

I ran, and ran, not knowing where I was running too. I had a feeling of where I needed to be, and so I followed my heart. I knew that if I was not fast enough then something bad was going to happen to Kelli, and that knowledge was threatening to tear me apart. My thoughts became clearer as I continued to run towards the unknown. She was that way, and I followed my gut. There behind some trees was one of the estate pool houses and I knew without a doubt Kelli was in there and that she needed me desperately. I ran like there was no tomorrow my tail lashing back and forth in anger, and my ears flattening against my head. I was ready to breathe fire, and if someone had been in my way they probably would have been hurt. Badly.

I made it up to the door of the pool house and I threw it open and rushed inside, dreading what I was going to find. The main room of the building still had a number of people there, watching TV, or just milling about talking, but I could not see Kelli as I looked around. I could see a big crowd upstairs as well, but I instinctively knew that was not where I was needed. I looked around again, and I could see that all of the side rooms still had a decent crowd in them, and I was getting panicked at this point. Then I saw it, a door on the far side of the pool house was closed, and I bolted to it as fast as my legs would move.

I threw open the door and rushed in, hoping that I was in time. There were five of them in the room, along with Kelli. She was leaning against a dresser with her head lolling back and forth, and she seemed to be humming something. Three of them were standing near the door, possibly in case someone like me had come in, one was holding Kelli so she didn't fall over while the fifth had his pants down around his thighs and was fumbling with Kelli's panties, trying to get them pulled down enough. Kelli opened her eyes then, and it was clear that something was wrong as she looked at me. She was not herself.

She raised a glass of something to me, sort of in a toast, and said, "Hey there. It's my Pretty Kitty. Hi Pretty Kitty."

The five of them turned to look and the one with his pants down asked, "Hey, who the hell are you? You here for some too?"

"Oh no," I said, malice dripping from my every movement. "I'm here to get my friend, and then we are leaving so you need to get the fuck away from her right damn now!"

The piece of shit just looked at me for a second, and then started to laugh.

"I don't think so. She ain't done yet," he said, then looked at the three closest to me. "Close the damn door, and hold her. She's next," and then he turned back to Kelli.

I am not sure what came over me, but I knew I was about to get violent. I crouched low and hissed as the three closest to the door all started to come at me. Kelli was in danger and I'd be damned if I would let anything happen to her. When the first of them got near enough and tried to reach out and grab me I struck with lightning reflexes I had never had. Within a blink I had him in a thumb lock and then kicked him in the balls three times before he knew he was supposed to fall. One had moved past me and was closing the door while the other one grabbed my arm. This poor fool had it worse than the first as I locked up his elbow while also kicking him in the balls, then I broke his nose. I wasn't finished though. I swept his feet out from under him, and as he was falling I used his momentum to flip him over and I dislocated his shoulder with a sickening wrench of his arm, causing him to scream out in pain. The last doorman tried to back away at that point, fear now evident in his eyes, as I leaped forward in a front flip and broke his collarbone with a well-placed heel on my way down, and as an afterthought I kicked to the side and dislocated the shithead's knee. He started screaming too.

I turned then and stalked towards the last two, the ones who had Kelli, and I'm sure that if a couple of the chaperones and one of Bill's cop buddies hadn't burst into the room at that moment these two would have died. The thing that scared me a bit was that for a very short time, I did not seem to care that I was going to tear them apart.

"What the hell is going on here," the former cop shouted.

His tone and his question brought me up short, and I turned to him with my tail snapping back and forth in anger.

"I walked in on these pieces of shit trying to rape my friend, and when I told them to get the fuck away that moron told his goon squad here to grab me and that I was next. And you might want to call Bill here too because I think that whatever is in the glass my friend has is probably drugged."

When I said this the other punk who was the one holding Kelli started to reach out to the cup she had, probably trying to dump it on the floor in the hopes it couldn't be used as evidence.

I saw the movement and I whipped around to him and hissed at him, "You come even one inch closer to that cup you fuck wad and I will be on you in less than the time it takes you to say "holy shit" and I will break your scrawny neck."

