
Myriad Auction House

Redd returned to help his grandparents according to his mother’s last wish. Upon his return, he took his grandfather’s auction house into his hands and created a unprecedented legend that lasted forever.

RedNight · Oriental
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2 Chs


Burt took over 5 minutes to examine the bangle. According to his experience, he found nothing special about this weird coloured object, but since it was an item his young master wanted him to appraise, the bangle had to have something unique to it.

Since he wasn't able to discern the secret behind the bangle with his experience, Burt could only resort to using his hidden weapon.

It was because of this 'hidden weapon' that he had chosen to become an appraiser of the auction house. And now, he would have to depend on his hidden weapon to keep his position.

Slowly, Burt's eyes which had been staring at the bangle gained a pale green luster. A vague silhouette of an unknown bird appeared behind Burt which turned more and more corporeal by each passing second.

This bird that suddenly appeared behind Burt, did not emit an awe inspiring might, neither did it's form look majestic, in fact it looked similar to a pigeon! Small and normal!

The only distinct feature of the bird was that it's eyes. These eyes emitted various basic colours that dispersed as soon as they appeared out of the eyes.

'Oh!' Red squinted his eyes. This was his first time seeing someone use their contracted spirit. He was very much interested in what Burt's bird spirit could do.

After a few moments of the bird spirit's appearance, the bird slowly entered Burt's body. At the same moment, Burt's eyes that were emitting soft green luster brightened and a strong light scanned the bangle.

The brightness only lasted for a few seconds before it dispersed. Burt's eyes too reverted back to their original form, but his face did not look good.

This wasn't because he had overexerted his spirit, but because he hadn't been able to see through the bangle. He wasn't able to find anything special even after using his bird spirit.

Sighing softly, he respectfully returned the weird coloured bangle to his Young Master.

"This servant isn't worthy of Young Master! I wasn't able to appraise the bangle, I am unfit as an appraiser!"

Even though Burt was reluctant, he could only accept his defeat in silence.

"Haha!" The old master suddenly laughed out loudly, stunning everyone. They were speechless!

Was this the correct time to laugh! Was he trying to beat the snake while it was down.

It wasn't until his following words did they understand the reason behind his laughing.

"Redd, stop playing around! Why did you want Burt to appraise a normal bangle? See, now he thinks he's unfit to be appraiser just because he wasn't able to find anything abnormal with a normal bangle. Don't shatter my only appraiser's confidence playing around!"

Redd shrugged slightly. He really couldn't be blamed for this. Since the last week he had been here, he overheard many people talking about spirits and how legendary they were. After a week of nonstop curiosity, he wasn't able to control himself and thus Burt turned into his first lab-rat.

"Hehe! You have passed my test. You can stay and help in managing the auction!" Redd stuck his tongue out towards his grandpa and lightly waved his hand.

Burt's future was decided just like that, with just a few words from Redd.

Burt was naturally overjoyed. After working for the old master for 3 decades, he already felt that the auction house was his home. He was naturally happy that he wasn't kicked out of his home.

"As for you,.." Redd turned towards the other servants. "As long as you show me your spirits, and what they can do, I can let you work for me in the future!"

The other servants hesitated for a few moments. They looked towards their old master, who nodded back at them. They visibly relaxed after this, and slowly summoned their spirits before their young master.

Anyway, after 3 decades of serving their old master, their contracted spirits were no longer a secret. Old master knew their spirits like it was the back of his palm, so it wasn't like they were losing anything by summoning their spirits before their young master.

After half an hour, Redd's curiosity was finally satisfied. The dozen workers too were able to keep their jobs and were in a jovial mood.

Redd soon dispersed the meeting after inquiring somethings about the servants and what roles they played in the auction.

After this meeting, Redd was able to conclude some important points.

One's Occupation in this world was decided by their contracted spirit. For example, Burt chose a bird spirit with an excellent eye-discerning power and was able to become a skilful appraiser.

Micheal, the only Potionist of the auction had contracted a dog-like spirit that let Micheal emit hot air out of his mouth when he assimilated it into his body.

Potionists usually depended on high-temperature-control to boil, mix and extract the essence of various materials to make suitable and powerful potions. These potions were widely sought out by everyone as consuming them gave twice the benefits with only half the effort.

Micheal's dog-like spirit was barely able to meet the standard of the ungraded Potionist, but to advance to higher ranks was basically impossible due to the limitations of the spirit.

Other than Micheal who was a potionist, the auction also had an Inkmaster, a novice blacksmith, few guards that were proficient in attacking, and a few defensive guards.

Basically, other than Burt(appraiser), Micheal(potionist), Hulio(Inkmaster), Ruth(blacksmith), the auction did not have any other profit bringing personal.

Moreover, the auction was in dire states now, already losing more money than what it earned. If the situation continued without any improvement, the auction house would go total bankrupt within half an year.

Now that Redd had appeared, he took it as his responsibility to revive the auction house.

But wanting to revive the auction house without using any shortcuts was tougher than scaling tall mountains barefoot.

Naturally, Redd knew this. He also knew that the most profit bringing thing he could do right now was to sell the auction house and use the money he earned from it to live a luxurious life.

Quite a few local human powers had already approached him with the same intention during the past week to buy the auction house anyway.

All he had to do was nod his head to one of the various powers and he could live a life full of luxury, a life without any worry of ever running out of money.

But there was just one problem.

Before her death, he had promised his mother that he would take care of his grandparents. And the auction house was his grandpa's legacy, it was his buddy.

Even though his grandpa did not oppose him from seeing the various powers that wanted to buy the auction house during the past week, Redd knew, his grandpa was very unwilling to part with the auction house.

Redd knew his grandpa didn't oppose him mainly because he wanted Redd to be happy. To make Redd happy, his grandpa was even willing to sacrifice the auction house that he looked after like his own son, even after spending enormous effort and sweat on it for 3 decades.

Solely based on his grandpa's love for him, Redd wasn't able to bring himself to seek his own profit while hurting his grandpa.

Moreover his mother grew up in this very auction house! Redd wasn't able to sell off the place that contained past traces of his mother just for his luxury.

Anyway, he decided to revive the auction house. This way, he would be able to make his grandparents happy, keep the place that his mother spent her childhood, and also lead him to a life full of luxury in future. It was only that he had to spend some 'effort' in the starting days.

After much thought, Redd finally decided that he would have to depend on the legendary spirits that he heard so much about to accomplish his goals.

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