
My Zombie System In The Apocalypse World

Synopsis: In a world shattered by the apocalypse, where chaos reigns and monsters rule, emerges Kilr Rombot, the unlikeliest hero from Rising Star Academy. His journey begins not with glory, but with a gruesome demise that heralds his rebirth into a realm teeming with undead horrors and existential threats. But Kilr is not just another survivor. Fused with a mysterious Zombie System, he gains unimaginable powers over death itself. His mission? Nothing short of obliterating the nightmarish scenario that has befallen humanity. Yet, every step forward is a dance with danger, as he confronts not only grotesque monsters but also ancient deities and godlike beings who seek to thwart his quest. Amidst bloodshed and uncertainty, Kilr discovers that his Zombie System harbors secrets darker than the creatures he battles. As he navigates this treacherous new reality, each victory and defeat reshapes him, forging a hero who must transcend his own humanity to save what remains of the world. Prepare for an epic saga where courage meets calamity, and the fate of humanity rests in the hands of one reluctant hero. Kilr Rombot's journey is a relentless odyssey through perilous landscapes and profound revelations, where every heartbeat echoes with the pulse of a dying world.

FantasyLord · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
167 Chs

Episode 11: Liability

Episode 11: Liability

It was a long magnificent hallway gleaming in gold. A figure walked in looking like a white faced man with long splendid green hair, his eyes carried a blue hue to it. Pushing at his hair were two yellow horns.

His sandals had two golden wings attached to the sides. He crossed down the long red carpet that went in forever, he stopped before the huge gold and white door that towered to the very heavens.

A minute passed by before the door came opened on its own accord like a strong suction force pulling it apart. Inside was a huge memorial court with only three high seats up ahead. He walked forward and stopped in the middle of a small white circle dlcarved on the red carpet flooring.

White light shot up around him and the door sealed shut!

The magnificent figure went on his knees and bowed with his right hand pointing out. Dressed in a white dress that shimmered green specks of radiant stars. He dared not look up and stayed there for a moment, a loud humming sound filled the air.

"I Mathayas the third generation oracle reports to the hight oracle council!" He said with a dignified tone.

Three figures hidden by a dark veil looked down at him and nodded in accordance.

"You may rise!"

The voice come and soothing with an air of importance to it filled the room.

Mathayas rose to his feet and said nothing.

One of the high oracles spoke.

"It has been approximately one earth day since the scenario has begun on the human plane, and we have to say the results are rather… unsatisfactory!"

"But humans are such feeble beings!" Said another.

"Nonsense!" Boomed the third.

The first continued. "The lower oracles will now oversee the scenario matters, this was originally intended to be after the first scenario but it seems we will have to move things up!"

The third boomed. "Nonsense!"

The second licked it's lips.

The first spoke again, "Mathayas of the third generation oracle you have been given your own channel. The location assigned to you is a lowly earth dwelling called Rising Star Academy! We expected great things from you!"

Mathayas placed his hand over his chest and bowed his head. "I will do my utmost best to honour this privilege bestowed to me by the great ones!"


A bright light enveloped the place and Mathayas found himself back in the hall with his back to the huge gold door.

Back in Rising Star Academy…


<You have slayed a goblin ×8>

<120exp has been recieved>


Kilr huffed out in exhaustion as he killed the last of the goblins in the fencing room, he dropped on his butt as Narci barred the door to the room. Night had already called an they were beyond exhausted.

"Come check this out!" Narci called out to him.

Kilr grumbled to his feet and walked groggily over to her where she stood by the window, she instructed him to touch it and he did. A small jolt of electricity ran down his body in an instant. A notification popped up before him.


<Location "Rising Star Academy" has been sealed till the completion of first scenario>


Kilr hissed out in annoyance, "That kind hurt ya'know?"

Narci said nothing and went over to the shelves where they kept a couple of swords in a glass cabinets. "These swords are sealed here for a reason. They are not fencing swords but real swords given to the school! I guess they don't need it anymore!" She smashed the glass with her elbow, fragments of glass fall to the ground.

Kilr screamed in excitement. "There are real swords in the school?"

Narci eyed him oddly as she took one, "I thought you knew! Isn't that why you brought me here?"

Kilr wiped his eyes with his hands and yawned out in exhaustion.

Narci took three out of the swords there and handed one to him but he just stared at her like a dummy. "You can't rely on those rusty daggers anymore right? This should be better! Plus you won't have to get too up close and personal.

Memories of strawberry panty girl on top of him flashed in his mind causing him to shrug.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked him wide-eyed.

Kilr had to change the topic as fast as he could, "How do you know about swords so much?"

Narci waved the blade in the moonlight, "My dad sort of has a dojo in the city."

Kilr flipped the switch bringing more light to the dim room. "Luckily electricity still works! By the way, you're japanese?" He walked over to one of the outlets and input his laptop charger.

Narci shrugged for a moment before saying, "My dad is Japanese and my mom's American! So I guess it's a mix. What about you?" She strode over to his side where he was busy setting up his laptop.

Kilr sat down on the floor and set his laptop before him, his hands moved like that of a drunk man while typing in his 37 character password. "My mom's dead, my dad's a dipshit an my stepmom's kind of a bitch. So I guess my life is sort of cheesy." He heard her stomach grumbling and unzipped his bag, "Here!" He handed her one if the cokes he had in his bag.

"Um… thanks?" Narci blushed but he overlooked it. She still found it odd to have been saved by the number one slacker, surprisingly he had not slacker off for a while. But he also carried a feeling like someone who knew what he was doing. "When the scenarios sort of started I got into a fight with professor Martinez. Zombies came outta nowhere and everyone just selfishly saved themselves. Even my dumb friends!"

Kilr opener his coke with a spritz and toke two huge gulps, he cracked his knuckles together and started going through some programs on his laptop. "So when the class selection came you picked swordsman because you sort of had more experience with it. Am I right? Even if you didn't know what was going on at the moment it was still the most obvious one you'd pick eventually."

Narci took her seat next to him, extremely puzzled by his deep insight an intellec. Now that she thought about it we'll, since she had met him. Even when the zombies attacked he didn't panick like a normal person would, he was more alive in those crazy situations.

"Are you really the slacker that's every one talks about?" She muttered to herself.

Kilr threw himself back, his back was killing him from having fought so many monsters in one day. Even with his regenerative stat, he still felt sore. His head fell on to some thing soft and bouncy. "Huh?" He reached out to touch it.

Narci's eyes flashed in rage as Kilr groped her boobs. "Hey asshole! What do you think you're doing? Because this is the end of the world doesn't mean you can just do whatever!"

Kilr pulled away from her like it was nothing and went back to his laptop.

"Hey! Don't just act like it's nothing!" She screamed.

"Lower your voice will ya?" He said sternly without looking over at her. "You could attract monster towards us. You should know that in this world normal logic doesn't work, so don't get it wrong. I don't care if you're cute or a flashy cheerleader! The only reason I took you with me is because you're a swordsman and it seems you freeze whenever you hold a blade. I can't have that!" He continued tapping at his keyboard without saying anything more.

Narci froze from fright.

"How did he tell that my had has been shaking ever since I held the sword?" She thought. "Is he really a slacker!"

Kilr summoned a rusty dagger and held it high for her to see.

"Right now you are no better than this tool!"

"So get the hell over it and quit being a f**king liability to me!"