

I didn't want to be anyone's foe, but certainly not this guy's enemy. He was extremely intimidating in addition to being attractive.

It's time to resolve issues as soon as possible.

I said, "Isabelle. A pain in my fucking ass. A pain in my ass ever since the day she chopped off all the hair on my Barbies. She was three. I knew was too old for Barbies, but they were mine. She couldn't just leave them alone? What's with cutting their hair?" as I yanked my bag off my shoulder and yanked it open. "I guess that's what psychopaths do. We should have known then. She's three, clutching scissors and wreaking mayhem and grief," I remarked as I fished in my handbag, located my checkbook, and scrounged for a pen, proclaiming, "She was always, always a bad seed."

I grabbed out my checkbook, turned it out, neatly clicked my pen, pointed to the cheque, and glanced at Finn.

"OK, how much does she owe you?" I said angrily, not wanting to bail Isabelle out again, especially when money and furious motorcyclists were involved.

At this point, I noticed that Finn was looking down at me and had stopped being menacing. He gave off the impression of wanting to laugh. It was attractive.

I didn't want to see his attractive features, his emotions, or anything else on his face (and hair and tats and body). I yearned to make a batch of cookie dough at home and devour it. All.

"Well?" I exclaimed.

My mouth dropped as Finn said, "Three million, two hundred and seventy five thousand, one hundred and seven dollars, and twelve cents." His white smile, framed by his dark goatee, impacted some part of my brain distractedly.

"Holly Molly", I mumbled.

When he lowered his head to my checkbook, Finn was still grinning. " Peaches, do you think you can fit it on one line?"

“Oh my God,” I said out loud.

Finn leaned in and asked, "You need mouth to mouth? " I took a step back, snapped my mouth shut, and shook my head. He sighed and leaned back, saying, "Shame."

I said, "My sister owes you over three million dollars."

"Yep," Finn answered.

I said, "Over three million dollars," just to be sure.

"Yes," Finn responded and confirmed.

“I hoped that you hadn't made an accounting mistake.” Finn smiled brighter and broader. He then shook his head and crossed his broad, inked arms over his wide, ripped chest.

I remarked, "Maybe this is Philippine Peso since you are in the Philippines."

"Nope," said Finn.

I informed him of something I assumed he was well aware of "I don't have that type of money."

He said, "Sweet jacket, peaches, but I was guessin' that you don’t."

The good news was that he wasn't put off by the furry tufts. The unfortunate fact was that my sister owed him over three million dollars.

I said, "I imagine it'll take me a while to raise that type of money, maybe eternally."

"Don't have eternity to wait, darlin'," he said, still grinning so big that I wouldn't be surprised if he burst out laughing.

"I figured," I mumbled, clicking my pen, snapping close my checkbook, stuffing both into my handbag, and going insane.

I mean, I had a cause to lose my head, and it had a name.

Isabelle Rose Gomez!

"Why me? Why?" I shouted, looking up at Big Ben. "I was born innocently, and seven years later, zap! God punishes me with the sister from hell; is it too much to ask for a sister that laughs with you and shares cosmetic secrets? Is it too much to ask for a sister who finds a wonderful discount, quickly contacts you, but peruses the racks to stow amazing products she knows would look hot on you so you can get a chance at them before anybody else? Is it too much to ask for a sister who can watch current Boracay Boys with you so you can both perv on Bernard Palanca and wish you had a Camaro? Is it? Is it? " I finished with a yell.

"Gia, babe, think you should calm down," Big Ben mumbled, and I believe I saw on his face that he was considering knocking me out for my own good.

I screamed, "Calm!" I cried again, "Calm! Tell me How could I? She pawned the heirloom jewelry my grandmother gave me on her deathbed to buy booze. She got really drunk and stuck her hand down my boyfriend's pants at Christmas dinner. He might have been straight-laced, went to church, and boring But he was my boyfriend! And after Isabelle's shenanigans — and the hand down the pants was not only it, he caught her smoking crack in the bathroom too — he thought my family was insane, possibly crips.” Now I was shrieking.

