

C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - O N E

When Brett, Falcone's son, pulled into my driveway, I noticed that my house's windows were boarded up, something Falcone or perhaps Dad had most likely planned.

Brett and I had previously met. He had been a commando who had set up my security system. He had the looks of the boy next door, assuming the boy next door had more weight and workout gear than Falcone since he was blonde and had blue eyes. In other words, Brett was muscular and ripped.

Brett, however, was not Fang. Bret spoke. Since Brett had three years of experience working for Falcone, I was aware of this. Brett was formerly a member of the Army. Additionally, Betsy, Brett's girlfriend, was expecting a child.

Because Betsy didn't want to seem overweight in her wedding photographs, they planned to be married after the kid was born. I admitted to Brett that I could see that and that I, too, wouldn't want to look overweight in my wedding photographs.