

C H A P T E R - F I F T E E N

Finn sped past Grind into the garages. Although I had never been there, I could see that there was a rectangular, one-story structure there as well. He stopped riding as soon as he reached the door. I got off, he followed, took hold of my hand, and as Finn led us inside, a motorcyclist held open the door for us. While they were hanging out in what appeared to be a pub, the motorcyclists were all awake and their attention was drawn to Finn and me.

As guys walked toward the front entrance, Finn hissed, "Callouts, brothers," but that was all he said. He continued taking me into the bar and around it to a back corridor.

Finn dragged me along the corridor. It was full of doors, and he brought me to the final one. He pushed it open and drew me inside. It was a bedroom that needed to be cleaned thoroughly.

A motorcyclist followed us in, and Finn stared at him, then at me.

"Are you finished with Falcone?"