendship and I didn't know what to say, his question made me want to ask Tom about Robinson, my guard begin to ask me some personal questions like how I met Tom and how Beverly met Robinson. I answered with pleasure but from his facial expression he looked marveled, I questioned him, if all is well, he told me I was really nice and had a forgiving spirit to marry Tom, I laughed and told him it was my nature to forgive, I asked him why he hasn't gotten married till now, he told me, he has a child with his girlfriend he met in his high school but because of greed she left him and married someone richer, I've been in search of my daughter for years now, until I finally gave up and came to work for you, oh sorry about that, I said, is cool he replied, I got up as he guarded me to my studio.


I'm finally back from the trip I went to with my lovely wife, I've begun to love her, I forgot about Marie's existence for over 3 weeks now. But I wasn't happy to come back to New York to hear the news of Beverly's mental state, I went to go visit her at the rehab, seeing her in that condition brought tears to my eyes, I couldn't believe it was Robinson who did all that to her according to one of my Nurse, Britney.

Britney told me all the details and I was marveled, it's my duty to serve Beverly the justices she deserves.


I have been working for Victor as a nurse for over 6 months now, I've never felt this guilty before, because of all that happened to one of my clients, I think I need to come out of this situation, before I get exposed.


It's been a hard time for Beverly as she keeps investigating more about Robinson with the help of Kingsley, while Victor on the other hand was doing his own research too, but no result came out.

One day Marie was on her way to a hotel, she met Victor, but Victor being stubborn refused to communicate with her she tried her best to make Victor calm down so she could tell Victor all about his wife Veronica but he simply ignored her, at last Marie gave up and went home feeling tired, only for her to see her son, Jude on the floor bleeding to death, she screamed, she called for help, Kingsley hurriedly rushed out and helped Marie to carry Jude to the hospital.

Most times, our hope is gone, when we lose the person, we love the most but with strength and memories we can stand the pressure.

Jude dies, Marie cries, Tom tries, to control Marie because she was already running out of control.

It's Jude's burial, family and friends gathered, the police where in serious tension trying to figure out who is responsible for Late Jude Holloway death's but no hope for them to capture the killer not even the CCTV camera could capture the mysterious killer.

Victor came during the burial, but Marie being so sad at that moment played blind.


I am not a woman, but I can feel the pain of loosing your only child. At this moment I feel very guilty because I haven't been there for my best friend, I still consider her as my friend despite being heart broken. But the thing I don't know is, who exactly murdered her child, I can't suspect Tom because he was out of the country, I don't know who committed this type of offence, honestly things happening right now really seem strange.


I have never felt this pain before, loosing my only child, it reminds me of how I lost my mother, the feelings are so deep that I can't explain. Am putting my hope on the police and kingsley to find out who exactly who this murder is and why the person did so, but unfortunately that wouldn't bring back my son back to life, but all I am after is a REVENGE to serve my late son justices. I went to my bathroom I saw a note on the wall, it was written "YOUR NEXT MARIE LANE, HAHAHAH"



                                                          MYSTERY IS HERSELF EPISODE 23

We have all had experiences of losing our loved ones, but some times life keep telling us that we are not worth it but if you keep that strong meaning in your name you will find out that you are completely different, you are and will always be the exact version of yourself. In my own ideology everybody is exact of himself/herself, the exactness will come out when you put in an extra ordinary effort.

It's been 5 months after Jude's death, the murderer still, hasn't been discovered neither has he been found. Marie tried to move on by forgetting all about her son's death, but her mother nature and spirit wouldn't let her do so, she distanced herself away from all her loved once except her husband of course, she kept taking pledges that she was going to take revenge for her son's death, little did she know that the Killer leaves in the same building with her, who could that be? Could it be Kingsley? Remember kingsley was with Marie through out that day or could it be Britney? Or Tom, remember Tom was out of the country, or could it be Robinson who sneaked in and killed Jude or he sent one of the maidens or even the Nanny.

Let's see who exactly is the killer and why he/she had to do so.


I sat on the couch looking at my late son pictures, A drop of tears fell from my eyes, I found myself in a traumatic situation, I felt so empty at that moment, I can't stop thinking about my son, whom I carried for nine good months, and called him my own, I really miss that soul who first called me mom.



The police have finally given up, on the search of the killer, things became worser for Marie, she was fighting her fears all alone, she never excepted a time will come when things will be so difficult and confusing.


