
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
411 Chs

Walking dead 7.

Although the two guards before him were somehow still standing and ready to attack him now, Nate was more than sure that the two were not zombies nor do they have some sort of link to them.

Nate has a couple of reasons to think so, one was that the two do not have the scent of a zombie. Even if they somehow find a way to get rid of it, Nate has been a zombie for a long time now and could tell what is a zombie or a beast.

Regardless, for the sake of being sure, Nate used his analyzer skill on the two guards.

[Undead puppets]

The answer was simple and left Nate more confused than ever.

"Puppets...??" nate brown frowned.

Meanwhile, general goo who was standing right behind the two guards was carefully observing Nate's reaction and smiled.

"You are surprised right... Let me tell you, every single significant member of this base, either superhuman or not. They all have something inside their head that even they didn't have an idea of, this object is the reason why am the general here, it allows me to torture them when any one of them tries anything stupid, but you see... Zak once tried suppressing me, but unfortunately for him, he was one of those that have this device in their mind," general goo was confidential explaining to Nate what was happening.

"Is that it, is that why he's afraid of you and do you think that will work now...?!" Nate shouted out.

He was now clear why Zak was afraid of general goo. General Goo must have used this strange device in their mind to subdue him and the latter became afraid of the general after that day.

"Of course, that's not all... You see this device on my mind is connected to the one in their mind, ones any one of them dies, I will be informed, however, you shocked me honestly, because not only have I been informed of zak death but he suddenly returned alive I also found out that the device inside him somehow does not have any effect on him anymore,"

"You need to understand one thing, once one of those with the device in their mind dies, with the help of the headband on my head right now, I can take control of their body and command them to do my bidding, however, the device proclaimed you dead yet I can control you,"

"Even the subdue skill won't work. I at first thought that maybe Zak have found a way or had met someone that helped him in removing the device but my friend who was the one that placed the device on their head in the first place told me that the only way one can remove that device is through death but you are here still alive... That also brought me to another conclusion which seems to be the case. Zak after all was being controlled by someone," Goo said.

Hearing all that general goo said, Nate think he have an idea of why the subdue skill of the device wasn't working, it is all because Zak was now an undead. Since being an undead creature means that you won't ever feel pain.

"So you think these two guards will be able to stop me..?" Nate asked.

General Goo chuckled at this. "You think that after realizing all this change I will sit back and wait for it all to unfold... Nanhh... That's not me. I'm prepared for this and as for that home base you were talking about, say bye-bye to it," general goo said.

After saying that, he pulled out a walkie-talkie cell phone from his pocket. "Send out the jets now...!"

Nate seeing this knows that he has to act fast, he was about to lose his free daily experience point at this moment, if such a thing happens, he wonders where he will have to go to find a mission that can still grant him a massive experience point daily.

Honestly, Nate also has a question to ask General Goo. Questions like Who is this his friend he kept talking about and what do the two have in common? Regardless, he knows that even by killing general goo, he can still get the answers by eating his brain.

Nate quickly sent out some commands to his horde who were quick to act. Meanwhile, Nate himself was ready to grab General Goo.

Rushing forward again, Nate this time made sure to be a lot faster than before, he even activated his light foot skill to boost his speed rapidly.

He eventually managed to bypass the two guards again but this time, he was heading towards General Goo.

Forming a fist Nate was planning to create a hole in the general's chest, however, at the neck of time, just like before, he saw the two guards appearing right in front of him.

'What..! How is that possible, I am even using the light foot skill, how are these two still able to catch up with me,' Nate wondered.

Just like before, one of the guards blocked the punch while the other throw out a punch into Nate's chest sending him flying backwards.

[20% damage done on death-controlled horde Zak]

'Although this is not my real body and I don't mind getting hit a couple of times how the fuck was that punch stronger than before ?' Nate wondered.

Nate has seriously judged the two guards' capability by their first performance, however, not only have they not gotten faster, but they have somehow also gotten stronger.

"Ohhh... My bad...I forgot to tell you, when my nice puppets here are instructed to do something, they never fail to do that no matter what it takes. Right now, their main priority is to safeguard me from you and that is what they will do,"

"No matter how fast you get or how strong you get, they will be able to adapt to it and even surpass it just to keep me safe," General Goo explained while laughing.

Nate was not sure if he was misunderstanding what general goo just said. 'If what he's saying is right, that means these two will be able to somehow duplicate my strength and speed to add up to theirs...? If so, then how am I supposed to beat them? No wonder it was a diamond reward,' Nate thought.

Regardless, Nate believes that he could do a lot that the two guards couldn't do. 'Not like they can copy by power, I'm sure it only works on my physique or something of that sort,' he concluded and made another move.

Taking a step to the corner of the office, he could see one of the guards also moving along with him. Just when they were getting closer, Nate summoned his king-tier axe and at the same time activated his light foot again.

His speed doubled after summoning the axe and also using the light foot skill. Nate disappeared from the guard's face and headed towards General Goo.

However, Nate seems to have forgotten that there was another guard at the corner waiting for him to act towards the general.

Just as Nate was about to touch the general, the other guard throw out his fist. However, this time, Nate have the axe on him and altered it into a shield to block the strike.


With a thunderous explosion, Nate could be seen being pushed back. His foot was firmly planted on the ground yet he was pushed back by the punch.

'Again...it was stronger than before, it can also copy the boost from a beast weapon,' Nate realized.

Nate was truly irritated by this development and couldn't help but sigh.

Meanwhile, general goo who was standing behind the guards suddenly said. "While these two take care of you, I think I should rush out to and make arrangements for the support to wipe out those headaches you left outside," Goo said as he faced his back at the wall.

Surprisingly to Nate, he started to hear some sounds of mechanism as a small part of the wall slid open revealing a long passage that lead downwards.

Seeing this, Nate knows that general goo was about to leave the room. However, he couldn't do anything to stop him at this moment, the two guards were just too much of a barrier before him.

'And so what... If you can duplicate my speed and so, you better can do this,' Nate threw the axe at General Goo.

The axe was fast and what surprised Nate more was the look of panic that appeared before on goo face.

'It seems like they can't duplicate the speed of an object,' Nate thought with a smile.

Regardless, it was already too late, general goo has already gone into the passage and before the axe could follow up, the walls were closed leaving the axe to stick on it. Ice frosts spread through the wall.

'Shit...that was close...!'

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