My body swung to Finn when he yelled "Peaches" to find that he had entered my personal space.

I shouted, "What," as I cocked my head back.

"Baby, calm down," he said as his hand rose up and wrapped its fingers around my neck. He then buried his face in mine.

I immediately became calmer as I fixed my gaze on his intensely blue eyes.

I echoed, "Okey dokey," in response.

His eyes smiled.

My entire body shook.

When his fingers curled further into my skin and something flashed in his eyes that made me shudder somewhere he couldn't see but I could feel, I knew he could feel it when his hand was at my neck. I also knew it more when his fingers curled into my flesh. A lot.

It's time to leave.

I respectfully inquired, wanting to escape from the power of his grasp but afraid to. "I could probably sell plasma and a kidney but I don't even believe that would work so, hmm, can I just leave my sister to deal with this?"

“Nobody atFinns you with a blade because of Isabelle,” he said.

"Oh… Okay…” I said.

“Or at all," he continued.

I muttered, "Um. Okay," I responded, because I didn't want anyone to stab me for Isabelle or at all, and I didn't want that in a significant manner.

He lifted me up a little so that I was practically on my toes and his face was closer. His fingers curled more deeply into my neck. Much nearer.

Too near. Shudder closely.

He said gently, "I don't think you understand what I'm saying to you." When things get heated around Isabelle, do you mention my name to get on radar, yeah?

Oh no. This sounded awful. This seems worse than owing a motorcycle gang three million dollars. And I had a sneaking suspicion that, if there were worse things, Isabelle would discover them.

"Um...if you're asking 'yes?' as in, 'Yes, I get you,' then no, I don't," I informed him honestly since I thought with Finn honesty was the best strategy.

"All right, peaches, what I'm saying is that if you get into a predicament and use my name, it implies protection. Do you get me?"

"Um... kind of," I replied, "but why would I get myself into a situation?"

"Your sister had sh*t where she lived, sh*t where she didn't reside, sh*t everywhere, and you strolled in here with no idea. Don't stumble into another circumstance because others," he hesitated, "may not think you're as cute as I do."

"OK," I said quietly, pleased that he thought I was adorable yet regretting my decision not to contact my father or, say, board an aircraft and travel to France. "What does it imply if I... have to use your name?"

"That indicates you owe me money."

Oh boy.

"What do I owe you?"

He smiled but did not respond.

Oh boy!

"What do I owe you?" I asked again.

"I have to get on my bike and get you out of here; we'll speak about it later."

"I'm sure I'll be alright," I told him, and uttered a little prayer to make that happen.

His grin widened.

He then released me but took my bag off my arm, opening it before I could say a word. I decided to let him have his way with it.

I made the choice to let him go at it.

He had previously touched me, and I wasn't sure I wanted it to happen again since I wasn't sure how I would react. However, jumping his bones was definitely on the list of potential responses. I also reasoned that he could defeat me in a struggle for my pocketbook, so I decided to give him what he wanted. My favorite lip gloss was in that purse, but at that moment, I was happy to give it to him so he could give it to one of his chums.

He came out with my phone, flipped it open, pressed keys with his thumb, flipped it closed, slipped it into my handbag, and placed it back across my arm.

"You got my number, darlin'. If you need it, use it. If you don't need it, but still want to use it, don't hesitate."

I nodded and slung my purse higher on my shoulder. That is correct. He thought I was adorable.

Another shudder escaped me.

"Nice to meet you, Giabella," he quietly murmured.

"Yeah," I murmured quietly, "later," then turned to see Big Ben smirking at me and said, "Later."

"Later, darling," Big Ben answered, making it sound as though he'd genuinely see me later, which caused me to shudder again.

I turned to face the silent biker boys behind me, saw them all smiling, thought this was scarier than them being scary, raised a hand, and said, "Later."

I got many chin lifts and one "Later, darlin'."

Then I hurried out of there as quickly as I could.