I haven't been eating for days now, my late son nanny has always been by side with kingsley, Tom has been acting strange lately, I just don't know why.

It's evening I sat on my bed waiting for Tom, he finally came inside, I greeted him but he didn't answer, he came closer to me giving me a paper to sign, I asked what the paper was for, but instead he yelled at me to sign, I took the papers and signed without thinking twice, just to please him, he began to laughed so hard, I don't know what that laughter was for. He left with pride like he has gotten what he needed and left with his car key.

I stayed on my bed for the past 4 hours now, thinking about my life. Immediately my phone began to ring, it was Britney the nurse calling, I picked her calls, she said she would love to see me, but I disagreed to her request, she said it was urgent and serious, I finally agreed to go see her. I drove myself to the building she directed me to go, I went up the stairs only for me to see her crying holding a bag of money, I went closer too her to ask her what's wrong? But instead she pulled me closer to her hugging me so tight and crying her eyes out, I tried my best to console her, so she could tell me what's wrong.

Marie: I don't like to see people cry, tell me, what's wrong?

Britney: Am sorry, I betrayed you and Victor's trust because of the money, honestly, I regret

Marie: what did you do?

Britney: please do not tell Victor, I can not bear to lose my job.

Marie: I promise I wouldn't, so tell me what's wrong.

Britney: To be honest with you, Beverly's child isn't dead he was kidnapped.

Marie: Kidnapped, what do you mean?

Britney: okay this is the story, Robinson and his sister made me to kidnap Beverly's child, so I exchanged the baby with a dead one, when Beverly recovered, the moment I informed her about the death of her child which is not true she ran mad, really crazy and then she was taken to rehab so I was paid by Robinson to inject her, and the pills I injected her with, damaged her mental health which landed her to her presence situation now.

(Marie slaps Britney)

Marie: you did this all for money?

Britney: Yes, am sorry (cries out loud) pls forgive me.

Marie: I wouldn't, except you tell me all you have done, and all you have know, and why you think Robinson is doing all that.

Britney: I Know all about Robinson, he was already married before he married Beverly, him and his wife had a divorce 6 years ago, his into women who are very wealthy that's why he marred your friend and kidnapped her child because of Beverly's will.

Marie: And what was Beverly's will?

Britney: she signed a will that 99% of her wealth goes to her unborn child.

Marie: oh, so who's Robinson sister?

Britney: is the Baroness of Italy, Angela Lane


The moment she called Angela's name, it gave an echo unto my ears, I was shocked, I now understand the whole situation. Angela Is still alive hunting to get me, that's why she sent her Brother Robinson to destroy my best friend I kept mute for minutes until I decide to speak up.

MARIE: Angela?

BRITNEY: Yes, I even have her picture, take a look

MARIE'S POV; I took the picture, I starred at it, clearly, she was the one, I then remembered her daughter was married to Victor, I looked at Britney with curiosity.

MARIE: Tell me all you know about the whole set up.

BRITNEY: Victor's wife is Angela daughter, even your......

"Pew" that comes the sound of a bullet entering into the back flesh of Britney she slumbers as she falls to the ground as a heavy droplet of blood flowing from her intestine.


The moment Britney was about to reveal the whole truth to me, she was shot from the back, I starred at her in tears trying to wake her up so she could tell me all she knows, but the dead can't speak neither can the feel. I got up immediately to go search for the person who shot the gun, I heard some footsteps, I followed the sound, I went to a quiet room filled with drawings, I saw the head of a woman and the leg of a man, I screamed so loud the moment I turned to see who was at my back, I felt a heavy stick smashed onto my head, my brain was knocked out, I trembled as I fell to the ground with my eyes closed.





I opened my eyes I found myself inside the ocean, I couldn't breathe, I was drowning, I closed my eyes because I felt I wouldn't make it, I felt I had no hope at all, I closed my eyes to pray to death, because I don't know where I will go after life, but to my surprise, my hair began to float and I found my head above water, some men at the seaside saw me and ran towards my direction to rescue me, I was saved, the men were so happy to save me, they claimed to be a big fan of me, I wasn't comfortable the way the men were lustfully staring at me because I was completely naked, anything could happen, the way they all looked at me, coming closer to me got me frighten, all I had to do was to crawl backwards on the ground, I was so weak to get up and run, but God has his way of doing things, Kingsley came and I had a sigh of relieve, he gave me his coat to wear so I could cover my nakedness, I was pleased with his good manners.

