
Myriad Islands

"Is this world made of small Islands or are there bigger ones?" Elias Gobarau wants nothing but a normal life with his wife. Unfortunately, unforeseen forces have other plans for him as he was swallowed by space and found himself in a world of iceans filled with Islands. ***** Myriad Island is a world where intelligence, strength, fate, luck and even destiny means nothing. The only thing that can keep a sentient being sane was clinging to an ever-abstract concept known as Hope. Follow Elias's journey as he faces dangers of all kinds with the hope of understanding his purpose and possible union with his wife. ***** "Sigh, I left the life of chaos I was born in, how the hell did I end up somewhere worse? Or....is this Hell I was sent to for all the horrible things I was tasked to do?" ***** [Note: No Island is useless, only useless dweller that can't figure out it's usefulness!]

The_Celestial_King · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
265 Chs

Welcome Note!

The place where Elias began his journey in the Fog was the place of the beginning of many Islanders.

In the absence of Fog, one will see countless diameter round platforms, moving aimlessly around. But by no means did they ever bob onto each other. Even if a water current pushes them together, there will be an invisible force that stops them from colliding.

In one wave, space warped on many of those platforms and humans appeared on them. They were all dazed and couldn't stand, but a force held them in place without falling.

In front of the people, a Fog twisted and wrote.



Each one of them would have seen it if their eyes were focused. 

A moment later, gradually, they begin to regain their senses and by the time they were fully awake the writing was already gone.

Awakening from the daze came with taking a deep breath and that brought about different reactions from different people.

Some wince and hold their head in pain, some hold their stomach while others become dazed again.

That breath of theirs didn't take oxygen in, but rather the fog in. And that brought about changes in their body. Only later will they realize it, if they ever realized it.

But among the few, breathing the fog elicited something different. And they began to scream due to their lungs burning and then it melted from the inside. That also brought about bleeding from all their orifice before their whole body melted like a robber.

They die just like that.


That is the first trial. But most people such as Elias will not even know they have been through this trial unless when they checked their wand.

Ultimately, the number of those that died was never high. As in 10 people, it will be hard to find 2 people that died.

The survivor managed to breathe out the fog that elicited that reaction to them and that fog merged with the surrounding fog and the forces behind their teleportation forged something for them. 

A Wand!

Out of their breath, the Wand was forged and it's unique to everyone. The wand was then put on their hand before they recovered completely.

In just about a minute they were back to normal and everyone looked around in a daze. Each has his or her thoughts. But one thing they all shared was there was no hysterical panic.

They did not realize it but there was a sense of calm in them which pushed them to explore and survive the ordeal they found themselves in.

The feeling wasn't very strong, it was just an influence and initiative to live depending on the person.

Though they were close to each other, no one could see or hear one another. And when some make rookies' mistakes as Elias, others were able to perfectly navigate their way with ease and drive their platform in search of an Island.

Few tumbled into the water and died due to clumsiness and many bought luck and their platform drove fast in a certain direction. The irony was the platforms were navigating between a plethora of empty islands, ready to be merged. Some Islands even have plants and chests for the lucky ones.

Those that navigate their platform manually all move around for an hour before meeting an island to merge with. The thing was many islands avoided them too until they met the one that chose them.

The moment of truth arrived at those that bought luck, they are those whose platform drove fast on its own. It collided and merged with a Special Island, sadly, the majority of them have their brains cooked up and melted out of their ears.

Their mental fortitude can't withstand the merging process. Heck, even those that took the most conventional ways to merge their platform with an island were struggling, some dead already, because they couldn't withstand it.

The survivors of the lucky island selection recovered after ten days. Whether they suffer deeply or not.

And then the gruelling adventure continues.

Wave after wave of humans was transported into the world of Fog. From time to time a handicapped person will be transported.

A handicap of all kinds. Including those that have brain problems and consider mad or retarded or any form of brain or mental illness on Earth.

One girl… woman in particular. She was 58 years old, but when one looked at her she looked like a small malformed child. 

She has a Small hand that can't even touch her head and bent legs that can barely help her walk. Her face looks young, but her bulging eyes and a wide mouth that occupy half her face will make everyone repulsive.

And she almost has no neck.

Her eyes were dull when she was transported, it was as if she was just alive but not living. One can imagine what kind of life she lives in the world with those features.

Due to her distorted mentality, she was among the very few, only 1 in 100,000 was able to wake up immediately after the warping.

On the platform, she stood and the fog she gazed at didn't scare her at all. She also caught the glimpse of the welcome note.

Taking a deep breath as she sighed, her thoughts were complicated. But then… her body began to transform. The woman was ballooned when the fog entered her, its trigger changed her entire morphology.

Her hand begins to straighten, and her non-existent neck heightened, bulging eyes shift back in their socket.

That is not everything. Her body which wasn't arranged correctly began moving due to the influence of the Fog she breathed in. In one hour, a young girl was lying on the platform breathing with difficulty.

She looked like someone at age of 12 with no imperfection that would throw her in the line of special handicapped people.




Seeing the writing of the fog, Ladi smiled and said, "Yes!"


Unlike Elias, Ladi has read some novels and she kinda understands what was going on with her.

Unlike Elias, she was praying that this was all true and not some dream she was experiencing.

"Hahaha, I have them!" 

She laughed like a maniac after her hand crawled to the two barely visible bulges. Yes, she was naked due to all the things she has been through.

In her life on earth, she never has them. The place was perfectly flat. 

The truth was Ladi never despised herself much until when she hit puberty and the two bulges that every girl is proud of proved to be absent. 

She patiently waited until twenty, but they never appeared.

At twenty-five, she managed to have enough money to see a doctor. She went to see him not to have her body refigure but just to know why her breasts are coming late.

The sad truth was they were there but they wouldn't show due to her special condition.

Is there a way to make them show? Yes, but it is very expensive.

Sadly she was barely staying alive in a world where people want to make her a celebrity due to her special condition. But, she refused to become a marketing product.

Now, in the Fog world, Ladi's adventure begins from there! With a perfect body of course!

This is how all the other people like her begin, they get a chance with a perfect body just like everybody.

For those who are wondering what would happen to mad people, they too will become sane. But their aspect of being mad will stay!

The_Celestial_Kingcreators' thoughts