
Mysterious wife of arrogant CEO

A high school girl whose life changed when her parents died in a car accident. Her younger brother diagnosed with heart problems. She forced herself to do more partime work to pay medical bills until her maternal biological family came to her. She was forcefully sent to overseas to complete her studies to takeover family business.But her miseries didn't held back . She pretended her death only to return back to find herself being mother of a cute pair of dargon- phoenix of underworld king. What happened her to become a mother ? Why she pretended her own death ?? Found out yourself while reading

Xia22 · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Familiar Face

Luo Xiang looked over there just to find someone quarrel. He doesn't know why but when he saw a girls with cold dark eyes . He wanted to know about her .That girl was none other than Yun Shi.

She also felt someone's gaze on herself and looked in the direction of Luo Xiang. But no one was there so she just entered the class.

Unknown to her Luo Xiang she her very clearly and he felt her very familiar but he couldn't remember where he has seen her.

Luo Xiang thought hard about it but couldn't remember. So he let this matter go . Anyway he was here just for his brother if not for his nagging he couldn't be both about a school visit. He returned to principal office with his assistant.

Principal wiped off sweat over his forehead when he come to know about young master Luo's visit. He was scared out of his wits. Only god know how nervous he was .

Luo Xiang took sit and exchanged a few words and left.

Rest of the day went smoothly.

After school Yun Shi left for her part time job at a nearby bakery. She worked here as a waitress.She was there as usual for her work. Just when she was about to enter the shop, her phone rang . She picked it up.

Yun Shi " Hello Chen, why did you called me , do you need something "

On the side side of phone the person started crying ….

She couldn't remain composed now and hurriedly asked " what happened Chen , why are you crying suddenly.."

Yun Chen replied " Sis come back quickly mom and dad got into an accident. I am afraid."

Yun Shi felt as everything around her got blank . She hurriedly informed her boss and left for hospital where her parents were admitted.

City Hospital

Yun Shi reached emergency operation theatre and saw her younger brother crying in a corner. He must be very scared . She hoped her parents to be fine , but she couldn't help but worry. She went up to her brother and coquettish him to be composed.

After 4 hours the opera theatre's gate opened and doctors come out . She hurriedly went forward to ask about her parents.

She asked " Doctor how's my parents now.."

Doctor looked slightly hesitant" I am sorry Miss but we were not able to revive your parents " He felt sorry for the siblings as well but he couldn't give them false hopes.

Yun Shi felt as if lightning had strike her she fall on ground and her tears continuously falling down her face. She couldn't bring herself to accept truth.

Behind her Yun Chen felt same way as his sister until today he has never thou of being separated from his parents in such a tragedy. He fainted as he thought about it.

Yun Shi has yet to recover from her parents death but now her brother has fainted. She was feeling very sorry . She immediately admitted her brother to hospital.

After all the examinations the doctor found that Yun Chen suffered a heart attack. And he has been suffering from myocardial infarction. He informed Yun Shi that her brother needed immediate surgery.

Yun Shi sat beside her brother's bed and started crying " pleases don't leave me Chen …"

She couldn't yet believe their happy family was scattered just because of a single accident. The accident doesn't seem to be natural. But it was not the time to think about that . What she needed the most was money for her brother's surgery. She has to get it in 1 month or else she will loose her brother as well.

She thought of borrowing money from her friends and her boss . But it wasn't enough her brother needed 4,00,000 yuan and even after three week of doing all possible work she has collected only 50,000 yuan along with her savings. She was very much in need of money .

She was crying silently on a bench outside the hospital. Suddenly a black low key Bentley drove over. A person around 25 years come down from car and walked upto herself. She was not focused on her surroundings until she saw someone in front of her.