The former cop spoke out loudly again and said, "Stay away from that cup and back off right now, and get on the ground. You too," as he indicated the ass wipe that still hadn't been able to get his pants up. "And miss, you need to calm down too. I know you are pissed, but let us handle this ok?"

I looked at him for a minute and then I nodded in assent, and motioned that I would like to grab Kelli. He nodded yes and so I went over and grabbed my friend and moved her over so we could sit on the bed. I held Kelli to my side and gently stroked her hair, whispering to her that it was ok, that she was ok, and that I would never ever let anything happen to her.

She hugged me tight and said, "I know. You're my Pretty Kitty. I love my Pretty Kitty," and it was clear that it was going to take a while for the drugs to wear off.

All in all it took about fifteen minutes for Bill and some other active duty cops to get there and take the five assholes into custody. The drink that Kelli had been given was saved for evidence and when the cops searched Mr. Pantless they found a packet that had three or four more white pills in it, which combined with the drink would hopefully put these guys away for quite a while. Bill and a couple of other detectives took down my statement, and made sure they had my contact information, then let me get Kelli up so I could get her out of there.

"Hey Myka, before you go home, stop by the ER at Maddison Memorial. Annie is the charge nurse tonight I think. Have her draw up a blood sample from Kelli and tell her to process it as evidence and the precinct will stop by and get the rest of the sample and the results in a couple hours. Then get home and get some sleep, ok?"

"I'll do that Bill, and thanks. By the way, could you let Paul know that I'm ok, and that Kelli is too? I don't want him to worry when word spreads."

Bill gave me a funny look then but said, "Sure Myka, will do."

So I got Kelli up and to the car, and we got to the hospital without incident. It was maybe 45 minutes to get the blood and paperwork done, and then Kelli and I were headed home. We had her car but we were closer to my apartment, but I really needed to get some sleep and I was sure Kelli did too, so I headed to my place. It was a bit of a chore getting her out of the car and through my door due to the drug still having such an effect on her, but I managed. I sat her down on my bed while I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready to sleep, and I stood there for a minute just looking into the mirror and thinking. My bright hazel eyes with their slit pupils stared back at me, and I mused on the events of the evening. Lots of fun, some beautiful and very erotic moments, and some scary, and I was again glad that I had Kelli here with me and that she was safe.

I made it back to my room and saw that Kelli had fallen over and was breathing gently, deep in slumber, and the sight of it made me tingly all over. I couldn't let her sleep in that costume, though, and I was not sure if I could dress her in anything else at the moment, so I made the decision that she would just have to sleep naked, with me, in bed. God I was thrilled at that thought. I was able to sit her up enough to get her clothes off, and I got the covers pulled back and Kelli shifted to one side of my double bed. I looked down longingly at her nude form, and sighed a bit as I covered her up. I then got myself undressed, placing the maid outfit in my armchair and my shoes on the ground beside it, and with my tail swishing I crawled into bed beside my Kelli and snuggled up to her side and fell instantly asleep.

It was just a few hours later that I opened my eyes and looked into Kelli's still sleeping face. She looked so calm and peaceful like that, and I could not help but kiss her forehead. I then untangled our legs, which had drawn together during the night, and rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. It had been a while and I really needed to use the toilet and wash my face. I flushed and then went to the sink and scrubbed my head and neck with cold water and soap, then dried my face off and looked in the mirror to start off my new day and my new year. I did a double take as my mouth dropped open in shock, because staring back at me was a girl with purple hair.

When the hell had I had time to dye my hair purple, and even dye my cat's ears purple too? Wait a minute. Had I really slept with my cat ears still on? Oh god, did I sleep with the tail in too? No, I had just gone to the bathroom, and the tail plug would have prevented that. I turned around and felt for the tail I knew should not be there, but it was definitely there as my hand grasped it at its base. I gave a gentle tug to see if I could get it to come out smoothly, but it wouldn't budge, and truth be told, pulling on it was kind of uncomfortable. It had to come out, however, and I gritted my teeth and gave a harder, steadier pull. All that I got for my effort was a lot of pain and a loud "mrroowww" that burst out of my mouth and I turned my body so I could look at my back side in the mirror. There it was, my cat's tail, as purple as my hair and ears, and when I cocked my leg up a little bit I saw that I also had a little puckered rosebud right where my anus should be. I had an attached tail, and an anus!?! What the fuck?