                  I've finally gotten home, I sipped my coffee, my whole body were shaking out of disguise because of my Today's experience, seeing human being's body part. Is not really pleasing, immediately I heard the sound of someone knocking at my door

Marie: come in.

                                                             (KINGSLEY COMES IN)

Kingsley: I hope am not bothering you, I just came to check up on you Ma'am

Mare: No, you're not, and thanks, I appreciate your care

Kingsley: it's my pleasure, I see it all

Marie: what do you mean, you see what all

Kingsley: ma'am I'm a very sensitive person, from the look of things you aren't happy at all, can you confined in me, I would love to help you.

                                                                MARIE'S POV

Honestly, I have a really kind bodyguard, he always understands my mood and tries to cheer me up, I felt pleased when he asked about my mood swings, it made me feel needed and important to care for.

I told him my experiences at Britney's building, he told me it was important to inform the police about it, we both went downstairs, he drove me to the police station, the police promised to investigate who the killer is and leave him/her unpunished.

                    I and kingsley returned home late at night after a long stressful day at the police station, I went to the dinner only for me to see my husband with alcohol and smoke in his hands, I went close to him, he looked really angry and mad at me, he looked at me in the eyes but all I saw was anger, he asked where I've been all day, I told him my experience at Britney's building, he didn't care about all I said but the moment I told him I've reported the case to the police, he forcefully dragged my hands upstairs to the room pushing me on the bed so hard, I wonder what's wrong with him, I hope it is not his drunken state that is about to lead him astray.

He yelled at me why I told the police about Britney's death, that it wasn't save, and I question his opinion, the moment I questioned him, a slap of thunder landed on my face, I wept till I slept.

                                                              THE NEXT MORNING

Is a bright new day, I woke up, I didn't see my husband around, I have forgiven him for all that happened last night, I went to the bathroom to take my bath, the moment I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw the mark Tom gave me on my cheek, I regret telling him all that happened, my face is destroyed I wept because I've a photoshoot to take to advertise Keel's makeup new collection, my cheeks were swollen, that makeup can't hide it, I knew the amount of money I'd lost if keel's manger sees my face. I went to the Balcony to take a view at the grasses, I noticed my maid was taking some pictures of me, I went downstairs to question her why she was taking pictures of me, but the moment I went downstairs, I didn't see her again, I went round the house, I didn't see any sign of her,  I asked everyone working in the house about her where about but they all said they didn't see her too, everything looks absolutely strange to me right now, I called my husband, but instead he declined the call, I instead told Kingsley, he told me not to wrong about anything, that everything is going to be alright.

                I just don't know what got over me, tears began to fall from my eyes, at that point in time I couldn't control my emotions, but instead Kingsley gave me a warm hug that was seen by my husband, with misunderstanding my husband came inside, with an angry look, he then dragged Kingsley, giving him some hard punches, I tried to stop him, but instead my husband pushed me so hard, that I began to roll on the stairs and my head was hitted badly on the edge of the stairs which led me to my unconscious state.

                                                     THE NEXT DAY

I woke up from sleep, I prayed, brushed my teeth and wore my gym outfit, I saw a message from Keel's Manger, he said I've lost my job because of my scars, I wonder how he got to know about it, I went to my social media platform, I saw a meme of someone making fun of  my face, I looked at the picture and then I remembered clearly, that it was the picture my maiden, Treasure took of me, I wonder why she did such a thing, I went downstairs, I turned on my television, only for me to see a picture of me in the balcony with my swollen face, comedians where using my face to make a joke, but I didn't take it funny, I was really hurt in the inside I picked up my phone only for me to see the fashion brands, I do work for, telling me I am  being replaced that I should go fix my face.

I wept.

                   1 WEEK LATER

I haven't been happy for weeks now, I am seriously depressed I've lost everything, first it was my son, second my job as a model, I've been rejected lately, I don't have anyone to share my problem with, not even my husband. I switched on my tv to watch a show and lo and behold, I saw the advertisement of Keel's makeup new collection, a new model replaced me, I got jealous and angry, I was eager to know what her name was, but to my surprise, it was Veronica, I was shocked, I switched off my tv with disbelief, I began to understand the situation, it must be Veronica who sent My maiden to take a picture of me just to destroy my own career. I was baffled at the whole situation going on.

