

C H A P T E R - F I F T E E N

The good news, I realized as I approached my house, was that neither Dad's nor Melinda's automobiles were there.

Dad told Melinda over the phone the previous evening that they would be spending the day cleaning and organizing their house. I informed him that I would assist after I completed a couple hours of work in order to keep on schedule.

The bad news was that Finn was sitting on a Harley that was in my driveway.


He swung his leg off his bike as I backed up to the curb so I wouldn't block him in. I moved toward the front door as he started toward it.

When I approached, he said, "Hey peaches."

I hadn't bothered with makeup or hair. I'd showered and changed into a new pair of yoga trousers, a camisole, and a zip-up sweatshirt. I hoped I looked like hell, but judging by the way he watched my hips move as I walked, I doubted it.

Or, at the very least, my hips did not.

"Hello," I said.