I turned back and faced the mirror again, leaned over and grabbed my ears and tried to pull off the headband that they were held to. Again, all I got for my effort was more pain and another startled cry. I moved my hair all around and could not find the band that had held the ears. There was nothing there but my head and my hair. I pushed my hair back from the side of my face, and when I looked I had no ears. I had lost my human ears. Oh my god! I was now officially panicking. What the hell had happened to me? Was it at the party, was it after the party? I had no fucking idea when this could have happened. I wasn't this way with Paul, he would have said something, right? Then it hit me, and I knew who would have the answers. Cassandra!

I ran back into my room and the first thing I saw was Kelli, still asleep and looking as adorable as ever, and my heart fluttered in my chest as my tail flicked back and forth with pleasure. Oh god, what is happening to me? I moved then to my closet as quietly as I could and grabbed some things so I could get dressed. With a tail I realized that I would need some sweats so that I would have room to hide it in the leg. When I pulled them on, however, there were a few inches of extra fabric leftover at the bottom. I was frustrated as I rolled the waistband around a couple of times to take up the extra length, and tucked my tail down where it would not be seen, and where it was most comfortable at the moment. I then grabbed a bra and, again, like the sweats it was much too small. These clothes had fit yesterday, I cried to myself. God I needed to get to Cassandra's.

Rather than think about it anymore I grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it over my head and slipped on a pair of deck shoes. At least those still fit. I then ran out the door, grabbing my keys and my wallet on the way to my car. I must have broken a dozen laws on the way to that mall, and at one light, as I looked in the mirror at my ears, still afraid that they were there, I finally noticed my eyes. They were a bright hazel, not the soft brown I remembered, and they were the eyes of a cat. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I know that the ears, the tail, even the clothes changes should have been just as big of a shock, but the eyes were the proverbial straw. I had fucking cat's eyes!

With tires screeching in protest, I finally turned into the parking lot of the small indoor mall, and came to a stop near the front door. I bolted out of my car, not caring if I got towed or not, and raced into the building and to the hall where Cassandra's shop was. The mall itself was mostly deserted, though there were a couple of stores that had decided to be open on January First, but all I cared about was one shop down this hallway. I got there and nearly collapsed in shock because where that old wood and glass door with the brass knob had been was only a wall with a mural stating that that space was available to rent. This couldn't be, it wasn't happening. The shop had to be here. I ran and checked a couple of other hallways, but the first hall was the correct one. Finally I attracted the attention of a security guard and I asked him, with tears nearly starting to flow, where the shop that had been here a few days ago had gone.

He looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "Ma'am, there hasn't been a tenant in this space for going on 3 years now. Are you sure this is the right wing, or even the right mall?"

"No, no, NO! It was here, like four days ago. A wood and glass door, with a brass knob, and the woman inside, Cassandra, sold vintage clothes and costumes."

"I'm sorry miss, but again, this spot has been empty for a long time. Do you remember the name of this shop? I might be able to help call around and locate it."

I sat down on the floor then and cried, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes I apologized to the obviously uncomfortable guard and dejectedly made my way back to my car. I was scared, and was not sure what was going to happen. What would my parents say? Oh god, what would Kelli, my sweet Kelli say? I cried all the way home and was grateful at least that when I got back to my bedroom and found Kelli there still asleep. I sighed as I looked at her still form, hoping with all my heart that she would understand. In the meantime, however, I decided to see if it was all of my clothes and not just the ones I had already tried. I stripped quickly, and quietly so as not to disturb Kelli, and then tried on nearly everything that I owned, clear down to my socks.

