
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasia
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411 Chs

Wave 2.

No doubt, V and Ron's evolution has just been completed and they were now superhuman, as for their power, it's obvious that Ron's power was in the speed class, but as for V, he was still unsure of what was happening to him. Regardless of this, it wasn't changing the tide of the fight, they are more beasts in front of them and certainly, they are more yet to come and that's why even after being saved by V from a far distance, Ron did not bother to thank, not like he could see who saved him. He started swinging the scythe in his hand so fast that it turned into sonic as its speed was nearly matching that of speed.

He swung it at one of the lizards that leapt towards him, slicing through his body. He quickly moved to the next beast and repeated the same thing. The scythe on his hand could no longer be seen, not because they have vanished, but because they were being swung at a speed that those watching this couldn't keep up.

Meanwhile, V was struggling to focus and concentrate. Not only was he seeing things, but he was also hearing things like the heartbeat and yelling of those around the area. 'It's natural hearing their shouts and cries but what is with these heating drums I'm hearing, was this what Nate was talking about, it this the evolution, is this my power? To see and hear things, such a useless power if that's so,' V finally shook off the sounds he was hearing as one of the bats like the bird had just strict out its leg.

Pointing the spear at the bat, V charged it up and shoot out a well-condensed laser that hit the bat, however, instead of exploding as it would, it kept on going further ahead, meanwhile, the bat was nowhere to be seen.

'Is this only me or those the laser seems to be stronger than before,' V thought as he tested it out on another beast.

"Hmmm... Maybe this power of me is not that bad but is this enough to stop this?" V wondered. He looked further ahead and could not see any other beast but when looking at the western side, he was frozen on the spot.

"Quick, everyone, move to the west, they are no beast in this area we need to support the others," V yelled out to the others.

"What are you talking about?" Shad was confused, truly, the bats turned out to be weak though and they had managed to finish all of them without losing many men, but what was shocking Shad the more was how did V know they won't be any beast in this area. Regardless, he has to move also since the others didn't waste time to start heading towards the western side of the base. The cars and those that were on foot started heading towards the other direction.

Meanwhile, V was already from his angle and was taking down most of the beast with his spear and this got Shad wondering, 'Just how did know where to aim?' he wandered.

Eventually, they all managed to reach the other side and were taking a position to assist.

Except for the lizard-like beat, they are still some pack of dogs coming along with them and soon they were kept busy again. Shad quickly pulled out a dagger from his boot and started running towards the beast. A dog was heading his way and just swung its claw at him. Shad dived under the dog and used the dagger to stab at the dog's leg and then throw him on the ground. Shad didn't waste time shifting to another dog.

As he was moving, he was making sure his head was down to avoid a bullet hitting him. Continued at this pace as more of the lizards and dogs were dropping one by one.

Of course, it was not a battle of one side, they were losing their men to the beast with most of them injured to a degree that they couldn't fight any more and Shad was about to be added to the list.

A dog suddenly leapt from him behind, Shad was quick enough to react and throw the dagger at the dog, stabbing it on its head, however, a lizard came out from behind and swung its tail at him. Shad wasn't expecting this, and the tail of his leg cut them off.

'Last time was my arm, now is my two legs, this beast wave of a thing sucks,' Shad thought as he closed his eye.

Meanwhile, V was overseeing what was happening, not only has his sense increased, his instincts were now sharp and he was having a strange feeling about Shad and looked in his direction.

"No!" he shouted and swing the Spear at the lizard cutting it in half. "Ron, take him to safety," V shouted towards Ron who quickly retreated towards Shad.

"This whole thing is making no sense, those beasts are not reducing and we are losing a lot of men," Ron said as he quickly carried Shad on his back and ran back towards Lily.


Meanwhile, Lily after they managed to fend off the first wave, Lily has to stop shooting as and help out in treating those that were seriously injured.

So far, it has been going smoothly till a certain person was brought back to the main gate.

"No no no, this can't be happening, not again, What happened," she asked when going to help Ron to lay Shad down.

"I don't know, " Ron answered.

Just then, they could see V coming back from the distance.

"We have to get out of here, they are more in the front, except if a miracle happens, we can't take on those things ahead," V said as he was sweating bucket. Just as he was saying that they could now feel the ground trembling, all the trees ahead were falling as more beasts larger and seemed stronger were coming out.

When lily saw this, as much as she wanted them to fight and defend their base, she know it won't change anything at this moment. "Retreat, everyone retreat, head to the safe house," Lily shouted.

"No... It's happening, the miracle you said, I can feel it," Shad shouted unwilling to retreat, meanwhile, the others were receiving the shock of his life.

"Your legs, they are growing back!" Ron shouted. When looking around, Lily could also see what was happening to the others, those that were close to death were suddenly getting up while those that lost their limbs were growing them back.

Soon, Shad was back on his feet, "We can't retreat, we have to fight," He said, but was cut off by the voice from behind.

"Really, you are intending to lose your life after you have been saved, are you crazy," the voice said nonchalantly.

Shad was shocked and couldn't move, this was because the voice was familiar, a voice that belongs to someone he thought was dead. Quickly turning back, he looked at the person that had just spoken.

"Twain, Levi, Dike," on seeing the third person he recognized, Shad's words were stuck in his throat as he was finding it hard to believe his eye. "B..u..ll," his voice was cracking like he was about to cry.

"Remember our motto, a true soldier never cries," Bull said as he was also happy to see the person before him. Even at that, Shad shouldn't control the tears rolling down from his eyes.

"You, guys are still alive," he muttered.

Meanwhile, Lily's face frowned upon seeing them. "I thought you guys have left?"

"Well, someone came running after us saying you need our help that's why we are here," Nate answered.

Lily glanced at Tony who was still having Mini on his back. "What! We truly need their help, don't we?"

Lily could only sigh at this statement, they truly need their help no doubt about that.

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