                 " Sometimes, when the things happening in your life seems strange, you have to pay a good attention to it, because you might not know what your enemies are planning, but nature keeps giving you a hint, because it will surely affect your ending"





Weeks keep rushing, time never waits for anybody.


A lot of rumors have been spread about me, I have been getting a lot of hates from fans, I just don't know what I have done wrong, I have been rejected, I just don't belong to this world, that's why I always have bad lucks but what can one say or do, Nothing, absolutely nothing, you just have to keep up with your situation and life goes on like that.

I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out, is only the water that heard my cry, at this point in time my only option, is to commit suicide and rest in peace. All I ever wanted was just to be happy, but no hope of me being happy.

I carried my towel and walked out of the bathroom, I received a call from my husband, he said I should get the house decorated that his aunty is coming to pay a visit, I was happy because I was eager to know who exactly his aunty is, I did as I was told to do, I prepared a lot of delicious Latin meal with my chef, I decorated the whole house and made it look more beautiful than ever, I put my time and effort to make everywhere look stunning for Tom's Aunty who I've been eager to meet for over two years now.

I am finally done decorating the house, I dressed up looking good so I could look adorable Infront of her, I looked at the clock, is 2pm already, I sat on the couch waiting patiently.

I heard my husband footsteps, I smiled, and I saw an elderly woman dressed like a baroness, I am sure it was his aunty and her husband, I went closer to them, who I saw give me a review of thunder striking, it was Angela and my Dad, Alexander, I was surprise to see it all.

Hahaha, Angela laughed like she was the queen of my house, aren't you surprise to see me? Dear Marie.

Tom: she should be surprise dear aunty.

Marie: (to Tom) is Angela your Aunty?

Tom: yes Marie, don't get it twisted, (to Angela) aunty.

Angela: yes baby

Tom: why don't we just tell her the whole truth.

Alexander: (to Marie) aren't you happy to meet your Dad after so many years, you got married without my consent, that's bad, so bad of you, but now am back.


All I saw made feel dumb, so truly Angela is related to Tom, at that point in time I saw Treasure and Robinson coming in, I still don't know what's going on, but now I see, is time to face the truth and accept it, I now understand why people say the truth is bitter .


The whole truth was revealed to Marie, and the truth was Tom was sent by Angela to rape young Marie, Robinson was Angela younger brother, who was sent by Angela to capture Beverly and get married to her to get assets to her wealth, Jude was killed by Tom and Treasure is Tom's wife.

Marie couldn't stand the whole truth, it was a huge shock to her, Tom gave her a paper, the moment she read the paper, she began to cry, it was a paper that had her signature on it, stating that Alexander is the rightful owner of her island in Puerto rico, she was forcefully pushed out of her own mansion.

The enemies have finally gotten what they needed, but at this point in time no hope for Marie.

Marie was casted out of her mansion by her wicked step mother and Dad, she walked round the street people kept staring at her, she went to the church to call on God but another bad luck came her way, she was arrested by the police, she was taking to jail for charge of killing her son and Britney.


Have you ever been in a situation were you have no one to talk too, and the world holds their back against you and you feel like a criminal when you have done nothing wrong, with the way things have been going on in my life, I don't think the world is meant for me, I am in prison for what I didn't do, Victor was right I am always the cause of my problem, if I could change back time, I wouldn't have married Tom, he has really ruined my life, sometimes the people we keep are not the people who we think are the right ones, all this evil deeds is because of the possession of my wealth, nothing more. I laid my head on the hard rock and wept, truly, I've seen it all, my motto from now on is "TRUST NOBODY".

I have lost a lot in this life, because of trust, I trusted my Dad and I ended up losing my mom, I trusted Tom and I ended up losing my best friends, wealth, child and virginity.



I hope one day, I will be served the justices I deserve, or I will leave this cruel world filled with experiences that cannot be explained.


Marie Lane has been in prison for days now, she even made new friends with prisoners, it was hell for Marie, but what can poor Marie do, when she has no evidence to proof her innocence.



I am a betrayer, I never knew am going to miss Marie, deep in my heart I am not comfortable for framing Marie like this, it doesn't feel good, that lady has gone through a lot, I only did all this to make my aunty happy with me and for the money I will get, but after getting all I need, my heart isn't at peace, my mind is really disturbing, I went to go meet my Aunty, Angela to tell her my mindset, but instead she casted me with anger.