I couldn't believe it, so I measured myself, and as far as I could tell I was a few inches shorter, a tiny bit wider and curvier in the hips, and I was a full cup size bigger in my breasts. Whatever had made me part cat had also changed my body in small, yet significant ways. My shoes and socks still fit, thank god for the small things, and some of my shirts, but everything else was too big or small depending on if it was my hips or my legs, not to mention that none of it could accommodate a tail. I was distraught and had no idea what I was going to do, and I just sat down on my bed next to my sleeping Kelli and put my head in my hands and hoped that the world might come crashing down and end my misery.

"Hey sweetie," Kelli mumbled as she turned over and looked around, "Why are we both naked, and why is your hair purple? Did you decide to go out and get that done anyway this morning?"

I had started sobbing again at that point, desperately hoping that I might wake up from a dream. Instead I felt the bed shift some more and Kelli's warm arms wrapped around me and she kissed me on the cheek as she held me tight, not caring that neither of us was dressed.

"Myka sweetie? Tell me what's wrong. What's going on?"

I looked up at her then, sniffling as I tried to speak with a quaver in my voice, "Look at me! Look at how I've changed! I have no Idea what the hell is going on."

Kelli then squeezed me a bit tighter for a moment and kissed my cheek again and then sat back to give me a once over. She looked all over at my body there on the bed, and looked around the room at all of the clothes I had scattered about, then turned back to me.

"What are you talking about sweetie? I mean your hair is purple, yeah, but you are still the same as far as I can see."

"What about these," I cried, pointing at my ears. "And this, what about this," while I pointed to my tail which was lashing in irritation.

Kelli chuckled at me a bit and said, "Well if you don't like them all you have to do is take them off. The party is over."

"I CAN'T take them off," I shouted in frustration. "LOOK at them, really look."

And with that I got up on all fours and nearly wiggled my ass in Kelli's face while raising my tail.

"I don't have a butt plug tail anymore, I have a tail AND an anus," I cried then spun around so she could look at my head. "And there is no head band with these ears, just the ears. And can you explain this?"

I then pulled my hair aside and showed her the smooth skin where my human ears had been, and that I only had cat ears instead. I noticed that her eyes were darting over my new parts, as well as the rest of my nude form, and for some reason it made me feel that things might eventually be ok.

"And if that wasn't enough, look at my eyes," I said softly.

And she did. Kelli took my face in both hands, tilted my head up slightly, and looked into my cat's eyes, deep into my cat's eyes.

"My god, they're beautiful," she whispered, and then kissed me.

She had looked into my eyes, at my ears, and at my tail and she thought they were beautiful. And she kissed me. Oh my god she KISSED me! It was like the kiss from the party at midnight. Soft, tender, full of emotion, and it was for me. Just for me. I did the only thing I could do at that point and threw myself into her arms and kissed her back with more passion than I had felt for anyone before or since. In what was becoming a theme in my life, my new life, it was simply magical. I didn't want to let her go, and I'm sure she did not want to let go of me either, so we spent perhaps twenty minutes in each other's arms enjoying our lips and tongues, and the feelings that they were making together.

Kelli eventually pulled back and held me by both shoulders and got a very serious look on her face.

"Ok Myka. Now that we have established that the ears, the eyes and the tail are beautiful and amazing, if a little strange, what is the other reason for your crying?"

I looked at her dumbly for a moment, shocked that she didn't care that I was now apparently part cat. The moment passed and I giggled a bit as I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, and I looked at her and sighed. Kelli told me later that after I had giggled and placed my hands in my lap while kneeling there on my bed completely naked, my tail swishing and my ears twitching a little, that that was, and I quote, "The most goddamned fucking sexy thing that she had ever seen," and that if I had meowed for her at that moment she probably would have jumped me and had her way with my body whether I wanted it or not. I told her I would have let her, and we lost the next two hours from that exchange.

As it was, I told her the problem with my clothes, that I had very little that fit now due to my new body sizes. I let her know of my conclusion that Cassandra probably had something to do with this, or at least had a lot of knowledge about it. Kelli nodded her head in agreement with that one. I also told her about my trip out to the mall earlier and of my encounter with the security guard who let me know Cassandra's shop had never been there. Through all of this Kelli just listened and payed attention to what I was saying and let me vent for as long as I felt I needed to.