
Mysterious mermaid love

People say mermaids are just terrific people who can cause harm to us ... Guess what Wendy the mermaid did to change this fact and also put everything right

Mirriam97 · História
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5 Chs

The Journey starts

Nice to meet you guys Chris said whilst smiling ..by the way if you want to experience good sea food cooked with love it's obviously at my restaurant Chris added, oh really ! Then I think we should try right now ...what do you think Wendy Alicia asked Wendy ..yes why not Wendy said ..they both went to the restaurant it was a huge one with hundreds of costumers..so guys this where I work Chris said , wow amazing ..how long have you been working here Wendy asked , for five years Chris responded , woooow ! Shouted Alicia. How long will you guys stay here Chris asked , Actually for the whole summer ,why asking Wendy said, because we want people to work as waitress here ...Chris added, oh really then am interested Wendy said happily, so Chris offered Wendy a job ...

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